blob: 4a48a422c05d66f3caa797052661b3f6b30af4c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <mutex>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "dawn/common/ContentLessObjectCacheable.h"
#include "dawn/common/Ref.h"
#include "dawn/common/RefCounted.h"
#include "dawn/common/StackContainer.h"
#include "dawn/common/WeakRef.h"
namespace dawn {
template <typename RefCountedT>
class ContentLessObjectCache;
namespace detail {
// Tagged-type to force special path for EqualityFunc when dealing with Erase. When erasing, we only
// care about pointer equality, not value equality. This is also particularly important because
// trying to promote on the Erase path can cause failures as the object's last ref could've been
// dropped already.
template <typename RefCountedT>
struct ForErase {
explicit ForErase(RefCountedT* value) : mValue(value) {}
RefCountedT* mValue;
// All cached WeakRefs must have an immutable hash value determined at insertion. This ensures that
// even if the last ref of the cached value is dropped, we still get the same hash in the set for
// erasing.
template <typename RefCountedT>
using WeakRefAndHash = std::pair<WeakRef<RefCountedT>, size_t>;
// The cache always holds WeakRefs internally, however, to enable lookups using pointers and special
// Erase equality, we use a variant type to branch.
template <typename RefCountedT>
using ContentLessObjectCacheKey =
std::variant<RefCountedT*, WeakRefAndHash<RefCountedT>, ForErase<RefCountedT>>;
enum class KeyType : size_t { Pointer = 0, WeakRef = 1, ForErase = 2 };
template <typename RefCountedT>
struct ContentLessObjectCacheHashVisitor {
using BaseHashFunc = typename RefCountedT::HashFunc;
size_t operator()(const RefCountedT* ptr) const { return BaseHashFunc()(ptr); }
size_t operator()(const WeakRefAndHash<RefCountedT>& weakref) const { return weakref.second; }
size_t operator()(const ForErase<RefCountedT>& forErase) const {
return BaseHashFunc()(forErase.mValue);
template <typename RefCountedT>
struct ContentLessObjectCacheKeyFuncs {
struct HashFunc {
size_t operator()(const ContentLessObjectCacheKey<RefCountedT>& key) const {
return std::visit(ContentLessObjectCacheHashVisitor<RefCountedT>(), key);
struct EqualityFunc {
explicit EqualityFunc(ContentLessObjectCache<RefCountedT>* cache) : mCache(cache) {}
bool operator()(const ContentLessObjectCacheKey<RefCountedT>& a,
const ContentLessObjectCacheKey<RefCountedT>& b) const {
// First check if we are in the erasing scenario. We need to determine this early
// because we handle the actual equality differently. Note that if either a or b is
// a ForErase, it is safe to use UnsafeGet for both a and b because either:
// (1) a == b, in which case that means we are destroying the last copy and must be
// valid because cached objects must uncache themselves before being completely
// destroyed.
// (2) a != b, in which case the lock on the cache guarantees that the element in the
// cache has not been erased yet and hence cannot have been destroyed.
bool erasing = std::holds_alternative<ForErase<RefCountedT>>(a) ||
auto ExtractKey = [](bool erasing, const ContentLessObjectCacheKey<RefCountedT>& x)
-> std::pair<RefCountedT*, Ref<RefCountedT>> {
RefCountedT* xPtr = nullptr;
Ref<RefCountedT> xRef;
switch (static_cast<KeyType>(x.index())) {
case KeyType::Pointer:
xPtr = std::get<RefCountedT*>(x);
case KeyType::WeakRef:
if (erasing) {
xPtr = std::get<WeakRefAndHash<RefCountedT>>(x).first.UnsafeGet();
} else {
xRef = std::get<WeakRefAndHash<RefCountedT>>(x).first.Promote();
xPtr = xRef.Get();
case KeyType::ForErase:
xPtr = std::get<ForErase<RefCountedT>>(x).mValue;
return {xPtr, xRef};
auto [aPtr, aRef] = ExtractKey(erasing, a);
auto [bPtr, bRef] = ExtractKey(erasing, b);
bool result = false;
if (aPtr == nullptr || bPtr == nullptr) {
result = false;
} else if (erasing) {
result = aPtr == bPtr;
} else {
result = typename RefCountedT::EqualityFunc()(aPtr, bPtr);
if (aRef != nullptr) {
if (bRef != nullptr) {
return result;
ContentLessObjectCache<RefCountedT>* mCache = nullptr;
} // namespace detail
template <typename RefCountedT>
class ContentLessObjectCache {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<detail::ContentLessObjectCacheableBase, RefCountedT>,
"Type must be cacheable to use with ContentLessObjectCache.");
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<RefCounted, RefCountedT>,
"Type must be refcounted to use with ContentLessObjectCache.");
using CacheKeyFuncs = detail::ContentLessObjectCacheKeyFuncs<RefCountedT>;
// Constructor needs to pass in 'this' to the EqualityFunc. Since the default bucket_count on
// sets is implementation defined, creating a temporary unused set to get the value. The actual
// type of the temporary does not matter.
: mCache(std::unordered_set<int>().bucket_count(),
typename CacheKeyFuncs::HashFunc(),
typename CacheKeyFuncs::EqualityFunc(this)) {}
// The dtor asserts that the cache is empty to aid in finding pointer leaks that can be
// possible if the RefCountedT doesn't correctly implement the DeleteThis function to Uncache.
~ContentLessObjectCache() { DAWN_ASSERT(Empty()); }
// Inserts the object into the cache returning a pair where the first is a Ref to the
// inserted or existing object, and the second is a bool that is true if we inserted
// `object` and false otherwise.
std::pair<Ref<RefCountedT>, bool> Insert(RefCountedT* obj) {
return WithLockAndCleanup([&]() -> std::pair<Ref<RefCountedT>, bool> {
detail::WeakRefAndHash<RefCountedT> weakref =
std::make_pair(GetWeakRef(obj), typename RefCountedT::HashFunc()(obj));
auto [it, inserted] = mCache.insert(weakref);
if (inserted) {
obj->mCache = this;
return {obj, inserted};
} else {
// Try to promote the found WeakRef to a Ref. If promotion fails, remove the old Key
// and insert this one.
Ref<RefCountedT> ref =
if (ref != nullptr) {
return {ref, false};
} else {
auto result = mCache.insert(weakref);
obj->mCache = this;
return {obj, true};
// Returns a valid Ref<T> if we can Promote the underlying WeakRef. Returns nullptr otherwise.
Ref<RefCountedT> Find(RefCountedT* blueprint) {
return WithLockAndCleanup([&]() -> Ref<RefCountedT> {
auto it = mCache.find(blueprint);
if (it != mCache.end()) {
return std::get<detail::WeakRefAndHash<RefCountedT>>(*it).first.Promote();
return nullptr;
// Erases the object from the cache if it exists and are pointer equal. Otherwise does not
// modify the cache. Since Erase never Promotes any WeakRefs, it does not need to be wrapped by
// a WithLockAndCleanup, and a simple lock is enough.
void Erase(RefCountedT* obj) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto it = mCache.find(detail::ForErase<RefCountedT>(obj));
if (it == mCache.end()) {
obj->mCache = nullptr;
// Returns true iff the cache is empty.
bool Empty() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
return mCache.empty();
friend struct CacheKeyFuncs::EqualityFunc;
void TrackTemporaryRef(Ref<RefCountedT> ref) { (*mTemporaryRefs)->push_back(std::move(ref)); }
template <typename F>
auto WithLockAndCleanup(F func) {
using RetType = decltype(func());
RetType result;
// Creates and owns a temporary StackVector that we point to internally to track Refs.
StackVector<Ref<RefCountedT>, 4> temps;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
mTemporaryRefs = &temps;
result = func();
mTemporaryRefs = nullptr;
return result;
std::mutex mMutex;
typename CacheKeyFuncs::HashFunc,
typename CacheKeyFuncs::EqualityFunc>
// The cache has a pointer to a StackVector of temporary Refs that are by-products of Promotes
// inside the EqualityFunc. These Refs need to outlive the EqualityFunc calls because otherwise,
// they could be the last living Ref of the object resulting in a re-entrant Erase call that
// deadlocks on the mutex. Since the default max_load_factor of most std::unordered_set
// implementations should be 1.0 (roughly 1 element per bucket), a StackVector of length 4
// should be enough space in most cases. See dawn:1993 for more details.
StackVector<Ref<RefCountedT>, 4>* mTemporaryRefs = nullptr;
} // namespace dawn