blob: 180ec03d647132591f9129ba0b66b709cbf4b6e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "dawn/common/FutureUtils.h"
#include "dawn/common/MutexProtected.h"
#include "dawn/common/NonCopyable.h"
#include "dawn/common/Ref.h"
#include "dawn/native/Error.h"
#include "dawn/native/IntegerTypes.h"
#include "dawn/native/SystemEvent.h"
namespace dawn::native {
struct InstanceDescriptor;
// Subcomponent of the Instance which tracks callback events for the Future-based callback
// entrypoints. All events from this instance (regardless of whether from an adapter, device, queue,
// etc.) are tracked here, and used by the instance-wide ProcessEvents and WaitAny entrypoints.
// TODO( Can this eventually replace CallbackTaskManager?
// There are various ways to optimize ProcessEvents/WaitAny:
// - TODO( Only pay attention to the earliest serial on each queue.
// - TODO( Spontaneously set events as "early-ready" in other places when we see
// serials advance, e.g. Submit, or when checking a later wait before an earlier wait.
// - TODO( For thread-driven events (async pipeline compilation and Metal queue
// events), defer tracking for ProcessEvents until the event is already completed.
// - TODO( Avoid creating OS events until they're actually needed (see the todo
// in TrackedEvent).
class EventManager final : NonMovable {
MaybeError Initialize(const InstanceDescriptor*);
// Called by WillDropLastExternalRef. Once shut down, the EventManager stops tracking anything.
// It drops any refs to TrackedEvents, to break reference cycles. If doing so frees the last ref
// of any uncompleted TrackedEvents, they'll get completed with EventCompletionType::Shutdown.
void ShutDown();
class TrackedEvent;
// Track a TrackedEvent and give it a FutureID.
[[nodiscard]] FutureID TrackEvent(wgpu::CallbackMode mode, Ref<TrackedEvent>&&);
void ProcessPollEvents();
[[nodiscard]] wgpu::WaitStatus WaitAny(size_t count,
FutureWaitInfo* infos,
Nanoseconds timeout);
bool mTimedWaitAnyEnable = false;
size_t mTimedWaitAnyMaxCount = kTimedWaitAnyMaxCountDefault;
std::atomic<FutureID> mNextFutureID = 1;
// Only 1 thread is allowed to call ProcessEvents at a time. This lock ensures that.
std::mutex mProcessEventLock;
// Freed once the user has dropped their last ref to the Instance, so can't call WaitAny or
// ProcessEvents anymore. This breaks reference cycles.
using EventMap = std::unordered_map<FutureID, Ref<TrackedEvent>>;
std::optional<MutexProtected<EventMap>> mEvents;
// Base class for the objects that back WGPUFutures. TrackedEvent is responsible for the lifetime
// the callback it contains. If TrackedEvent gets destroyed before it completes, it's responsible
// for cleaning up (by calling the callback with an "Unknown" status).
// For Future-based and ProcessEvents-based TrackedEvents, the EventManager will track them for
// completion in WaitAny or ProcessEvents. However, once the Instance has lost all its external
// refs, the user can't call either of those methods anymore, so EventManager will stop holding refs
// to any TrackedEvents. Any which are not ref'd elsewhere (in order to be `Spontaneous`ly
// completed) will be cleaned up at that time.
class EventManager::TrackedEvent : public RefCounted {
// Note: TrackedEvents are (currently) only for Device events. Events like RequestAdapter and
// RequestDevice complete immediately in dawn native, so should never need to be tracked.
TrackedEvent(DeviceBase* device,
wgpu::CallbackMode callbackMode,
SystemEventReceiver&& receiver);
// Subclasses must implement this to complete the event (if not completed) with
// EventCompletionType::Shutdown.
~TrackedEvent() override;
class WaitRef;
const SystemEventReceiver& GetReceiver() const;
DeviceBase* GetWaitDevice() const;
void EnsureComplete(EventCompletionType);
void CompleteIfSpontaneous();
// True if the event can only be waited using its device (e.g. with vkWaitForFences).
// False if it can be waited using OS-level wait primitives (WaitAnySystemEvent).
virtual bool MustWaitUsingDevice() const = 0;
virtual void Complete(EventCompletionType) = 0;
// This creates a temporary ref cycle (Device->Instance->EventManager->TrackedEvent).
// This is OK because the instance will clear out the EventManager on shutdown.
// TODO( This is a bit fragile. Is it possible to remove the ref cycle?
Ref<DeviceBase> mDevice;
wgpu::CallbackMode mCallbackMode;
std::atomic<bool> mCurrentlyBeingWaited;
friend class EventManager;
// TODO( Optimize by creating an SystemEventReceiver only once actually
// needed (the user asks for a timed wait or an OS event handle). This should be generally
// achievable:
// - For thread-driven events (async pipeline compilation and Metal queue events), use a mutex
// or atomics to atomically:
// - On wait: { check if mKnownReady. if not, create the SystemEventPipe }
// - On signal: { check if there's an SystemEventPipe. if not, set mKnownReady }
// - For D3D12/Vulkan fences, on timed waits, first use GetCompletedValue/GetFenceStatus, then
// create an OS event if it's not ready yet (and we don't have one yet).
// This abstraction should probably be hidden from TrackedEvent - previous attempts to do
// something similar in TrackedEvent turned out to be quite confusing. It can instead be an
// "optimization" to the SystemEvent* or a layer between TrackedEvent and SystemEventReceiver.
SystemEventReceiver mReceiver;
// Callback has been called.
std::atomic<bool> mCompleted = false;
// A Ref<TrackedEvent>, but ASSERTing that a future isn't used concurrently in multiple
// WaitAny/ProcessEvents call (by checking that there's never more than one WaitRef for a
// TrackedEvent). While concurrent calls on the same futures are not explicitly disallowed, they are
// generally unintentional, and hence this can help to identify potential bugs. Note that for
// WaitAny, this checks the embedder's behavior, but for ProcessEvents this is only an internal
// DAWN_ASSERT (it's supposed to be synchronized so that this never happens).
class EventManager::TrackedEvent::WaitRef : dawn::NonCopyable {
WaitRef(WaitRef&& rhs) = default;
WaitRef& operator=(WaitRef&& rhs) = default;
explicit WaitRef(TrackedEvent* future);
TrackedEvent* operator->();
const TrackedEvent* operator->() const;
Ref<TrackedEvent> mRef;
// TrackedEvent::WaitRef plus a few extra fields needed for some implementations.
// Sometimes they'll be unused, but that's OK; it simplifies code reuse.
struct TrackedFutureWaitInfo {
FutureID futureID;
EventManager::TrackedEvent::WaitRef event;
// Used by EventManager::ProcessPollEvents
size_t indexInInfos;
// Used by EventManager::ProcessPollEvents and ::WaitAny
bool ready;
} // namespace dawn::native