blob: 2318821bed44098ae649532c8403c1808cfb53bc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package result
import (
// MinimalVariantTags accepts a list of tag-sets (e.g GPU tags, OS tags, etc),
// and returns an optimized list of variants, folding together variants that
// have identical result query-to-status mappings, and removing redundant tags.
// MinimalVariantTags will attempt to remove variant tags starting with the
// first set of tags in tagSets, then second, and so on. If a tag-set cannot
// be removed, then the tags of the set are left alone, and the algorithm will
// progress to the next tag-set.
// MinimalVariantTags assumes that there are no duplicate results (same query,
// same tags) in l.
func (l List) MinimalVariantTags(tagSets []Tags) []Variant {
type VariantData struct {
// The variant tags
tags Variant
// The query -> status for all results in l that have this variant's
// tags.
queryToStatus map[query.Query]Status
variants := []VariantData{}
// Build the initial list of variants from l.
// Bin result [query -> status] to the variant.
variantIndices := map[string]int{}
for _, r := range l {
key := TagsToString(r.Tags)
if idx, found := variantIndices[key]; !found {
variantIndices[key] = len(variants)
variants = append(variants, VariantData{
tags: Variant(r.Tags.Clone()),
queryToStatus: map[query.Query]Status{
r.Query: r.Status,
} else {
variants[idx].queryToStatus[r.Query] = r.Status
// canReduce checks that the variant would match the same results if the
// tags were reduced to 'tags'. Returns true if the variant's tags could
// be reduced, otherwise false.
canReduce := func(variant VariantData, tags Tags) bool {
for _, r := range l.FilterByTags(tags) {
existing, found := variant.queryToStatus[r.Query]
if !found {
// Removing the tag has expanded the set of queries.
return false
if existing != r.Status {
// Removing the tag has resulted in two queries with different
// results.
return false
return true
// tryToRemoveTags will remove all the tags in 'tags' from all variants
// iff doing so does not affect the set of results filtered by each variant.
// If it was possible to remove the tags, then variants that now have the
// same tags may be folded together, reducing the total number of variants.
tryToRemoveTags := func(tags Tags) {
newVariants := make([]VariantData, 0, len(variants))
for _, v := range variants {
// Does the variant even contain these tags?
if !v.tags.ContainsAny(tags) {
// Nope. Skip the canReduce() call, and keep the variant.
newVariants = append(newVariants, v)
// Build the new set of tags with 'tags' removed.
newTags := v.tags.Clone()
// Check wether removal of these tags affected the outcome.
if !canReduce(v, newTags) {
// Removing these tags resulted in differences.
return // Abort
newVariants = append(newVariants, VariantData{newTags, v.queryToStatus})
// Remove variants that are now subsets of others.
// Start by sorting the variants by number of tags.
// This ensures that the variants with fewer tags (fewer constraints)
// come first.
sort.Slice(newVariants, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(newVariants[i].tags) < len(newVariants[j].tags)
// Now check each variant's tags against the previous variant tags.
// As we've sorted, we know that supersets (fewer-tags) come before
// subsets (more-tags).
variants = []VariantData{}
for i, v1 := range newVariants { // for variants 0..N
for _, v2 := range newVariants[:i] { // for variants 0..i
if v1.tags.ContainsAll(v2.tags) {
continue nextVariant // v1 is a subset of v2. Omit.
variants = append(variants, v1)
// Attempt to remove the tag sets from the variants, one by one.
for _, tags := range tagSets {
// Return the final set of unique variants
out := make([]Variant, len(variants))
for i, v := range variants {
out[i] = v.tags
return out