blob: 4239e7dda92fe576f78f65d299531ddaa25fed0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common/Assert.h"
#include "common/Constants.h"
#include "common/Math.h"
#include "tests/DawnTest.h"
#include "utils/ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor.h"
#include "utils/WGPUHelpers.h"
constexpr static uint32_t kRTSize = 8;
class BindGroupTests : public DawnTest {
wgpu::CommandBuffer CreateSimpleComputeCommandBuffer(const wgpu::ComputePipeline& pipeline,
const wgpu::BindGroup& bindGroup) {
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginComputePass();
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
return encoder.Finish();
wgpu::PipelineLayout MakeBasicPipelineLayout(
std::vector<wgpu::BindGroupLayout> bindingInitializer) const {
wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.bindGroupLayoutCount = bindingInitializer.size();
descriptor.bindGroupLayouts =;
return device.CreatePipelineLayout(&descriptor);
wgpu::ShaderModule MakeSimpleVSModule() const {
return utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
void main() {
const vec2 pos[3] = vec2[3](vec2(-1.f, 1.f), vec2(1.f, 1.f), vec2(-1.f, -1.f));
gl_Position = vec4(pos[gl_VertexIndex], 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::ShaderModule MakeFSModule(std::vector<wgpu::BindingType> bindingTypes) const {
ASSERT(bindingTypes.size() <= kMaxBindGroups);
std::ostringstream fs;
fs << R"(
#version 450
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bindingTypes.size(); ++i) {
switch (bindingTypes[i]) {
case wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer:
fs << "layout (std140, set = " << i << ", binding = 0) uniform UniformBuffer"
<< i << R"( {
vec4 color;
} buffer)"
<< i << ";\n";
case wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer:
fs << "layout (std430, set = " << i << ", binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer"
<< i << R"( {
vec4 color;
} buffer)"
<< i << ";\n";
fs << R"(
void main() {
fragColor = vec4(0.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bindingTypes.size(); ++i) {
fs << "fragColor += buffer" << i << ".color;\n";
fs << "}\n";
return utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment,
wgpu::RenderPipeline MakeTestPipeline(const utils::BasicRenderPass& renderPass,
std::vector<wgpu::BindingType> bindingTypes,
std::vector<wgpu::BindGroupLayout> bindGroupLayouts) {
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule = MakeSimpleVSModule();
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule = MakeFSModule(bindingTypes);
wgpu::PipelineLayout pipelineLayout = MakeBasicPipelineLayout(bindGroupLayouts);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor(device);
pipelineDescriptor.layout = pipelineLayout;
pipelineDescriptor.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
pipelineDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].colorBlend.operation = wgpu::BlendOperation::Add;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].colorBlend.srcFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::One;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].colorBlend.dstFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::One;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].alphaBlend.operation = wgpu::BlendOperation::Add;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].alphaBlend.srcFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::One;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].alphaBlend.dstFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::One;
return device.CreateRenderPipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
// Test a bindgroup reused in two command buffers in the same call to queue.Submit().
// This test passes by not asserting or crashing.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, ReusedBindGroupSingleSubmit) {
const char* shader = R"(
#version 450
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform Contents {
float f;
} contents;
void main() {
wgpu::ShaderModule module =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Compute, shader);
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor cpDesc;
cpDesc.computeStage.module = module;
cpDesc.computeStage.entryPoint = "main";
wgpu::ComputePipeline cp = device.CreateComputePipeline(&cpDesc);
wgpu::BufferDescriptor bufferDesc;
bufferDesc.size = sizeof(float);
bufferDesc.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst | wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform;
wgpu::Buffer buffer = device.CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, cp.GetBindGroupLayout(0), {{0, buffer}});
wgpu::CommandBuffer cb[2];
cb[0] = CreateSimpleComputeCommandBuffer(cp, bindGroup);
cb[1] = CreateSimpleComputeCommandBuffer(cp, bindGroup);
queue.Submit(2, cb);
// Test a bindgroup containing a UBO which is used in both the vertex and fragment shader.
// It contains a transformation matrix for the VS and the fragment color for the FS.
// These must result in different register offsets in the native APIs.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, ReusedUBO) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform vertexUniformBuffer {
mat2 transform;
void main() {
const vec2 pos[3] = vec2[3](vec2(-1.f, 1.f), vec2(1.f, 1.f), vec2(-1.f, -1.f));
gl_Position = vec4(transform * pos[gl_VertexIndex], 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 1) uniform fragmentUniformBuffer {
vec4 color;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = color;
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor textureDescriptor(device);
textureDescriptor.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
textureDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
textureDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&textureDescriptor);
struct Data {
float transform[8];
char padding[256 - 8 * sizeof(float)];
float color[4];
ASSERT(offsetof(Data, color) == 256);
constexpr float dummy = 0.0f;
Data data{
{1.f, 0.f, dummy, dummy, 0.f, 1.0f, dummy, dummy},
{0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f},
wgpu::Buffer buffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &data, sizeof(data), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = utils::MakeBindGroup(
device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, buffer, 0, sizeof(Data::transform)}, {1, buffer, 256, sizeof(Data::color)}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
RGBA8 filled(0, 255, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Test a bindgroup containing a UBO in the vertex shader and a sampler and texture in the fragment
// shader. In D3D12 for example, these different types of bindings end up in different namespaces,
// but the register offsets used must match between the shader module and descriptor range.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, UBOSamplerAndTexture) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform vertexUniformBuffer {
mat2 transform;
void main() {
const vec2 pos[3] = vec2[3](vec2(-1.f, 1.f), vec2(1.f, 1.f), vec2(-1.f, -1.f));
gl_Position = vec4(transform * pos[gl_VertexIndex], 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler samp;
layout (set = 0, binding = 2) uniform texture2D tex;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = texture(sampler2D(tex, samp), gl_FragCoord.xy);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor(device);
pipelineDescriptor.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
pipelineDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
constexpr float dummy = 0.0f;
constexpr float transform[] = {1.f, 0.f, dummy, dummy, 0.f, 1.f, dummy, dummy};
wgpu::Buffer buffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &transform, sizeof(transform),
wgpu::SamplerDescriptor samplerDescriptor = {};
samplerDescriptor.minFilter = wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest;
samplerDescriptor.magFilter = wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest;
samplerDescriptor.mipmapFilter = wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest;
samplerDescriptor.addressModeU = wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge;
samplerDescriptor.addressModeV = wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge;
samplerDescriptor.addressModeW = wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge;
wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler(&samplerDescriptor);
wgpu::TextureDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.dimension = wgpu::TextureDimension::e2D;
descriptor.size.width = kRTSize;
descriptor.size.height = kRTSize;
descriptor.size.depth = 1;
descriptor.sampleCount = 1;
descriptor.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
descriptor.mipLevelCount = 1;
descriptor.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst | wgpu::TextureUsage::Sampled;
wgpu::Texture texture = device.CreateTexture(&descriptor);
wgpu::TextureView textureView = texture.CreateView();
uint32_t width = kRTSize, height = kRTSize;
uint32_t widthInBytes = width * sizeof(RGBA8);
widthInBytes = (widthInBytes + 255) & ~255;
uint32_t sizeInBytes = widthInBytes * height;
uint32_t size = sizeInBytes / sizeof(RGBA8);
std::vector<RGBA8> data = std::vector<RGBA8>(size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = RGBA8(0, 255, 0, 255);
wgpu::Buffer stagingBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, sizeInBytes, wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, buffer, 0, sizeof(transform)}, {1, sampler}, {2, textureView}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
utils::CreateBufferCopyView(stagingBuffer, 0, widthInBytes, 0);
wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, {0, 0, 0});
wgpu::Extent3D copySize = {width, height, 1};
encoder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
RGBA8 filled(0, 255, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, MultipleBindLayouts) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform vertexUniformBuffer1 {
mat2 transform1;
layout (set = 1, binding = 0) uniform vertexUniformBuffer2 {
mat2 transform2;
void main() {
const vec2 pos[3] = vec2[3](vec2(-1.f, 1.f), vec2(1.f, 1.f), vec2(-1.f, -1.f));
gl_Position = vec4((transform1 + transform2) * pos[gl_VertexIndex], 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 1) uniform fragmentUniformBuffer1 {
vec4 color1;
layout (set = 1, binding = 1) uniform fragmentUniformBuffer2 {
vec4 color2;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = color1 + color2;
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor textureDescriptor(device);
textureDescriptor.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
textureDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
textureDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&textureDescriptor);
struct Data {
float transform[8];
char padding[256 - 8 * sizeof(float)];
float color[4];
ASSERT(offsetof(Data, color) == 256);
std::vector<Data> data;
std::vector<wgpu::Buffer> buffers;
std::vector<wgpu::BindGroup> bindGroups;
{{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0}, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}});
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0}, {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}});
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
wgpu::Buffer buffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &data[i], sizeof(Data), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
bindGroups.push_back(utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, buffers[i], 0, sizeof(Data::transform)},
{1, buffers[i], 256, sizeof(Data::color)}}));
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroups[0]);
pass.SetBindGroup(1, bindGroups[1]);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
RGBA8 filled(255, 255, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// This test reproduces an out-of-bound bug on D3D12 backends when calling draw command twice with
// one pipeline that has 4 bind group sets in one render pass.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, DrawTwiceInSamePipelineWithFourBindGroupSets) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::BindGroupLayout layout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer}});
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline =
{wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer,
wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
{layout, layout, layout, layout});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
// The color will be added 8 times, so the value should be 0.125. But we choose 0.126
// because of precision issues on some devices (for example NVIDIA bots).
std::array<float, 4> color = {0.126, 0, 0, 0.126};
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &color, sizeof(color), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, layout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, sizeof(color)}});
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
pass.SetBindGroup(1, bindGroup);
pass.SetBindGroup(2, bindGroup);
pass.SetBindGroup(3, bindGroup);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
RGBA8 filled(255, 0, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Test that bind groups can be set before the pipeline.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, SetBindGroupBeforePipeline) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
// Create a bind group layout which uses a single uniform buffer.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout layout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer}});
// Create a pipeline that uses the uniform bind group layout.
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline =
MakeTestPipeline(renderPass, {wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer}, {layout});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
// Create a bind group with a uniform buffer and fill it with RGBAunorm(1, 0, 0, 1).
std::array<float, 4> color = {1, 0, 0, 1};
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &color, sizeof(color), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, layout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, sizeof(color)}});
// Set the bind group, then the pipeline, and draw.
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// The result should be red.
RGBA8 filled(255, 0, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Test that dynamic bind groups can be set before the pipeline.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, SetDynamicBindGroupBeforePipeline) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
// Create a bind group layout which uses a single dynamic uniform buffer.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout layout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, true}});
// Create a pipeline that uses the dynamic uniform bind group layout for two bind groups.
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = MakeTestPipeline(
renderPass, {wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
{layout, layout});
// Prepare data RGBAunorm(1, 0, 0, 0.5) and RGBAunorm(0, 1, 0, 0.5). They will be added in the
// shader.
std::array<float, 4> color0 = {1, 0, 0, 0.501};
std::array<float, 4> color1 = {0, 1, 0, 0.501};
size_t color1Offset = Align(sizeof(color0), kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment);
std::vector<uint8_t> data(color1Offset + sizeof(color1));
memcpy(,, sizeof(color0));
memcpy( + color1Offset,, sizeof(color1));
// Create a bind group and uniform buffer with the color data. It will be bound at the offset
// to each color.
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, data.size(), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, layout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
// Set the first dynamic bind group.
uint32_t dynamicOffset = 0;
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the second dynamic bind group.
dynamicOffset = color1Offset;
pass.SetBindGroup(1, bindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the pipeline and draw.
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// The result should be RGBAunorm(1, 0, 0, 0.5) + RGBAunorm(0, 1, 0, 0.5)
RGBA8 filled(255, 255, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Test that bind groups set for one pipeline are still set when the pipeline changes.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, BindGroupsPersistAfterPipelineChange) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
// Create a bind group layout which uses a single dynamic uniform buffer.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout uniformLayout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, true}});
// Create a bind group layout which uses a single dynamic storage buffer.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout storageLayout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer, true}});
// Create a pipeline which uses the uniform buffer and storage buffer bind groups.
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline0 = MakeTestPipeline(
renderPass, {wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
{uniformLayout, storageLayout});
// Create a pipeline which uses the uniform buffer bind group twice.
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline1 = MakeTestPipeline(
renderPass, {wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer},
{uniformLayout, uniformLayout});
// Prepare data RGBAunorm(1, 0, 0, 0.5) and RGBAunorm(0, 1, 0, 0.5). They will be added in the
// shader.
std::array<float, 4> color0 = {1, 0, 0, 0.5};
std::array<float, 4> color1 = {0, 1, 0, 0.5};
size_t color1Offset = Align(sizeof(color0), kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment);
std::vector<uint8_t> data(color1Offset + sizeof(color1));
memcpy(,, sizeof(color0));
memcpy( + color1Offset,, sizeof(color1));
// Create a bind group and uniform buffer with the color data. It will be bound at the offset
// to each color.
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, data.size(), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, uniformLayout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
// Set the first pipeline (uniform, storage).
// Set the first bind group at a dynamic offset.
// This bind group matches the slot in the pipeline layout.
uint32_t dynamicOffset = 0;
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the second bind group at a dynamic offset.
// This bind group does not match the slot in the pipeline layout.
dynamicOffset = color1Offset;
pass.SetBindGroup(1, bindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the second pipeline (uniform, uniform).
// Both bind groups match the pipeline.
// They should persist and not need to be bound again.
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// The result should be RGBAunorm(1, 0, 0, 0.5) + RGBAunorm(0, 1, 0, 0.5)
RGBA8 filled(255, 255, 0, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Do a successful draw. Then, change the pipeline and one bind group.
// Draw to check that the all bind groups are set.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, DrawThenChangePipelineAndBindGroup) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
// Create a bind group layout which uses a single dynamic uniform buffer.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout uniformLayout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, true}});
// Create a bind group layout which uses a single dynamic storage buffer.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout storageLayout = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer, true}});
// Create a pipeline with pipeline layout (uniform, uniform, storage).
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline0 =
{wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer,
{uniformLayout, uniformLayout, storageLayout});
// Create a pipeline with pipeline layout (uniform, storage, storage).
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline1 =
{wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer,
{uniformLayout, storageLayout, storageLayout});
// Prepare color data.
// The first draw will use { color0, color1, color2 }.
// The second draw will use { color0, color3, color2 }.
// The pipeline uses additive color and alpha blending so the result of two draws should be
// { 2 * color0 + color1 + 2 * color2 + color3} = RGBAunorm(1, 1, 1, 1)
std::array<float, 4> color0 = {0.501, 0, 0, 0};
std::array<float, 4> color1 = {0, 1, 0, 0};
std::array<float, 4> color2 = {0, 0, 0, 0.501};
std::array<float, 4> color3 = {0, 0, 1, 0};
size_t color1Offset = Align(sizeof(color0), kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment);
size_t color2Offset = Align(color1Offset + sizeof(color1), kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment);
size_t color3Offset = Align(color2Offset + sizeof(color2), kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment);
std::vector<uint8_t> data(color3Offset + sizeof(color3), 0);
memcpy(,, sizeof(color0));
memcpy( + color1Offset,, sizeof(color1));
memcpy( + color2Offset,, sizeof(color2));
memcpy( + color3Offset,, sizeof(color3));
// Create a uniform and storage buffer bind groups to bind the color data.
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, data.size(), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::Buffer storageBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, data.size(), wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage);
wgpu::BindGroup uniformBindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, uniformLayout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}});
wgpu::BindGroup storageBindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, storageLayout, {{0, storageBuffer, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
// Set the pipeline to (uniform, uniform, storage)
// Set the first bind group to color0 in the dynamic uniform buffer.
uint32_t dynamicOffset = 0;
pass.SetBindGroup(0, uniformBindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the first bind group to color1 in the dynamic uniform buffer.
dynamicOffset = color1Offset;
pass.SetBindGroup(1, uniformBindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the first bind group to color2 in the dynamic storage buffer.
dynamicOffset = color2Offset;
pass.SetBindGroup(2, storageBindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
// Set the pipeline to (uniform, storage, storage)
// - The first bind group should persist (inherited on some backends)
// - The second bind group needs to be set again to pass validation.
// It changed from uniform to storage.
// - The third bind group should persist. It should be set again by the backend internally.
// Set the second bind group to color3 in the dynamic storage buffer.
dynamicOffset = color3Offset;
pass.SetBindGroup(1, storageBindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
RGBA8 filled(255, 255, 255, 255);
RGBA8 notFilled(0, 0, 0, 0);
uint32_t min = 1, max = kRTSize - 3;
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, max, min);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, min, max);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(notFilled, renderPass.color, max, max);
// Regression test for where dynamic offsets were applied in the wrong order.
// Dynamic offsets should be applied in increasing order of binding number.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, DynamicOffsetOrder) {
// We will put the following values and the respective offsets into a buffer.
// The test will ensure that the correct dynamic offset is applied to each buffer by reading the
// value from an offset binding.
std::array<uint32_t, 3> offsets = {3 * kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment,
1 * kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment,
2 * kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment};
std::array<uint32_t, 3> values = {21, 67, 32};
// Create three buffers large enough to by offset by the largest offset.
wgpu::BufferDescriptor bufferDescriptor;
bufferDescriptor.size = 3 * kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment + sizeof(uint32_t);
bufferDescriptor.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst;
wgpu::Buffer buffer0 = device.CreateBuffer(&bufferDescriptor);
wgpu::Buffer buffer3 = device.CreateBuffer(&bufferDescriptor);
// This test uses both storage and uniform buffers to ensure buffer bindings are sorted first by
// binding number before type.
bufferDescriptor.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst;
wgpu::Buffer buffer2 = device.CreateBuffer(&bufferDescriptor);
// Populate the values
queue.WriteBuffer(buffer0, offsets[0], &values[0], sizeof(uint32_t));
queue.WriteBuffer(buffer2, offsets[1], &values[1], sizeof(uint32_t));
queue.WriteBuffer(buffer3, offsets[2], &values[2], sizeof(uint32_t));
wgpu::Buffer outputBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(
device, wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage, {0, 0, 0});
// Create the bind group and bind group layout.
// Note: The order of the binding numbers are intentionally different and not in increasing
// order.
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {
{3, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageBuffer, true},
{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageBuffer, true},
{2, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, true},
{4, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer},
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl,
{0, buffer0, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)},
{3, buffer3, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)},
{2, buffer2, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)},
{4, outputBuffer, 0, 3 * sizeof(uint32_t)},
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor;
pipelineDescriptor.computeStage.module =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Compute, R"(
#version 450
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform Buffer2 {
uint value2;
layout(std430, set = 0, binding = 3) readonly buffer Buffer3 {
uint value3;
layout(std430, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Buffer0 {
uint value0;
layout(std430, set = 0, binding = 4) buffer OutputBuffer {
uvec3 outputBuffer;
void main() {
outputBuffer = uvec3(value0, value2, value3);
pipelineDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint = "main";
pipelineDescriptor.layout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl);
wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline = device.CreateComputePipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder computePassEncoder = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass();
computePassEncoder.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup, offsets.size(),;
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_RANGE_EQ(, outputBuffer, 0, values.size());
// Test that visibility of bindings in BindGroupLayout can be none
// This test passes by not asserting or crashing.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, BindGroupLayoutVisibilityCanBeNone) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry entry = {0, wgpu::ShaderStage::None,
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.entryCount = 1;
descriptor.entries = &entry;
wgpu::BindGroupLayout layout = device.CreateBindGroupLayout(&descriptor);
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = MakeTestPipeline(renderPass, {}, {layout});
std::array<float, 4> color = {1, 0, 0, 1};
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &color, sizeof(color), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, layout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, sizeof(color)}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// Regression test for that dynamic buffer bindings can have None visibility.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, DynamicBindingNoneVisibility) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry entry = {0, wgpu::ShaderStage::None,
wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer, true};
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.entryCount = 1;
descriptor.entries = &entry;
wgpu::BindGroupLayout layout = device.CreateBindGroupLayout(&descriptor);
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = MakeTestPipeline(renderPass, {}, {layout});
std::array<float, 4> color = {1, 0, 0, 1};
wgpu::Buffer uniformBuffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, &color, sizeof(color), wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup =
utils::MakeBindGroup(device, layout, {{0, uniformBuffer, 0, sizeof(color)}});
uint32_t dynamicOffset = 0;
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup, 1, &dynamicOffset);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// Test that bind group bindings may have unbounded and arbitrary binding numbers
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, ArbitraryBindingNumbers) {
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
void main() {
const vec2 pos[3] = vec2[3](vec2(-1.f, 1.f), vec2(1.f, 1.f), vec2(-1.f, -1.f));
gl_Position = vec4(pos[gl_VertexIndex], 0.f, 1.f);
wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout (set = 0, binding = 953) uniform ubo1 {
vec4 color1;
layout (set = 0, binding = 47) uniform ubo2 {
vec4 color2;
layout (set = 0, binding = 111) uniform ubo3 {
vec4 color3;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = color1 + 2 * color2 + 4 * color3;
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor(device);
pipelineDescriptor.vertexStage.module = vsModule;
pipelineDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule;
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::Buffer black =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform, {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f});
wgpu::Buffer red =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform, {0.251f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
wgpu::Buffer green =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform, {0.0f, 0.251f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
wgpu::Buffer blue =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.251f, 0.0f});
auto DoTest = [&](wgpu::Buffer color1, wgpu::Buffer color2, wgpu::Buffer color3, RGBA8 filled) {
auto DoTestInner = [&](wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup) {
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(filled, renderPass.color, 1, 1);
utils::BindingInitializationHelper bindings[] = {
{953, color1, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}, //
{47, color2, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}, //
{111, color3, 0, 4 * sizeof(float)}, //
// Should work regardless of what order the bindings are specified in.
DoTestInner(utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{bindings[0], bindings[1], bindings[2]}));
DoTestInner(utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{bindings[1], bindings[0], bindings[2]}));
DoTestInner(utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{bindings[2], bindings[0], bindings[1]}));
// first color is normal, second is 2x, third is 3x.
DoTest(black, black, black, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 0));
// Check the first binding maps to the first slot. We know this because the colors are
// multiplied 1x.
DoTest(red, black, black, RGBA8(64, 0, 0, 0));
DoTest(green, black, black, RGBA8(0, 64, 0, 0));
DoTest(blue, black, black, RGBA8(0, 0, 64, 0));
// Use multiple bindings and check the second color maps to the second slot.
// We know this because the second slot is multiplied 2x.
DoTest(green, blue, black, RGBA8(0, 64, 128, 0));
DoTest(blue, green, black, RGBA8(0, 128, 64, 0));
DoTest(red, green, black, RGBA8(64, 128, 0, 0));
// Use multiple bindings and check the third color maps to the third slot.
// We know this because the third slot is multiplied 4x.
DoTest(black, blue, red, RGBA8(255, 0, 128, 0));
DoTest(blue, black, green, RGBA8(0, 255, 64, 0));
DoTest(red, black, blue, RGBA8(64, 0, 255, 0));
// This is a regression test for which tests that destruction of a bind group
// that holds the last reference to its bind group layout does not result in a use-after-free. In
// the bug, the destructor of BindGroupBase, when destroying member mLayout,
// Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase> assigns to Ref::mPointee, AFTER calling Release(). After the BGL is
// destroyed, the storage for |mPointee| has been freed.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, LastReferenceToBindGroupLayout) {
wgpu::BufferDescriptor bufferDesc;
bufferDesc.size = sizeof(float);
bufferDesc.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform;
wgpu::Buffer buffer = device.CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc);
wgpu::BindGroup bg;
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Vertex, wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer}});
bg = utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl, {{0, buffer, 0, sizeof(float)}});
// Test that bind groups with an empty bind group layout may be created and used.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, EmptyLayout) {
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(device, {});
wgpu::BindGroup bg = utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl, {});
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor pipelineDesc;
pipelineDesc.layout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl);
pipelineDesc.computeStage.entryPoint = "main";
pipelineDesc.computeStage.module =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Compute, R"(
#version 450
void main() {
wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline = device.CreateComputePipeline(&pipelineDesc);
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginComputePass();
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bg);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// Test creating a BGL with a storage buffer binding but declared readonly in the shader works.
// This is a regression test for which tests that it can successfully compile and
// execute the shader.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, ReadonlyStorage) {
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor(device);
pipelineDescriptor.vertexStage.module =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Vertex, R"(
#version 450
void main() {
const vec2 pos[3] = vec2[3](vec2(-1.f, 1.f), vec2(1.f, 1.f), vec2(-1.f, -1.f));
gl_Position = vec4(pos[gl_VertexIndex], 0.f, 1.f);
pipelineDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Fragment, R"(
#version 450
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer buffer0 {
vec4 color;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = color;
constexpr uint32_t kRTSize = 4;
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, kRTSize, kRTSize);
pipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout(
device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer}});
pipelineDescriptor.layout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl);
wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
std::array<float, 4> greenColor = {0, 1, 0, 1};
wgpu::Buffer storageBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(
device, &greenColor, sizeof(greenColor), wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bgl, {{0, storageBuffer}}));
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(RGBA8::kGreen, renderPass.color, 0, 0);
// Test that creating a large bind group, with each binding type at the max count, works and can be
// used correctly. The test loads a different value from each binding, and writes 1 to a storage
// buffer if all values are correct.
TEST_P(BindGroupTests, ReallyLargeBindGroup) {
std::string interface = "#version 450\n";
std::string body;
uint32_t binding = 0;
uint32_t expectedValue = 42;
wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
auto CreateTextureWithRedData = [&](uint32_t value, wgpu::TextureUsage usage) {
wgpu::TextureDescriptor textureDesc = {};
textureDesc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst | usage;
textureDesc.size = {1, 1, 1};
textureDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Uint;
wgpu::Texture texture = device.CreateTexture(&textureDesc);
wgpu::Buffer textureData =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc, {expectedValue});
wgpu::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = {};
bufferCopyView.buffer = textureData;
bufferCopyView.layout.bytesPerRow = 256;
wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = {};
textureCopyView.texture = texture;
wgpu::Extent3D copySize = {1, 1, 1};
commandEncoder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
return texture;
std::vector<wgpu::BindGroupEntry> bgEntries;
static_assert(kMaxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage == kMaxSamplersPerShaderStage,
"Please update this test");
body += "result = 0;\n";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage; ++i) {
wgpu::Texture texture =
CreateTextureWithRedData(expectedValue, wgpu::TextureUsage::Sampled);
bgEntries.push_back({binding, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, texture.CreateView()});
interface += "layout(set = 0, binding = " + std::to_string(binding++) +
") uniform utexture2D tex" + std::to_string(i) + ";\n";
wgpu::SamplerDescriptor samplerDesc = {};
bgEntries.push_back({binding, nullptr, 0, 0, device.CreateSampler(&samplerDesc), nullptr});
interface += "layout(set = 0, binding = " + std::to_string(binding++) +
") uniform sampler samp" + std::to_string(i) + ";\n";
body += "if (texelFetch(usampler2D(tex" + std::to_string(i) + ", samp" + std::to_string(i) +
"), ivec2(0, 0), 0).r != " + std::to_string(expectedValue++) + ") {\n";
body += " return;\n";
body += "}\n";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage; ++i) {
wgpu::Texture texture =
CreateTextureWithRedData(expectedValue, wgpu::TextureUsage::Storage);
bgEntries.push_back({binding, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, texture.CreateView()});
interface += "layout(set = 0, binding = " + std::to_string(binding++) +
", r32ui) uniform readonly uimage2D image" + std::to_string(i) + ";\n";
body += "if (imageLoad(image" + std::to_string(i) +
", ivec2(0, 0)).r != " + std::to_string(expectedValue++) + ") {\n";
body += " return;\n";
body += "}\n";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage; ++i) {
wgpu::Buffer buffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData<uint32_t>(
device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform, {expectedValue, 0, 0, 0});
bgEntries.push_back({binding, buffer, 0, 4 * sizeof(uint32_t), nullptr, nullptr});
interface += "layout(std140, set = 0, binding = " + std::to_string(binding++) +
") uniform UBuf" + std::to_string(i) + " {\n";
interface += " uint ubuf" + std::to_string(i) + ";\n";
interface += "};\n";
body += "if (ubuf" + std::to_string(i) + " != " + std::to_string(expectedValue++) + ") {\n";
body += " return;\n";
body += "}\n";
// Save one storage buffer for writing the result
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage - 1; ++i) {
wgpu::Buffer buffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData<uint32_t>(
device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage, {expectedValue});
bgEntries.push_back({binding, buffer, 0, sizeof(uint32_t), nullptr, nullptr});
interface += "layout(std430, set = 0, binding = " + std::to_string(binding++) +
") readonly buffer SBuf" + std::to_string(i) + " {\n";
interface += " uint sbuf" + std::to_string(i) + ";\n";
interface += "};\n";
body += "if (sbuf" + std::to_string(i) + " != " + std::to_string(expectedValue++) + ") {\n";
body += " return;\n";
body += "}\n";
wgpu::Buffer result = utils::CreateBufferFromData<uint32_t>(
device, wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc, {0});
bgEntries.push_back({binding, result, 0, sizeof(uint32_t), nullptr, nullptr});
interface += "layout(std430, set = 0, binding = " + std::to_string(binding++) +
") writeonly buffer Result {\n";
interface += " uint result;\n";
interface += "};\n";
body += "result = 1;\n";
std::string shader = interface + "void main() {\n" + body + "}\n";
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor cpDesc;
cpDesc.computeStage.module =
utils::CreateShaderModule(device, utils::SingleShaderStage::Compute, shader.c_str());
cpDesc.computeStage.entryPoint = "main";
wgpu::ComputePipeline cp = device.CreateComputePipeline(&cpDesc);
wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor bgDesc = {};
bgDesc.layout = cp.GetBindGroupLayout(0);
bgDesc.entryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(bgEntries.size());
bgDesc.entries =;
wgpu::BindGroup bg = device.CreateBindGroup(&bgDesc);
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass();
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bg);
pass.Dispatch(1, 1, 1);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(1, result, 0);