blob: 612efee7969148cd0ce3687f8e0e1e218b24bac9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn/tests/DawnTest.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "dawn/common/Assert.h"
#include "dawn/common/GPUInfo.h"
#include "dawn/common/Log.h"
#include "dawn/common/Math.h"
#include "dawn/common/Platform.h"
#include "dawn/common/SystemUtils.h"
#include "dawn/dawn_proc.h"
#include "dawn/native/Device.h"
#include "dawn/native/Instance.h"
#include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h"
#include "dawn/utils/ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor.h"
#include "dawn/utils/PlatformDebugLogger.h"
#include "dawn/utils/SystemUtils.h"
#include "dawn/utils/TerribleCommandBuffer.h"
#include "dawn/utils/TestUtils.h"
#include "dawn/utils/WGPUHelpers.h"
#include "dawn/utils/WireHelper.h"
#include "dawn/wire/WireClient.h"
#include "dawn/wire/WireServer.h"
#include "GLFW/glfw3.h"
#include "dawn/native/OpenGLBackend.h"
namespace dawn {
namespace {
struct MapReadUserdata {
DawnTestBase* test;
size_t slot;
DawnTestEnvironment* gTestEnv = nullptr;
DawnTestBase* gCurrentTest = nullptr;
template <typename T>
void printBuffer(testing::AssertionResult& result, const T* buffer, const size_t count) {
static constexpr unsigned int kBytes = sizeof(T);
for (size_t index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
auto byteView = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer + index);
for (unsigned int b = 0; b < kBytes; ++b) {
char buf[4];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02X ", byteView[b]);
result << buf;
result << std::endl;
// A helper class to create DawnTogglesDescriptor from test params
struct ParamTogglesHelper {
std::vector<const char*> enabledToggles;
std::vector<const char*> disabledToggles;
wgpu::DawnTogglesDescriptor togglesDesc;
// Create toggles descriptor for a given stage from test param and global test env
ParamTogglesHelper(const AdapterTestParam& testParam, native::ToggleStage requiredStage) {
for (const char* requireEnabledWorkaround : testParam.forceEnabledWorkarounds) {
const native::ToggleInfo* info =
ASSERT(info != nullptr);
if (info->stage == requiredStage) {
for (const char* requireDisabledWorkaround : testParam.forceDisabledWorkarounds) {
const native::ToggleInfo* info =
ASSERT(info != nullptr);
if (info->stage == requiredStage) {
for (const std::string& toggle : gTestEnv->GetEnabledToggles()) {
const native::ToggleInfo* info = gTestEnv->GetInstance()->GetToggleInfo(toggle.c_str());
ASSERT(info != nullptr);
if (info->stage == requiredStage) {
for (const std::string& toggle : gTestEnv->GetDisabledToggles()) {
const native::ToggleInfo* info = gTestEnv->GetInstance()->GetToggleInfo(toggle.c_str());
ASSERT(info != nullptr);
if (info->stage == requiredStage) {
togglesDesc = {};
togglesDesc.enabledToggles =;
togglesDesc.enabledTogglesCount = enabledToggles.size();
togglesDesc.disabledToggles =;
togglesDesc.disabledTogglesCount = disabledToggles.size();
} // anonymous namespace
DawnTestBase::PrintToStringParamName::PrintToStringParamName(const char* test) : mTest(test) {}
std::string DawnTestBase::PrintToStringParamName::SanitizeParamName(
std::string paramName,
const wgpu::AdapterProperties& properties,
size_t index) const {
// Sanitize the adapter name for GoogleTest
std::string sanitizedName = std::regex_replace(paramName, std::regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+"), "_") +
(properties.compatibilityMode ? "_compat" : "");
// Strip trailing underscores, if any.
while (sanitizedName.back() == '_') {
sanitizedName.resize(sanitizedName.length() - 1);
// We don't know the the test name at this point, but the format usually looks like
// this.
std::string prefix = mTest + ".TheTestNameUsuallyGoesHere/";
std::string testFormat = prefix + sanitizedName;
if (testFormat.length() > 220) {
// The bots don't support test names longer than 256. Shorten the name and append a unique
// index if we're close. The failure log will still print the full param name.
std::string suffix = std::string("__") + std::to_string(index);
size_t targetLength = sanitizedName.length();
targetLength -= testFormat.length() - 220;
targetLength -= suffix.length();
sanitizedName = sanitizedName + suffix;
return sanitizedName;
} // namespace dawn
void InitDawnEnd2EndTestEnvironment(int argc, char** argv) {
dawn::gTestEnv = new dawn::DawnTestEnvironment(argc, argv);
namespace dawn {
// Implementation of DawnTestEnvironment
// static
void DawnTestEnvironment::SetEnvironment(DawnTestEnvironment* env) {
gTestEnv = env;
DawnTestEnvironment::DawnTestEnvironment(int argc, char** argv) {
ParseArgs(argc, argv);
if (mBackendValidationLevel != native::BackendValidationLevel::Disabled) {
mPlatformDebugLogger =
// Create a temporary instance to select available and preferred adapters. This is done before
// test instantiation so GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends can generate test
// parameterizations all selected adapters. We drop the instance at the end of this function
// because the Vulkan validation layers use static global mutexes which behave badly when
// Chromium's test launcher forks the test process. The instance will be recreated on test
// environment setup.
std::unique_ptr<native::Instance> instance = CreateInstance();
if (!ValidateToggles(instance.get())) {
DawnTestEnvironment::~DawnTestEnvironment() = default;
void DawnTestEnvironment::ParseArgs(int argc, char** argv) {
size_t argLen = 0; // Set when parsing --arg=X arguments
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (strcmp("-w", argv[i]) == 0 || strcmp("--use-wire", argv[i]) == 0) {
mUseWire = true;
if (strcmp("-s", argv[i]) == 0 || strcmp("--enable-implicit-device-sync", argv[i]) == 0) {
mEnableImplicitDeviceSync = true;
if (strcmp("--run-suppressed-tests", argv[i]) == 0) {
mRunSuppressedTests = true;
constexpr const char kEnableBackendValidationSwitch[] = "--enable-backend-validation";
argLen = sizeof(kEnableBackendValidationSwitch) - 1;
if (strncmp(argv[i], kEnableBackendValidationSwitch, argLen) == 0) {
const char* level = argv[i] + argLen;
if (level[0] != '\0') {
if (strcmp(level, "=full") == 0) {
mBackendValidationLevel = native::BackendValidationLevel::Full;
} else if (strcmp(level, "=partial") == 0) {
mBackendValidationLevel = native::BackendValidationLevel::Partial;
} else if (strcmp(level, "=disabled") == 0) {
mBackendValidationLevel = native::BackendValidationLevel::Disabled;
} else {
ErrorLog() << "Invalid backend validation level" << level;
} else {
mBackendValidationLevel = native::BackendValidationLevel::Partial;
if (strcmp("-c", argv[i]) == 0 || strcmp("--begin-capture-on-startup", argv[i]) == 0) {
mBeginCaptureOnStartup = true;
if (mToggleParser.ParseEnabledToggles(argv[i])) {
if (mToggleParser.ParseDisabledToggles(argv[i])) {
constexpr const char kVendorIdFilterArg[] = "--adapter-vendor-id=";
argLen = sizeof(kVendorIdFilterArg) - 1;
if (strncmp(argv[i], kVendorIdFilterArg, argLen) == 0) {
const char* vendorIdFilter = argv[i] + argLen;
if (vendorIdFilter[0] != '\0') {
mVendorIdFilter = strtoul(vendorIdFilter, nullptr, 16);
// Set filter flag if vendor id is non-zero.
mHasVendorIdFilter = mVendorIdFilter != 0;
constexpr const char kUseAngleArg[] = "--use-angle=";
argLen = sizeof(kUseAngleArg) - 1;
if (strncmp(argv[i], kUseAngleArg, argLen) == 0) {
mANGLEBackend = argv[i] + argLen;
constexpr const char kExclusiveDeviceTypePreferenceArg[] =
argLen = sizeof(kExclusiveDeviceTypePreferenceArg) - 1;
if (strncmp(argv[i], kExclusiveDeviceTypePreferenceArg, argLen) == 0) {
const char* preference = argv[i] + argLen;
if (preference[0] != '\0') {
std::istringstream ss(preference);
std::string type;
while (std::getline(ss, type, ',')) {
if (strcmp(type.c_str(), "discrete") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(type.c_str(), "integrated") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(type.c_str(), "cpu") == 0) {
} else {
ErrorLog() << "Invalid device type preference: " << type;
constexpr const char kWireTraceDirArg[] = "--wire-trace-dir=";
argLen = sizeof(kWireTraceDirArg) - 1;
if (strncmp(argv[i], kWireTraceDirArg, argLen) == 0) {
mWireTraceDir = argv[i] + argLen;
constexpr const char kBackendArg[] = "--backend=";
argLen = sizeof(kBackendArg) - 1;
if (strncmp(argv[i], kBackendArg, argLen) == 0) {
const char* param = argv[i] + argLen;
if (strcmp("d3d11", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::D3D11;
} else if (strcmp("d3d12", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::D3D12;
} else if (strcmp("metal", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::Metal;
} else if (strcmp("null", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::Null;
} else if (strcmp("opengl", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::OpenGL;
} else if (strcmp("opengles", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::OpenGLES;
} else if (strcmp("vulkan", param) == 0) {
mBackendTypeFilter = wgpu::BackendType::Vulkan;
} else {
<< "Invalid backend \"" << param
<< "\". Valid backends are: d3d12, metal, null, opengl, opengles, vulkan.";
mHasBackendTypeFilter = true;
if (strcmp("-h", argv[i]) == 0 || strcmp("--help", argv[i]) == 0) {
<< "\n\nUsage: " << argv[0]
<< " [GTEST_FLAGS...] [-w] [-c]\n"
" [--enable-toggles=toggles] [--disable-toggles=toggles]\n"
" [--backend=x]\n"
" [--adapter-vendor-id=x] "
" [--exclusive-device-type-preference=integrated,cpu,discrete]\n\n"
" -w, --use-wire: Run the tests through the wire (defaults to no wire)\n"
" -s, --enable-implicit-device-sync: Run the tests with implicit device "
"synchronization feature (defaults to false)\n"
" -c, --begin-capture-on-startup: Begin debug capture on startup "
"(defaults to no capture)\n"
" --enable-backend-validation: Enables backend validation. Defaults to \n"
" 'partial' to enable only minimum backend validation. Set to 'full' to\n"
" enable all available backend validation with less performance overhead.\n"
" Set to 'disabled' to run with no validation (same as no flag).\n"
" --enable-toggles: Comma-delimited list of Dawn toggles to enable.\n"
" ex.) skip_validation,disable_robustness,turn_off_vsync\n"
" --disable-toggles: Comma-delimited list of Dawn toggles to disable\n"
" --adapter-vendor-id: Select adapter by vendor id to run end2end tests"
"on multi-GPU systems \n"
" --backend: Select adapter by backend type. Valid backends are: d3d12, metal, "
"null, opengl, opengles, vulkan\n"
" --exclusive-device-type-preference: Comma-delimited list of preferred device "
"types. For each backend, tests will run only on adapters that match the first "
"available device type\n"
" --run-suppressed-tests: Run all the tests that will be skipped by the macro "
// Skip over args that look like they're for Googletest.
constexpr const char kGtestArgPrefix[] = "--gtest_";
if (strncmp(kGtestArgPrefix, argv[i], sizeof(kGtestArgPrefix) - 1) == 0) {
WarningLog() << " Unused argument: " << argv[i];
// TODO( DawnWire doesn't support thread safe API yet.
if (mUseWire && mEnableImplicitDeviceSync) {
<< "--use-wire and --enable-implicit-device-sync cannot be used at the same time";
std::unique_ptr<native::Instance> DawnTestEnvironment::CreateInstance(
platform::Platform* platform) {
// Create an instance with toggle AllowUnsafeAPIs enabled, which would be inherited to
// adapter and device toggles and allow us to test unsafe apis (including experimental
// features).
const char* allowUnsafeApisToggle = "allow_unsafe_apis";
wgpu::DawnTogglesDescriptor instanceToggles;
instanceToggles.enabledTogglesCount = 1;
instanceToggles.enabledToggles = &allowUnsafeApisToggle;
wgpu::DawnInstanceDescriptor dawnInstanceDesc;
dawnInstanceDesc.platform = platform;
dawnInstanceDesc.nextInChain = &instanceToggles;
wgpu::InstanceDescriptor instanceDesc;
instanceDesc.nextInChain = &dawnInstanceDesc;
auto instance = std::make_unique<native::Instance>(
reinterpret_cast<const WGPUInstanceDescriptor*>(&instanceDesc));
if (GetEnvironmentVar("ANGLE_DEFAULT_PLATFORM").first.empty()) {
const char* anglePlatform;
if (!mANGLEBackend.empty()) {
anglePlatform = mANGLEBackend.c_str();
} else {
anglePlatform = "d3d11";
anglePlatform = "swiftshader";
SetEnvironmentVar("ANGLE_DEFAULT_PLATFORM", anglePlatform);
return instance;
void DawnTestEnvironment::SelectPreferredAdapterProperties(const native::Instance* instance) {
// Get the first available preferred device type.
std::optional<wgpu::AdapterType> preferredDeviceType;
[&]() {
for (wgpu::AdapterType devicePreference : mDevicePreferences) {
for (bool compatibilityMode : {false, true}) {
wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions adapterOptions;
adapterOptions.compatibilityMode = compatibilityMode;
for (const native::Adapter& adapter :
instance->EnumerateAdapters(&adapterOptions)) {
wgpu::AdapterProperties properties;
if (properties.adapterType == devicePreference) {
// Found a matching preferred device type. Return to break out of all loops.
preferredDeviceType = devicePreference;
std::set<std::tuple<wgpu::BackendType, std::string, bool>> adapterNameSet;
for (bool compatibilityMode : {false, true}) {
wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions adapterOptions;
adapterOptions.compatibilityMode = compatibilityMode;
for (const native::Adapter& adapter : instance->EnumerateAdapters(&adapterOptions)) {
wgpu::AdapterProperties properties;
// Skip non-OpenGLES compat adapters. Metal/Vulkan/D3D12 support
// core WebGPU.
// D3D11 is in an experimental state where it may support core.
// See for determining d3d11 capabilities.
if (properties.compatibilityMode &&
properties.backendType != wgpu::BackendType::OpenGLES) {
// All adapters are selected by default.
bool selected = true;
// The adapter is deselected if:
if (mHasBackendTypeFilter) {
// It doesn't match the backend type, if present.
selected &= properties.backendType == mBackendTypeFilter;
if (mHasVendorIdFilter) {
// It doesn't match the vendor id, if present.
selected &= mVendorIdFilter == properties.vendorID;
if (!mDevicePreferences.empty()) {
WarningLog() << "Vendor ID filter provided. Ignoring device type preference.";
if (preferredDeviceType) {
// There is a device preference and:
selected &=
// The device type doesn't match the first available preferred type for that
// backend, if present.
(properties.adapterType == *preferredDeviceType) ||
// Always select Unknown OpenGL adapters if we don't want a CPU adapter.
// OpenGL will usually be unknown because we can't query the device type.
// If we ever have Swiftshader GL (unlikely), we could set the DeviceType
// properly.
(*preferredDeviceType != wgpu::AdapterType::CPU &&
properties.adapterType == wgpu::AdapterType::Unknown &&
(properties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::OpenGL ||
properties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::OpenGLES)) ||
// Always select the Null backend. There are few tests on this backend, and they
// run quickly. This is temporary as to not lose coverage. We can group it with
// Swiftshader as a CPU adapter when we have Swiftshader tests.
(properties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Null);
// In Windows Remote Desktop sessions we may be able to discover multiple adapters that
// have the same name and backend type. We will just choose one adapter from them in our
// tests.
const auto adapterTypeAndName = std::tuple(
properties.backendType, std::string(, properties.compatibilityMode);
if (adapterNameSet.find(adapterTypeAndName) == adapterNameSet.end()) {
mAdapterProperties.emplace_back(properties, selected);
std::vector<AdapterTestParam> DawnTestEnvironment::GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends(
const BackendTestConfig* params,
size_t numParams) {
std::vector<AdapterTestParam> testParams;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) {
const auto& backendTestParams = params[i];
for (const auto& adapterProperties : mAdapterProperties) {
if (backendTestParams.backendType == adapterProperties.backendType &&
adapterProperties.selected) {
testParams.push_back(AdapterTestParam(backendTestParams, adapterProperties));
return testParams;
bool DawnTestEnvironment::ValidateToggles(native::Instance* instance) const {
LogMessage err = ErrorLog();
for (const std::string& toggle : GetEnabledToggles()) {
if (!instance->GetToggleInfo(toggle.c_str())) {
err << "unrecognized toggle: '" << toggle << "'\n";
return false;
for (const std::string& toggle : GetDisabledToggles()) {
if (!instance->GetToggleInfo(toggle.c_str())) {
err << "unrecognized toggle: '" << toggle << "'\n";
return false;
return true;
void DawnTestEnvironment::PrintTestConfigurationAndAdapterInfo(native::Instance* instance) const {
LogMessage log = InfoLog();
log << "Testing configuration\n"
"UseWire: "
<< (mUseWire ? "true" : "false")
<< "\n"
"Implicit device synchronization: "
<< (mEnableImplicitDeviceSync ? "enabled" : "disabled")
<< "\n"
"Run suppressed tests: "
<< (mRunSuppressedTests ? "true" : "false")
<< "\n"
"BackendValidation: ";
switch (mBackendValidationLevel) {
case native::BackendValidationLevel::Full:
log << "full";
case native::BackendValidationLevel::Partial:
log << "partial";
case native::BackendValidationLevel::Disabled:
log << "disabled";
if (GetEnabledToggles().size() > 0) {
log << "\n"
"Enabled Toggles\n";
for (const std::string& toggle : GetEnabledToggles()) {
const native::ToggleInfo* info = instance->GetToggleInfo(toggle.c_str());
ASSERT(info != nullptr);
log << " - " << info->name << ": " << info->description << "\n";
if (GetDisabledToggles().size() > 0) {
log << "\n"
"Disabled Toggles\n";
for (const std::string& toggle : GetDisabledToggles()) {
const native::ToggleInfo* info = instance->GetToggleInfo(toggle.c_str());
ASSERT(info != nullptr);
log << " - " << info->name << ": " << info->description << "\n";
log << "\n"
"BeginCaptureOnStartup: "
<< (mBeginCaptureOnStartup ? "true" : "false")
<< "\n"
<< "System adapters: \n";
for (const TestAdapterProperties& properties : mAdapterProperties) {
std::ostringstream vendorId;
std::ostringstream deviceId;
vendorId << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << std::internal << std::hex << std::setw(4)
<< properties.vendorID;
deviceId << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << std::internal << std::hex << std::setw(4)
<< properties.deviceID;
// Preparing for outputting hex numbers
log << std::showbase << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << " - \""
<< properties.adapterName << "\" - \"" << properties.driverDescription
<< (properties.selected ? " [Selected]" : "") << "\"\n"
<< " type: " << properties.AdapterTypeName()
<< ", backend: " << properties.ParamName()
<< ", compatibilityMode: " << (properties.compatibilityMode ? "true" : "false") << "\n"
<< " vendorId: 0x" << vendorId.str() << ", deviceId: 0x" << deviceId.str() << "\n";
if (strlen(properties.vendorName) || strlen(properties.architecture)) {
log << " vendorName: " << properties.vendorName
<< ", architecture: " << properties.architecture << "\n";
void DawnTestEnvironment::SetUp() {
mInstance = CreateInstance();
void DawnTestEnvironment::TearDown() {
// When Vulkan validation layers are enabled, it's unsafe to call Vulkan APIs in the destructor
// of a static/global variable, so the instance must be manually released beforehand.
bool DawnTestEnvironment::UsesWire() const {
return mUseWire;
bool DawnTestEnvironment::IsImplicitDeviceSyncEnabled() const {
return mEnableImplicitDeviceSync;
bool DawnTestEnvironment::RunSuppressedTests() const {
return mRunSuppressedTests;
native::BackendValidationLevel DawnTestEnvironment::GetBackendValidationLevel() const {
return mBackendValidationLevel;
native::Instance* DawnTestEnvironment::GetInstance() const {
return mInstance.get();
bool DawnTestEnvironment::HasVendorIdFilter() const {
return mHasVendorIdFilter;
uint32_t DawnTestEnvironment::GetVendorIdFilter() const {
return mVendorIdFilter;
bool DawnTestEnvironment::HasBackendTypeFilter() const {
return mHasBackendTypeFilter;
wgpu::BackendType DawnTestEnvironment::GetBackendTypeFilter() const {
return mBackendTypeFilter;
const char* DawnTestEnvironment::GetWireTraceDir() const {
if (mWireTraceDir.length() == 0) {
return nullptr;
return mWireTraceDir.c_str();
const std::vector<std::string>& DawnTestEnvironment::GetEnabledToggles() const {
return mToggleParser.GetEnabledToggles();
const std::vector<std::string>& DawnTestEnvironment::GetDisabledToggles() const {
return mToggleParser.GetDisabledToggles();
// Implementation of DawnTest
DawnTestBase::DawnTestBase(const AdapterTestParam& param) : mParam(param) {
gCurrentTest = this;
DawnProcTable procs = native::GetProcs();
// Override procs to provide harness-specific behavior to always select the adapter required in
// testing parameter, and to allow fixture-specific overriding of the test device with
// CreateDeviceImpl.
procs.instanceRequestAdapter = [](WGPUInstance instance, const WGPURequestAdapterOptions*,
WGPURequestAdapterCallback callback, void* userdata) {
// Use the required toggles of test case when creating adapter.
const auto& enabledToggles = gCurrentTest->mParam.forceEnabledWorkarounds;
const auto& disabledToggles = gCurrentTest->mParam.forceDisabledWorkarounds;
wgpu::DawnTogglesDescriptor adapterToggles;
adapterToggles.enabledTogglesCount = enabledToggles.size();
adapterToggles.enabledToggles =;
adapterToggles.disabledTogglesCount = disabledToggles.size();
adapterToggles.disabledToggles =;
wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions adapterOptions;
adapterOptions.nextInChain = &adapterToggles;
adapterOptions.backendType = gCurrentTest->mParam.adapterProperties.backendType;
adapterOptions.compatibilityMode = gCurrentTest->mParam.adapterProperties.compatibilityMode;
// Find the adapter that exactly matches our adapter properties.
const auto& adapters = gTestEnv->GetInstance()->EnumerateAdapters(&adapterOptions);
const auto& it =
std::find_if(adapters.begin(), adapters.end(), [&](const native::Adapter& adapter) {
wgpu::AdapterProperties properties;
const auto& param = gCurrentTest->mParam;
return (param.adapterProperties.selected &&
properties.deviceID == param.adapterProperties.deviceID &&
properties.vendorID == param.adapterProperties.vendorID &&
properties.adapterType == param.adapterProperties.adapterType &&
strcmp(, param.adapterProperties.adapterName.c_str()) == 0);
ASSERT(it != adapters.end());
gCurrentTest->mBackendAdapter = *it;
WGPUAdapter cAdapter = it->Get();
callback(WGPURequestAdapterStatus_Success, cAdapter, nullptr, userdata);
procs.adapterRequestDevice = [](WGPUAdapter adapter, const WGPUDeviceDescriptor* descriptor,
WGPURequestDeviceCallback callback, void* userdata) {
// Isolation keys may be enqueued by CreateDevice(std::string isolationKey).
// CreateDevice calls requestAdapter, so consume them there and forward them
// to CreateDeviceImpl.
std::string isolationKey;
if (!gCurrentTest->mNextIsolationKeyQueue.empty()) {
isolationKey = std::move(gCurrentTest->mNextIsolationKeyQueue.front());
WGPUDevice cDevice = gCurrentTest->CreateDeviceImpl(std::move(isolationKey), descriptor);
ASSERT(cDevice != nullptr);
gCurrentTest->mLastCreatedBackendDevice = cDevice;
callback(WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Success, cDevice, nullptr, userdata);
mWireHelper = utils::CreateWireHelper(procs, gTestEnv->UsesWire(), gTestEnv->GetWireTraceDir());
DawnTestBase::~DawnTestBase() {
queue = nullptr;
device = nullptr;
mAdapter = nullptr;
mInstance = nullptr;
// D3D11 and D3D12's GPU-based validation will accumulate objects over time if the backend
// device is not destroyed and recreated, so we reset it here.
if ((IsD3D11() || IsD3D12()) && IsBackendValidationEnabled()) {
// Check that all devices were destructed.
EXPECT_EQ(gTestEnv->GetInstance()->GetDeviceCountForTesting(), 0u);
// Unsets the platform since we are cleaning the per-test platform up with the test case.
gCurrentTest = nullptr;
bool DawnTestBase::IsD3D11() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::D3D11;
bool DawnTestBase::IsD3D12() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::D3D12;
bool DawnTestBase::IsMetal() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Metal;
bool DawnTestBase::IsNull() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Null;
bool DawnTestBase::IsOpenGL() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::OpenGL;
bool DawnTestBase::IsOpenGLES() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::OpenGLES;
bool DawnTestBase::IsVulkan() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Vulkan;
bool DawnTestBase::IsAMD() const {
return gpu_info::IsAMD(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsApple() const {
return gpu_info::IsApple(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsARM() const {
return gpu_info::IsARM(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsImgTec() const {
return gpu_info::IsImgTec(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsIntel() const {
return gpu_info::IsIntel(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsNvidia() const {
return gpu_info::IsNvidia(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsQualcomm() const {
return gpu_info::IsQualcomm(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID);
bool DawnTestBase::IsSwiftshader() const {
return gpu_info::IsGoogleSwiftshader(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID,
bool DawnTestBase::IsANGLE() const {
return !mParam.adapterProperties.adapterName.find("ANGLE");
bool DawnTestBase::IsANGLESwiftShader() const {
return !mParam.adapterProperties.adapterName.find("ANGLE") &&
(mParam.adapterProperties.adapterName.find("SwiftShader") != std::string::npos);
bool DawnTestBase::IsWARP() const {
return gpu_info::IsMicrosoftWARP(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID,
bool DawnTestBase::IsIntelGen12() const {
return gpu_info::IsIntelGen12LP(mParam.adapterProperties.vendorID,
mParam.adapterProperties.deviceID) ||
bool DawnTestBase::IsWindows() const {
return true;
return false;
bool DawnTestBase::IsLinux() const {
return true;
return false;
bool DawnTestBase::IsMacOS(int32_t majorVersion, int32_t minorVersion) const {
if (majorVersion == -1 && minorVersion == -1) {
return true;
int32_t majorVersionOut, minorVersionOut = 0;
GetMacOSVersion(&majorVersionOut, &minorVersionOut);
return (majorVersion != -1 && majorVersion == majorVersionOut) &&
(minorVersion != -1 && minorVersion == minorVersionOut);
return false;
bool DawnTestBase::IsAndroid() const {
return true;
return false;
bool DawnTestBase::UsesWire() const {
return gTestEnv->UsesWire();
bool DawnTestBase::IsImplicitDeviceSyncEnabled() const {
return gTestEnv->IsImplicitDeviceSyncEnabled();
bool DawnTestBase::IsBackendValidationEnabled() const {
return gTestEnv->GetBackendValidationLevel() != native::BackendValidationLevel::Disabled;
bool DawnTestBase::IsFullBackendValidationEnabled() const {
return gTestEnv->GetBackendValidationLevel() == native::BackendValidationLevel::Full;
bool DawnTestBase::IsCompatibilityMode() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties.compatibilityMode;
bool DawnTestBase::RunSuppressedTests() const {
return gTestEnv->RunSuppressedTests();
bool DawnTestBase::IsDXC() const {
return HasToggleEnabled("use_dxc");
bool DawnTestBase::IsAsan() const {
return true;
return false;
bool DawnTestBase::IsTsan() const {
return true;
return false;
bool DawnTestBase::HasToggleEnabled(const char* toggle) const {
auto toggles = native::GetTogglesUsed(backendDevice);
return std::find_if(toggles.begin(), toggles.end(), [toggle](const char* name) {
return strcmp(toggle, name) == 0;
}) != toggles.end();
bool DawnTestBase::HasVendorIdFilter() const {
return gTestEnv->HasVendorIdFilter();
uint32_t DawnTestBase::GetVendorIdFilter() const {
return gTestEnv->GetVendorIdFilter();
bool DawnTestBase::HasBackendTypeFilter() const {
return gTestEnv->HasBackendTypeFilter();
wgpu::BackendType DawnTestBase::GetBackendTypeFilter() const {
return gTestEnv->GetBackendTypeFilter();
wgpu::Instance DawnTestBase::GetInstance() const {
return gTestEnv->GetInstance()->Get();
native::Adapter DawnTestBase::GetAdapter() const {
return mBackendAdapter;
std::vector<wgpu::FeatureName> DawnTestBase::GetRequiredFeatures() {
return {};
wgpu::RequiredLimits DawnTestBase::GetRequiredLimits(const wgpu::SupportedLimits&) {
return {};
const wgpu::AdapterProperties& DawnTestBase::GetAdapterProperties() const {
return mParam.adapterProperties;
wgpu::SupportedLimits DawnTestBase::GetAdapterLimits() {
wgpu::SupportedLimits supportedLimits = {};
return supportedLimits;
wgpu::SupportedLimits DawnTestBase::GetSupportedLimits() {
wgpu::SupportedLimits supportedLimits = {};
return supportedLimits;
bool DawnTestBase::SupportsFeatures(const std::vector<wgpu::FeatureName>& features) {
std::vector<wgpu::FeatureName> supportedFeatures;
uint32_t count = native::GetProcs().adapterEnumerateFeatures(mBackendAdapter.Get(), nullptr);
mBackendAdapter.Get(), reinterpret_cast<WGPUFeatureName*>(&supportedFeatures[0]));
std::unordered_set<wgpu::FeatureName> supportedSet;
for (wgpu::FeatureName f : supportedFeatures) {
for (wgpu::FeatureName f : features) {
if (supportedSet.count(f) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
void* DawnTestBase::GetUniqueUserdata() {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(++mNextUniqueUserdata);
WGPUDevice DawnTestBase::CreateDeviceImpl(std::string isolationKey,
const WGPUDeviceDescriptor* descriptor) {
// Create the device from the adapter
std::vector<wgpu::FeatureName> requiredFeatures = GetRequiredFeatures();
if (IsImplicitDeviceSyncEnabled()) {
wgpu::SupportedLimits supportedLimits;
wgpu::RequiredLimits requiredLimits = GetRequiredLimits(supportedLimits);
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor deviceDescriptor =
*reinterpret_cast<const wgpu::DeviceDescriptor*>(descriptor);
deviceDescriptor.requiredLimits = &requiredLimits;
deviceDescriptor.requiredFeatures =;
deviceDescriptor.requiredFeaturesCount = requiredFeatures.size();
wgpu::DawnCacheDeviceDescriptor cacheDesc = {};
deviceDescriptor.nextInChain = &cacheDesc;
cacheDesc.isolationKey = isolationKey.c_str();
// Note that AllowUnsafeAPIs is enabled when creating testing instance and would be
// inherited to all adapters' toggles set.
ParamTogglesHelper deviceTogglesHelper(mParam, native::ToggleStage::Device);
cacheDesc.nextInChain = &deviceTogglesHelper.togglesDesc;
return mBackendAdapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
wgpu::Device DawnTestBase::CreateDevice(std::string isolationKey) {
wgpu::Device apiDevice;
// The isolation key will be consumed inside adapterRequestDevice and passed
// to CreateDeviceImpl.
// RequestDevice is overriden by CreateDeviceImpl and device descriptor is ignored by it.
// Give an empty descriptor.
// TODO(dawn:1684): Replace empty DeviceDescriptor with nullptr after Dawn wire support it.
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor deviceDesc = {};
// Set up the mocks for device loss.
void* deviceUserdata = GetUniqueUserdata();
deviceDesc.deviceLostCallback = mDeviceLostCallback.Callback();
deviceDesc.deviceLostUserdata = mDeviceLostCallback.MakeUserdata(deviceUserdata);
[](WGPURequestDeviceStatus, WGPUDevice cDevice, const char*, void* userdata) {
*static_cast<wgpu::Device*>(userdata) = wgpu::Device::Acquire(cDevice);
// Set up the mocks for uncaptured errors.
// The loss of the device is expected to happen at the end of the test so at it directly.
Call(WGPUDeviceLostReason_Destroyed, testing::_, deviceUserdata))
[](WGPULoggingType type, char const* message, void*) {
switch (type) {
case WGPULoggingType_Verbose:
DebugLog() << message;
case WGPULoggingType_Warning:
WarningLog() << message;
case WGPULoggingType_Error:
ErrorLog() << message;
InfoLog() << message;
return apiDevice;
void DawnTestBase::SetUp() {
// Setup the per-test platform. Tests can provide one by overloading CreateTestPlatform.
// This is NOT a thread-safe operation and is allowed here for testing only.
mTestPlatform = CreateTestPlatform();
mInstance = mWireHelper->RegisterInstance(gTestEnv->GetInstance()->Get());
std::string traceName =
std::string(::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->test_suite_name()) +
"_" + ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name();
// RequestAdapter is overriden to ignore RequestAdapterOptions, and select based on test params.
[](WGPURequestAdapterStatus, WGPUAdapter cAdapter, const char*, void* userdata) {
*static_cast<wgpu::Adapter*>(userdata) = wgpu::Adapter::Acquire(cAdapter);
device = CreateDevice();
backendDevice = mLastCreatedBackendDevice;
queue = device.GetQueue();
void DawnTestBase::TearDown() {
if (!UsesWire() && device) {
EXPECT_EQ(mLastWarningCount, native::GetDeprecationWarningCountForTesting(device.Get()));
void DawnTestBase::DestroyDevice(wgpu::Device deviceToDestroy) {
wgpu::Device resolvedDevice = deviceToDestroy;
if (resolvedDevice == nullptr) {
resolvedDevice = device;
// No expectation is added because the expectations for this kind of destruction is set up
// as soon as the device is created.
void DawnTestBase::LoseDeviceForTesting(wgpu::Device deviceToLose) {
wgpu::Device resolvedDevice = deviceToLose;
if (resolvedDevice == nullptr) {
resolvedDevice = device;
EXPECT_CALL(mDeviceLostCallback, Call(WGPUDeviceLostReason_Undefined, testing::_, testing::_))
resolvedDevice.ForceLoss(wgpu::DeviceLostReason::Undefined, "Device lost for testing");
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::AddBufferExpectation(const char* file,
int line,
const wgpu::Buffer& buffer,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size,
detail::Expectation* expectation) {
uint64_t alignedSize = Align(size, uint64_t(4));
auto readback = ReserveReadback(device, alignedSize);
// We need to enqueue the copy immediately because by the time we resolve the expectation,
// the buffer might have been modified.
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(buffer, offset, readback.buffer, readback.offset, alignedSize);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
DeferredExpectation deferred;
deferred.file = file;
deferred.line = line;
deferred.readbackSlot = readback.slot;
deferred.readbackOffset = readback.offset;
deferred.size = size;
// This expectation might be called from multiple threads
Mutex::AutoLock lg(&mMutex);
mDeferredExpectations.back().message = std::make_unique<std::ostringstream>();
return *(mDeferredExpectations.back().message.get());
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::AddTextureExpectationImpl(const char* file,
int line,
wgpu::Device targetDevice,
detail::Expectation* expectation,
const wgpu::Texture& texture,
wgpu::Origin3D origin,
wgpu::Extent3D extent,
uint32_t level,
wgpu::TextureAspect aspect,
uint32_t dataSize,
uint32_t bytesPerRow) {
ASSERT(targetDevice != nullptr);
if (bytesPerRow == 0) {
bytesPerRow = Align(extent.width * dataSize, kTextureBytesPerRowAlignment);
} else {
ASSERT(bytesPerRow >= extent.width * dataSize);
ASSERT(bytesPerRow == Align(bytesPerRow, kTextureBytesPerRowAlignment));
uint32_t rowsPerImage = extent.height;
uint32_t size = utils::RequiredBytesInCopy(bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage, extent.width,
extent.height, extent.depthOrArrayLayers, dataSize);
auto readback = ReserveReadback(targetDevice, Align(size, 4));
// We need to enqueue the copy immediately because by the time we resolve the expectation,
// the texture might have been modified.
wgpu::ImageCopyTexture imageCopyTexture =
utils::CreateImageCopyTexture(texture, level, origin, aspect);
wgpu::ImageCopyBuffer imageCopyBuffer =
utils::CreateImageCopyBuffer(readback.buffer, readback.offset, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage);
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = targetDevice.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyTextureToBuffer(&imageCopyTexture, &imageCopyBuffer, &extent);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
targetDevice.GetQueue().Submit(1, &commands);
DeferredExpectation deferred;
deferred.file = file;
deferred.line = line;
deferred.readbackSlot = readback.slot;
deferred.readbackOffset = readback.offset;
deferred.size = size;
deferred.rowBytes = extent.width * dataSize;
deferred.bytesPerRow = bytesPerRow;
// This expectation might be called from multiple threads
Mutex::AutoLock lg(&mMutex);
mDeferredExpectations.back().message = std::make_unique<std::ostringstream>();
return *(mDeferredExpectations.back().message.get());
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::ExpectSampledFloatDataImpl(wgpu::TextureView textureView,
const char* wgslTextureType,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t componentCount,
uint32_t sampleCount,
detail::Expectation* expectation) {
std::ostringstream shaderSource;
shaderSource << "const width : u32 = " << width << "u;\n";
shaderSource << "@group(0) @binding(0) var tex : " << wgslTextureType << ";\n";
shaderSource << R"(
struct Result {
values : array<f32>
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result : Result;
shaderSource << "const componentCount : u32 = " << componentCount << "u;\n";
shaderSource << "const sampleCount : u32 = " << sampleCount << "u;\n";
shaderSource << "fn doTextureLoad(t: " << wgslTextureType
<< ", coord: vec2i, sample: u32, component: u32) -> f32";
if (sampleCount > 1) {
shaderSource << R"({
return textureLoad(tex, coord, i32(sample))[component];
} else {
if (strcmp(wgslTextureType, "texture_depth_2d") == 0) {
ASSERT(componentCount == 1);
shaderSource << R"({
return textureLoad(tex, coord, 0);
} else {
shaderSource << R"({
return textureLoad(tex, coord, 0)[component];
shaderSource << R"(
@compute @workgroup_size(1) fn main(
@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationId : vec3u
) {
let baseOutIndex = GlobalInvocationId.y * width + GlobalInvocationId.x;
for (var s = 0u; s < sampleCount; s = s + 1u) {
for (var c = 0u; c < componentCount; c = c + 1u) {
baseOutIndex * sampleCount * componentCount +
s * componentCount +
] = doTextureLoad(tex, vec2i(GlobalInvocationId.xy), s, c);
wgpu::ShaderModule csModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, shaderSource.str().c_str());
wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor;
pipelineDescriptor.compute.module = csModule;
pipelineDescriptor.compute.entryPoint = "main";
wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline = device.CreateComputePipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
// Create and initialize the slot buffer so that it won't unexpectedly affect the count of
// resources lazily cleared.
const std::vector<float> initialBufferData(width * height * componentCount * sampleCount, 0.f);
wgpu::Buffer readbackBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(
device,, sizeof(float) * initialBufferData.size(),
wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage);
wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, textureView}, {1, readbackBuffer}});
wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass();
pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
pass.DispatchWorkgroups(width, height);
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
return EXPECT_BUFFER(readbackBuffer, 0, initialBufferData.size() * sizeof(float), expectation);
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::ExpectSampledFloatData(wgpu::Texture texture,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t componentCount,
uint32_t arrayLayer,
uint32_t mipLevel,
detail::Expectation* expectation) {
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor viewDesc = {};
viewDesc.dimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
viewDesc.baseMipLevel = mipLevel;
viewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
viewDesc.baseArrayLayer = arrayLayer;
viewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
return ExpectSampledFloatDataImpl(texture.CreateView(&viewDesc), "texture_2d<f32>", width,
height, componentCount, 1, expectation);
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::ExpectMultisampledFloatData(wgpu::Texture texture,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t componentCount,
uint32_t sampleCount,
uint32_t arrayLayer,
uint32_t mipLevel,
detail::Expectation* expectation) {
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor viewDesc = {};
viewDesc.dimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
viewDesc.baseMipLevel = mipLevel;
viewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
viewDesc.baseArrayLayer = arrayLayer;
viewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
return ExpectSampledFloatDataImpl(texture.CreateView(&viewDesc), "texture_multisampled_2d<f32>",
width, height, componentCount, sampleCount, expectation);
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::ExpectSampledDepthData(wgpu::Texture texture,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t arrayLayer,
uint32_t mipLevel,
detail::Expectation* expectation) {
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor viewDesc = {};
viewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::DepthOnly;
viewDesc.dimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
viewDesc.baseMipLevel = mipLevel;
viewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
viewDesc.baseArrayLayer = arrayLayer;
viewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
return ExpectSampledFloatDataImpl(texture.CreateView(&viewDesc), "texture_depth_2d", width,
height, 1, 1, expectation);
std::ostringstream& DawnTestBase::ExpectAttachmentDepthStencilTestData(
wgpu::Texture texture,
wgpu::TextureFormat format,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t arrayLayer,
uint32_t mipLevel,
std::vector<float> expectedDepth,
uint8_t* expectedStencil) {
wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
// Make the color attachment that we'll use to read back.
wgpu::TextureDescriptor colorTexDesc = {};
colorTexDesc.size = {width, height, 1};
colorTexDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Uint;
colorTexDesc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::RenderAttachment | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc;
wgpu::Texture colorTexture = device.CreateTexture(&colorTexDesc);
wgpu::Texture depthDataTexture = nullptr;
if (expectedDepth.size() > 0) {
// Make a sampleable texture to store the depth data. We'll sample this in the
// shader to output depth.
wgpu::TextureDescriptor depthDataDesc = {};
depthDataDesc.size = {width, height, 1};
depthDataDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float;
depthDataDesc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::TextureBinding | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst;
depthDataTexture = device.CreateTexture(&depthDataDesc);
// Upload the depth data.
wgpu::ImageCopyTexture imageCopyTexture =
utils::CreateImageCopyTexture(depthDataTexture, 0, {0, 0, 0});
wgpu::TextureDataLayout textureDataLayout =
utils::CreateTextureDataLayout(0, sizeof(float) * width);
wgpu::Extent3D copyExtent = {width, height, 1};
sizeof(float) * expectedDepth.size(), &textureDataLayout, &copyExtent);
// Pipeline for a full screen quad.
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor;
pipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
fn main(@builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex : u32) -> @builtin(position) vec4f {
var pos = array(
vec2f(-1.0, -1.0),
vec2f( 3.0, -1.0),
vec2f(-1.0, 3.0));
return vec4f(pos[VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0);
if (depthDataTexture) {
// Sample the input texture and write out depth. |result| will only be set to 1 if we
// pass the depth test.
pipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var texture0 : texture_2d<f32>;
struct FragmentOut {
@location(0) result : u32,
@builtin(frag_depth) fragDepth : f32,
fn main(@builtin(position) FragCoord : vec4f) -> FragmentOut {
var output : FragmentOut;
output.result = 1u;
output.fragDepth = textureLoad(texture0, vec2i(FragCoord.xy), 0)[0];
return output;
} else {
pipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
fn main() -> @location(0) u32 {
return 1u;
wgpu::DepthStencilState* depthStencil = pipelineDescriptor.EnableDepthStencil(format);
if (depthDataTexture) {
// Pass the depth test only if the depth is equal.
depthStencil->depthCompare = wgpu::CompareFunction::Equal;
if (expectedStencil != nullptr) {
// Pass the stencil test only if the stencil is equal.
depthStencil-> = wgpu::CompareFunction::Equal;
pipelineDescriptor.cTargets[0].format = colorTexDesc.format;
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor viewDesc = {};
viewDesc.baseMipLevel = mipLevel;
viewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
viewDesc.baseArrayLayer = arrayLayer;
viewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({colorTexture.CreateView()},
passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.depthLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Load;
passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.stencilLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Load;
switch (format) {
case wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24Plus:
case wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth32Float:
case wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth16Unorm:
passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.stencilLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Undefined;
passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.stencilStoreOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Undefined;
case wgpu::TextureFormat::Stencil8:
passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.depthLoadOp = wgpu::LoadOp::Undefined;
passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.depthStoreOp = wgpu::StoreOp::Undefined;
wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&pipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor);
if (expectedStencil != nullptr) {
if (depthDataTexture) {
// Bind the depth data texture.
pass.SetBindGroup(0, utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, depthDataTexture.CreateView()}}));
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
std::vector<uint32_t> colorData(width * height, 1u);
return EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(, colorTexture, {0, 0}, {width, height});
void DawnTestBase::WaitABit(wgpu::Instance targetInstance) {
if (targetInstance == nullptr) {
targetInstance = mInstance;
if (targetInstance != nullptr) {
void DawnTestBase::FlushWire() {
if (gTestEnv->UsesWire()) {
bool C2SFlushed = mWireHelper->FlushClient();
bool S2CFlushed = mWireHelper->FlushServer();
void DawnTestBase::WaitForAllOperations() {
// Callback might be invoked on another thread that calls the same WaitABit() method, not
// necessarily the current thread. So we need to use atomic here.
std::atomic<bool> done(false);
[](WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus, void* userdata) {
*static_cast<std::atomic<bool>*>(userdata) = true;
while (!done.load()) {
DawnTestBase::ReadbackReservation DawnTestBase::ReserveReadback(wgpu::Device targetDevice,
uint64_t readbackSize) {
ReadbackSlot slot;
slot.device = targetDevice;
slot.bufferSize = readbackSize;
// Create and initialize the slot buffer so that it won't unexpectedly affect the count of
// resource lazy clear in the tests.
const std::vector<uint8_t> initialBufferData(readbackSize, 0u);
slot.buffer =
utils::CreateBufferFromData(targetDevice,, readbackSize,
wgpu::BufferUsage::MapRead | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst);
// This readback might be called from multiple threads
Mutex::AutoLock lg(&mMutex);
ReadbackReservation reservation;
reservation.device = targetDevice;
reservation.buffer = slot.buffer;
reservation.slot = mReadbackSlots.size();
reservation.offset = 0;
return reservation;
void DawnTestBase::MapSlotsSynchronously() {
// Initialize numPendingMapOperations before mapping, just in case the callback is called
// immediately.
mNumPendingMapOperations = mReadbackSlots.size();
// Map all readback slots
for (size_t i = 0; i < mReadbackSlots.size(); ++i) {
MapReadUserdata* userdata = new MapReadUserdata{this, i};
const ReadbackSlot& slot = mReadbackSlots[i];
slot.buffer.MapAsync(wgpu::MapMode::Read, 0, wgpu::kWholeMapSize, SlotMapCallback,
// Busy wait until all map operations are done.
while (mNumPendingMapOperations.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != 0) {
// static
void DawnTestBase::SlotMapCallback(WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* userdata_) {
DAWN_ASSERT(status == WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success ||
status == WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_DeviceLost);
std::unique_ptr<MapReadUserdata> userdata(static_cast<MapReadUserdata*>(userdata_));
DawnTestBase* test = userdata->test;
Mutex::AutoLock lg(&test->mMutex);
ReadbackSlot* slot = &test->mReadbackSlots[userdata->slot];
if (status == WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success) {
slot->mappedData = slot->buffer.GetConstMappedRange();
ASSERT(slot->mappedData != nullptr);
} else {
slot->mappedData = nullptr;
test->mNumPendingMapOperations.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);
void DawnTestBase::ResolveExpectations() {
for (const auto& expectation : mDeferredExpectations) {
EXPECT_TRUE(mReadbackSlots[expectation.readbackSlot].mappedData != nullptr);
// Get a pointer to the mapped copy of the data for the expectation.
const char* data =
static_cast<const char*>(mReadbackSlots[expectation.readbackSlot].mappedData);
// Handle the case where the device was lost so the expected data couldn't be read back.
if (data == nullptr) {
InfoLog() << "Skipping deferred expectation because the device was lost";
data += expectation.readbackOffset;
uint32_t size;
std::vector<char> packedData;
if (expectation.rowBytes != expectation.bytesPerRow) {
DAWN_ASSERT(expectation.bytesPerRow > expectation.rowBytes);
uint32_t rowCount =
(expectation.size + expectation.bytesPerRow - 1) / expectation.bytesPerRow;
uint32_t packedSize = rowCount * expectation.rowBytes;
for (uint32_t r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < expectation.rowBytes; ++i) {
packedData[i + r * expectation.rowBytes] =
data[i + r * expectation.bytesPerRow];
data =;
size = packedSize;
} else {
size = expectation.size;
// Get the result for the expectation and add context to failures
testing::AssertionResult result = expectation.expectation->Check(data, size);
if (!result) {
result << " Expectation created at " << expectation.file << ":" << expectation.line
<< std::endl;
result << expectation.message->str();
std::unique_ptr<platform::Platform> DawnTestBase::CreateTestPlatform() {
return nullptr;
void DawnTestBase::ResolveDeferredExpectationsNow() {
Mutex::AutoLock lg(&mMutex);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mReadbackSlots.size(); ++i) {
bool utils::RGBA8::operator==(const utils::RGBA8& other) const {
return r == other.r && g == other.g && b == other.b && a == other.a;
bool utils::RGBA8::operator!=(const utils::RGBA8& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool utils::RGBA8::operator<=(const utils::RGBA8& other) const {
return (r <= other.r && g <= other.g && b <= other.b && a <= other.a);
bool utils::RGBA8::operator>=(const utils::RGBA8& other) const {
return (r >= other.r && g >= other.g && b >= other.b && a >= other.a);
namespace detail {
std::vector<AdapterTestParam> GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends(
const BackendTestConfig* params,
size_t numParams) {
ASSERT(gTestEnv != nullptr);
return gTestEnv->GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends(params, numParams);
// Helper classes to set expectations
template <typename T, typename U>
ExpectEq<T, U>::ExpectEq(T singleValue, T tolerance) : mTolerance(tolerance) {
template <typename T, typename U>
ExpectEq<T, U>::ExpectEq(const T* values, const unsigned int count, T tolerance)
: mTolerance(tolerance) {
mExpected.assign(values, values + count);
namespace {
template <typename T, typename U = T>
testing::AssertionResult CheckImpl(const T& expected, const U& actual, const T& tolerance) {
ASSERT(tolerance == T{});
if (expected != actual) {
return testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << ", actual " << actual;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
template <>
testing::AssertionResult CheckImpl<utils::RGBA8>(const utils::RGBA8& expected,
const utils::RGBA8& actual,
const utils::RGBA8& tolerance) {
if (abs(expected.r - actual.r) > tolerance.r || abs(expected.g - actual.g) > tolerance.g ||
abs(expected.b - actual.b) > tolerance.b || abs(expected.a - actual.a) > tolerance.a) {
return tolerance == utils::RGBA8{}
? testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << ", actual " << actual
: testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "within " << tolerance << " of " << expected << ", actual " << actual;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
template <>
testing::AssertionResult CheckImpl<float>(const float& expected,
const float& actual,
const float& tolerance) {
if (abs(expected - actual) > tolerance) {
return tolerance == 0.0 ? testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << ", actual " << actual
: testing::AssertionFailure() << "within " << tolerance << " of "
<< expected << ", actual " << actual;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
template <>
testing::AssertionResult CheckImpl<uint16_t>(const uint16_t& expected,
const uint16_t& actual,
const uint16_t& tolerance) {
if (abs(static_cast<int32_t>(expected) - static_cast<int32_t>(actual)) > tolerance) {
return tolerance == 0 ? testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << ", actual " << actual
: testing::AssertionFailure() << "within " << tolerance << " of "
<< expected << ", actual " << actual;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
// Interpret uint16_t as float16
// This is mostly for reading float16 output from textures
template <>
testing::AssertionResult CheckImpl<float, uint16_t>(const float& expected,
const uint16_t& actual,
const float& tolerance) {
float actualF32 = Float16ToFloat32(actual);
if (abs(expected - actualF32) > tolerance) {
return tolerance == 0.0
? testing::AssertionFailure() << expected << ", actual " << actualF32
: testing::AssertionFailure() << "within " << tolerance << " of " << expected
<< ", actual " << actualF32;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
} // namespace
template <typename T>
ExpectConstant<T>::ExpectConstant(T constant) : mConstant(constant) {}
template <typename T>
uint32_t ExpectConstant<T>::DataSize() {
return sizeof(T);
template <typename T>
testing::AssertionResult ExpectConstant<T>::Check(const void* data, size_t size) {
DAWN_ASSERT(size % DataSize() == 0 && size > 0);
const T* actual = static_cast<const T*>(data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size / DataSize(); ++i) {
if (actual[i] != mConstant) {
return testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "Expected data[" << i << "] to match constant value " << mConstant
<< ", actual " << actual[i] << std::endl;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
template class ExpectConstant<float>;
template <typename T, typename U>
testing::AssertionResult ExpectEq<T, U>::Check(const void* data, size_t size) {
DAWN_ASSERT(size == sizeof(U) * mExpected.size());
const U* actual = static_cast<const U*>(data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mExpected.size(); ++i) {
testing::AssertionResult check = CheckImpl(mExpected[i], actual[i], mTolerance);
if (!check) {
testing::AssertionResult result = testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "Expected data[" << i << "] to be "
<< check.message() << std::endl;
if (mExpected.size() <= 1024) {
result << "Expected:" << std::endl;
printBuffer(result,, mExpected.size());
result << "Actual:" << std::endl;
printBuffer(result, actual, mExpected.size());
return result;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
template class ExpectEq<uint8_t>;
template class ExpectEq<uint16_t>;
template class ExpectEq<uint32_t>;
template class ExpectEq<uint64_t>;
template class ExpectEq<utils::RGBA8>;
template class ExpectEq<float>;
template class ExpectEq<float, uint16_t>;
template <typename T>
ExpectBetweenColors<T>::ExpectBetweenColors(T value0, T value1) {
T l, h;
l.r = std::min(value0.r, value1.r);
l.g = std::min(value0.g, value1.g);
l.b = std::min(value0.b, value1.b);
l.a = std::min(value0.a, value1.a);
h.r = std::max(value0.r, value1.r);
h.g = std::max(value0.g, value1.g);
h.b = std::max(value0.b, value1.b);
h.a = std::max(value0.a, value1.a);
template <typename T>
testing::AssertionResult ExpectBetweenColors<T>::Check(const void* data, size_t size) {
DAWN_ASSERT(size == sizeof(T) * mLowerColorChannels.size());
DAWN_ASSERT(mHigherColorChannels.size() == mLowerColorChannels.size());
DAWN_ASSERT(mValues0.size() == mValues1.size());
DAWN_ASSERT(mValues0.size() == mLowerColorChannels.size());
const T* actual = static_cast<const T*>(data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mLowerColorChannels.size(); ++i) {
if (!(actual[i] >= mLowerColorChannels[i] && actual[i] <= mHigherColorChannels[i])) {
testing::AssertionResult result = testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "Expected data[" << i << "] to be between "
<< mValues0[i] << " and " << mValues1[i]
<< ", actual " << actual[i] << std::endl;
if (mLowerColorChannels.size() <= 1024) {
result << "Expected between:" << std::endl;
printBuffer(result,, mLowerColorChannels.size());
result << "and" << std::endl;
printBuffer(result,, mLowerColorChannels.size());
result << "Actual:" << std::endl;
printBuffer(result, actual, mLowerColorChannels.size());
return result;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
template class ExpectBetweenColors<utils::RGBA8>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace dawn