blob: d326489a56d4b34cd6dca542693798f933c410d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_native/d3d12/TextureCopySplitter.h"
#include "common/Assert.h"
#include "dawn_native/Format.h"
#include "dawn_native/d3d12/d3d12_platform.h"
namespace dawn_native { namespace d3d12 {
namespace {
Origin3D ComputeTexelOffsets(const TexelBlockInfo& blockInfo,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t bytesPerRow,
uint32_t slicePitch) {
ASSERT(bytesPerRow != 0);
ASSERT(slicePitch != 0);
uint32_t byteOffsetX = offset % bytesPerRow;
offset -= byteOffsetX;
uint32_t byteOffsetY = offset % slicePitch;
uint32_t byteOffsetZ = offset - byteOffsetY;
return {byteOffsetX / blockInfo.byteSize * blockInfo.width,
byteOffsetY / bytesPerRow * blockInfo.height, byteOffsetZ / slicePitch};
} // namespace
Texture2DCopySplit ComputeTextureCopySplit(Origin3D origin,
Extent3D copySize,
const TexelBlockInfo& blockInfo,
uint64_t offset,
uint32_t bytesPerRow,
uint32_t rowsPerImage) {
Texture2DCopySplit copy;
ASSERT(bytesPerRow % blockInfo.byteSize == 0);
uint64_t alignedOffset =
offset & ~static_cast<uint64_t>(D3D12_TEXTURE_DATA_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT - 1);
copy.offset = alignedOffset;
if (offset == alignedOffset) {
copy.count = 1;
copy.copies[0].textureOffset = origin;
copy.copies[0].copySize = copySize;
copy.copies[0].bufferOffset.x = 0;
copy.copies[0].bufferOffset.y = 0;
copy.copies[0].bufferOffset.z = 0;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize = copySize;
// Return early. There is only one copy needed because the offset is already 512-byte
// aligned
return copy;
ASSERT(alignedOffset < offset);
uint32_t slicePitch = bytesPerRow * rowsPerImage;
Origin3D texelOffset = ComputeTexelOffsets(
blockInfo, static_cast<uint32_t>(offset - alignedOffset), bytesPerRow, slicePitch);
uint32_t copyBytesPerRowPitch = copySize.width / blockInfo.width * blockInfo.byteSize;
uint32_t byteOffsetInRowPitch = texelOffset.x / blockInfo.width * blockInfo.byteSize;
uint32_t rowsPerImageInTexels = rowsPerImage * blockInfo.height;
if (copyBytesPerRowPitch + byteOffsetInRowPitch <= bytesPerRow) {
// The region's rows fit inside the bytes per row. In this case, extend the width of the
// PlacedFootprint and copy the buffer with an offset location
// |<------------- bytes per row ------------->|
// |-------------------------------------------|
// | |
// | +++++++++++++++++~~~~~~~~~|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++~~~~~~~~~|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++~~~~~~~~~|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++~~~~~~~~~|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++ |
// |-------------------------------------------|
// Copy 0:
// |----------------------------------|
// | |
// | +++++++++++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+++++++++++++++++|
// |----------------------------------|
copy.count = 1;
copy.copies[0].textureOffset = origin;
copy.copies[0].copySize = copySize;
copy.copies[0].bufferOffset = texelOffset;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize.width = copySize.width + texelOffset.x;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize.height = rowsPerImageInTexels + texelOffset.y;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize.depth = copySize.depth + texelOffset.z;
return copy;
// The region's rows straddle the bytes per row. Split the copy into two copies
// |<------------- bytes per row ------------->|
// |-------------------------------------------|
// | |
// | ++++++++|
// |+++++++++~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |+++++++++~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |+++++++++~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |+++++++++~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |+++++++++ |
// |-------------------------------------------|
// Copy 0:
// |-------------------------------------------|
// | |
// | ++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~++++++++|
// |-------------------------------------------|
// Copy 1:
// |---------|
// | |
// | |
// |+++++++++|
// |+++++++++|
// |+++++++++|
// |+++++++++|
// |+++++++++|
// |---------|
copy.count = 2;
copy.copies[0].textureOffset = origin;
ASSERT(bytesPerRow > byteOffsetInRowPitch);
uint32_t texelsPerRow = bytesPerRow / blockInfo.byteSize * blockInfo.width;
copy.copies[0].copySize.width = texelsPerRow - texelOffset.x;
copy.copies[0].copySize.height = copySize.height;
copy.copies[0].copySize.depth = copySize.depth;
copy.copies[0].bufferOffset = texelOffset;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize.width = texelsPerRow;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize.height = rowsPerImageInTexels + texelOffset.y;
copy.copies[0].bufferSize.depth = copySize.depth + texelOffset.z;
copy.copies[1].textureOffset.x = origin.x + copy.copies[0].copySize.width;
copy.copies[1].textureOffset.y = origin.y;
copy.copies[1].textureOffset.z = origin.z;
ASSERT(copySize.width > copy.copies[0].copySize.width);
copy.copies[1].copySize.width = copySize.width - copy.copies[0].copySize.width;
copy.copies[1].copySize.height = copySize.height;
copy.copies[1].copySize.depth = copySize.depth;
copy.copies[1].bufferOffset.x = 0;
copy.copies[1].bufferOffset.y = texelOffset.y + blockInfo.height;
copy.copies[1].bufferOffset.z = texelOffset.z;
copy.copies[1].bufferSize.width = copy.copies[1].copySize.width;
copy.copies[1].bufferSize.height = rowsPerImageInTexels + texelOffset.y + blockInfo.height;
copy.copies[1].bufferSize.depth = copySize.depth + texelOffset.z;
return copy;
TextureCopySplits ComputeTextureCopySplits(Origin3D origin,
Extent3D copySize,
const TexelBlockInfo& blockInfo,
uint64_t offset,
uint32_t bytesPerRow,
uint32_t rowsPerImage) {
TextureCopySplits copies;
const uint64_t bytesPerSlice = bytesPerRow * rowsPerImage;
// The function ComputeTextureCopySplit() decides how to split the copy based on:
// - the alignment of the buffer offset with D3D12_TEXTURE_DATA_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT (512)
// - the alignment of the buffer offset with D3D12_TEXTURE_DATA_PITCH_ALIGNMENT (256)
// Each slice of a 2D array or 3D copy might need to be split, but because of the WebGPU
// constraint that "bytesPerRow" must be a multiple of 256, all odd (resp. all even) slices
// will be at an offset multiple of 512 of each other, which means they will all result in
// the same 2D split. Thus we can just compute the copy splits for the first and second
// slices, and reuse them for the remaining slices by adding the related offset of each
// slice. Moreover, if "rowsPerImage" is even, both the first and second copy layers can
// share the same copy split, so in this situation we just need to compute copy split once
// and reuse it for all the slices.
const dawn_native::Extent3D copyOneLayerSize = {copySize.width, copySize.height, 1};
const dawn_native::Origin3D copyFirstLayerOrigin = {origin.x, origin.y, 0};
copies.copies2D[0] = ComputeTextureCopySplit(copyFirstLayerOrigin, copyOneLayerSize,
blockInfo, offset, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage);
// When the copy only refers one texture 2D array layer copies.copies2D[1] will never be
// used so we can safely early return here.
if (copySize.depth == 1) {
return copies;
if (bytesPerSlice % D3D12_TEXTURE_DATA_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT == 0) {
copies.copies2D[1] = copies.copies2D[0];
copies.copies2D[1].offset += bytesPerSlice;
} else {
const uint64_t bufferOffsetNextLayer = offset + bytesPerSlice;
copies.copies2D[1] =
ComputeTextureCopySplit(copyFirstLayerOrigin, copyOneLayerSize, blockInfo,
bufferOffsetNextLayer, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage);
return copies;
}} // namespace dawn_native::d3d12