blob: c66d8de7530089a00c367c901cd86a4ff628fcee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/spirv/writer/raise/var_for_dynamic_index.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/fluent_types.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/validator.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/array.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/matrix.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/pointer.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashmap.h"
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
namespace tint::spirv::writer::raise {
namespace {
// An access that needs replacing.
struct AccessToReplace {
// The access instruction.
ir::Access* access = nullptr;
// The index of the first dynamic index.
size_t first_dynamic_index = 0;
// The object type that corresponds to the source of the first dynamic index.
const core::type::Type* dynamic_index_source_type = nullptr;
// If the access indexes a vector, then the type of that vector
const core::type::Vector* vector_access_type = nullptr;
// A partial access chain that uses constant indices to get to an object that will be
// dynamically indexed.
struct PartialAccess {
// The base object.
ir::Value* base = nullptr;
// The list of constant indices to get from the base to the source object.
Vector<ir::Value*, 4> indices;
// A specialization of Hasher for PartialAccess.
struct Hasher {
inline std::size_t operator()(const PartialAccess& src) const {
return Hash(src.base, src.indices);
// An equality helper for PartialAccess.
bool operator==(const PartialAccess& other) const {
return base == other.base && indices == other.indices;
enum class Action { kStop, kContinue };
template <typename CALLBACK>
void WalkAccessChain(ir::Access* access, CALLBACK&& callback) {
auto indices = access->Indices();
auto* ty = access->Object()->Type();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.Length(); i++) {
if (callback(i, indices[i], ty) == Action::kStop) {
auto* const_idx = indices[i]->As<ir::Constant>();
ty = const_idx ? ty->Element(const_idx->Value()->ValueAs<u32>()) : ty->Elements().type;
std::optional<AccessToReplace> ShouldReplace(ir::Access* access) {
if (access->Result()->Type()->Is<core::type::Pointer>()) {
// No need to modify accesses into pointer types.
return {};
std::optional<AccessToReplace> result;
WalkAccessChain(access, [&](size_t i, ir::Value* index, const core::type::Type* ty) {
if (auto* vec = ty->As<core::type::Vector>()) {
// If we haven't found a dynamic index before the vector, then the transform doesn't
// need to hoist the access into a var as a vector value can be dynamically indexed.
// If we have found a dynamic index before the vector, then make a note that we're
// indexing a vector as we can't obtain a pointer to a vector element, so this needs to
// be handled specially.
if (result) {
result->vector_access_type = vec;
return Action::kStop;
// Check if this is the first dynamic index.
if (!result && !index->Is<ir::Constant>()) {
result = AccessToReplace{access, i, ty};
return Action::kContinue;
return result;
void Run(ir::Module* ir) {
ir::Builder builder(*ir);
// Find the access instructions that need replacing.
Vector<AccessToReplace, 4> worklist;
for (auto* inst : ir->instructions.Objects()) {
if (auto* access = inst->As<ir::Access>()) {
if (auto to_replace = ShouldReplace(access)) {
// Replace each access instruction that we recorded.
Hashmap<ir::Value*, ir::Value*, 4> object_to_local;
Hashmap<PartialAccess, ir::Value*, 4, PartialAccess::Hasher> source_object_to_value;
for (const auto& to_replace : worklist) {
auto* access = to_replace.access;
auto* source_object = access->Object();
// If the access starts with at least one constant index, extract the source of the first
// dynamic access to avoid copying the whole object.
if (to_replace.first_dynamic_index > 0) {
PartialAccess partial_access = {
access->Object(), access->Indices().Truncate(to_replace.first_dynamic_index)};
source_object = source_object_to_value.GetOrCreate(partial_access, [&] {
auto* intermediate_source = builder.Access(to_replace.dynamic_index_source_type,
source_object, partial_access.indices);
return intermediate_source->Result();
// Declare a local variable and copy the source object to it.
auto* local = object_to_local.GetOrCreate(source_object, [&] {
auto* decl = builder.Var(ir->Types().ptr(
core::AddressSpace::kFunction, source_object->Type(), core::Access::kReadWrite));
return decl->Result();
// Create a new access instruction using the local variable as the source.
Vector<ir::Value*, 4> indices{access->Indices().Offset(to_replace.first_dynamic_index)};
const core::type::Type* access_type = access->Result()->Type();
ir::Value* vector_index = nullptr;
if (to_replace.vector_access_type) {
// The old access indexed the element of a vector.
// Its not valid to obtain the address of an element of a vector, so we need to access
// up to the vector, then use LoadVectorElement to load the element.
// As a vector element is always a scalar, we know the last index of the access is the
// index on the vector. Pop that index to obtain the index to pass to
// LoadVectorElement(), and perform the rest of the access chain.
access_type = to_replace.vector_access_type;
vector_index = indices.Pop();
ir::Instruction* new_access = builder.Access(
ir->Types().ptr(core::AddressSpace::kFunction, access_type, core::Access::kReadWrite),
local, indices);
ir::Instruction* load = nullptr;
if (to_replace.vector_access_type) {
load = builder.LoadVectorElement(new_access->Result(), vector_index);
} else {
load = builder.Load(new_access);
// Replace all uses of the old access instruction with the loaded result.
} // namespace
Result<SuccessType, std::string> VarForDynamicIndex(ir::Module* ir) {
auto result = ValidateAndDumpIfNeeded(*ir, "VarForDynamicIndex transform");
if (!result) {
return result;
return Success;
} // namespace tint::spirv::writer::raise