blob: 29c0e25612fc2f682b7dbba5d865d81ae472ab2c [file] [log] [blame]
@group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> a : atomic<i32>;
@compute @workgroup_size(1)
fn compute_main() {
// Secondary bug encountered while fixing
// With the fix, PromoteSideEffectsToDecl will emit a type for 'v', which is the un-typable
// '__atomic_compare_exchange_result_i32' result. Later, DecomposeMemoryAccess would try to
// construct its own struct to assign the intrinsic result of atomicCompareExchangeWeak() to
// that let. The two types wouldn't match, and so this would fail to compile. The fix is to have
// DecomposeMemoryAccess use the internal '__atomic_compare_exchange_result_i32' result instead
// of building its own.
let v = atomicCompareExchangeWeak(&a, 1, 1).old_value;