blob: 1d7f09e94f6f956ba26246580710f91fd9bc49ab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "dawn/common/Ref.h"
#include "dawn/common/ityp_array.h"
#include "dawn/common/ityp_bitset.h"
#include "dawn/native/Adapter.h"
#include "dawn/native/BackendConnection.h"
#include "dawn/native/BlobCache.h"
#include "dawn/native/EventManager.h"
#include "dawn/native/Features.h"
#include "dawn/native/RefCountedWithExternalCount.h"
#include "dawn/native/Toggles.h"
#include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h"
namespace dawn::platform {
class Platform;
} // namespace dawn::platform
namespace dawn::native {
class CallbackTaskManager;
class DeviceBase;
class Surface;
class X11Functions;
using BackendsBitset = ityp::bitset<wgpu::BackendType, kEnumCount<wgpu::BackendType>>;
using BackendsArray = ityp::
array<wgpu::BackendType, std::unique_ptr<BackendConnection>, kEnumCount<wgpu::BackendType>>;
wgpu::Bool APIGetInstanceFeatures(InstanceFeatures* features);
InstanceBase* APICreateInstance(const InstanceDescriptor* descriptor);
// This is called InstanceBase for consistency across the frontend, even if the backends don't
// specialize this class.
class InstanceBase final : public RefCountedWithExternalCount {
static Ref<InstanceBase> Create(const InstanceDescriptor* descriptor = nullptr);
void APIRequestAdapter(const RequestAdapterOptions* options,
WGPURequestAdapterCallback callback,
void* userdata);
// Deprecated: Discover physical devices and save them on the instance.
void DiscoverDefaultPhysicalDevices();
bool DiscoverPhysicalDevices(const PhysicalDeviceDiscoveryOptionsBase* options);
// Deprecated. Use EnumerateAdapters instead.
// Return adapters created on physical device discovered by the instance.
std::vector<Ref<AdapterBase>> GetAdapters() const;
// Discovers and returns a vector of adapters.
// All systems adapters that can be found are returned if no options are passed.
// Otherwise, returns adapters based on the `options`.
std::vector<Ref<AdapterBase>> EnumerateAdapters(const RequestAdapterOptions* options = nullptr);
size_t GetPhysicalDeviceCountForTesting() const;
// Used to handle error that happen up to device creation.
bool ConsumedError(MaybeError maybeError);
template <typename T>
bool ConsumedError(ResultOrError<T> resultOrError, T* result) {
if (resultOrError.IsError()) {
return true;
*result = resultOrError.AcquireSuccess();
return false;
// Consume an error and log its warning at most once. This is useful for
// physical device creation errors that happen because the backend is not
// supported or doesn't meet the required capabilities.
bool ConsumedErrorAndWarnOnce(MaybeError maybeError);
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] bool ConsumedErrorAndWarnOnce(ResultOrError<T> resultOrError, T* result) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(resultOrError.IsError())) {
return ConsumedErrorAndWarnOnce(resultOrError.AcquireError());
*result = resultOrError.AcquireSuccess();
return false;
const TogglesState& GetTogglesState() const;
// Used to query the details of a toggle. Return nullptr if toggleName is not a valid name
// of a toggle supported in Dawn.
const ToggleInfo* GetToggleInfo(const char* toggleName);
Toggle ToggleNameToEnum(const char* toggleName);
// Used to query the details of an feature. Return nullptr if featureName is not a valid
// name of an feature supported in Dawn.
const FeatureInfo* GetFeatureInfo(wgpu::FeatureName feature);
bool IsBackendValidationEnabled() const;
void SetBackendValidationLevel(BackendValidationLevel level);
BackendValidationLevel GetBackendValidationLevel() const;
void EnableBeginCaptureOnStartup(bool beginCaptureOnStartup);
bool IsBeginCaptureOnStartupEnabled() const;
// TODO( Move this to a Toggle, perhaps on RequestAdapterOptions
// after Toggle refactor is complete.
void EnableAdapterBlocklist(bool enable);
bool IsAdapterBlocklistEnabled() const;
// Testing only API that is NOT thread-safe.
void SetPlatformForTesting(dawn::platform::Platform* platform);
dawn::platform::Platform* GetPlatform();
BlobCache* GetBlobCache(bool enabled = true);
uint64_t GetDeviceCountForTesting() const;
void AddDevice(DeviceBase* device);
void RemoveDevice(DeviceBase* device);
const std::vector<std::string>& GetRuntimeSearchPaths() const;
const Ref<CallbackTaskManager>& GetCallbackTaskManager() const;
EventManager* GetEventManager();
// Get backend-independent libraries that need to be loaded dynamically.
const X11Functions* GetOrLoadX11Functions();
// Dawn API
Surface* APICreateSurface(const SurfaceDescriptor* descriptor);
void APIProcessEvents();
[[nodiscard]] wgpu::WaitStatus APIWaitAny(size_t count,
FutureWaitInfo* futures,
uint64_t timeoutNS);
explicit InstanceBase(const TogglesState& instanceToggles);
~InstanceBase() override;
void WillDropLastExternalRef() override;
InstanceBase(const InstanceBase& other) = delete;
InstanceBase& operator=(const InstanceBase& other) = delete;
MaybeError Initialize(const InstanceDescriptor* descriptor);
void SetPlatform(dawn::platform::Platform* platform);
// Lazily creates connections to all backends that have been compiled, may return null even for
// compiled in backends.
BackendConnection* GetBackendConnection(wgpu::BackendType backendType);
// Deprecated: Discover physical devices with options, and save them on the instance.
void DeprecatedDiscoverPhysicalDevices(const RequestAdapterOptions* options);
// Enumerate physical devices according to options and return them.
std::vector<Ref<PhysicalDeviceBase>> EnumeratePhysicalDevices(
const RequestAdapterOptions* options);
// Helper function that create adapter on given physical device handling required adapter
// toggles descriptor.
Ref<AdapterBase> CreateAdapter(Ref<PhysicalDeviceBase> physicalDevice,
FeatureLevel featureLevel,
const DawnTogglesDescriptor* requiredAdapterToggles,
wgpu::PowerPreference powerPreference) const;
void ConsumeError(std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error);
std::unordered_set<std::string> warningMessages;
std::vector<std::string> mRuntimeSearchPaths;
bool mBeginCaptureOnStartup = false;
bool mEnableAdapterBlocklist = false;
BackendValidationLevel mBackendValidationLevel = BackendValidationLevel::Disabled;
dawn::platform::Platform* mPlatform = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<dawn::platform::Platform> mDefaultPlatform;
std::unique_ptr<BlobCache> mBlobCache;
BlobCache mPassthroughBlobCache;
BackendsArray mBackends;
BackendsBitset mBackendsTried;
std::vector<Ref<PhysicalDeviceBase>> mDeprecatedPhysicalDevices;
bool mDeprecatedDiscoveredDefaultPhysicalDevices = false;
TogglesState mToggles;
TogglesInfo mTogglesInfo;
#if defined(DAWN_USE_X11)
std::unique_ptr<X11Functions> mX11Functions;
#endif // defined(DAWN_USE_X11)
Ref<CallbackTaskManager> mCallbackTaskManager;
EventManager mEventManager;
std::set<DeviceBase*> mDevicesList;
mutable std::mutex mDevicesListMutex;
} // namespace dawn::native