[d3d] Move shader translation and compile code to d3d

So it can be shared between d3d11 and d3d12 backends

Bug: dawn:1705
Change-Id: Iffabe8d77a0ac3713da985c0cac5839299dc2a47
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/124883
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Peng Huang <penghuang@chromium.org>
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/BUILD.gn b/src/dawn/native/BUILD.gn
index 1ca341d..ff21df0 100644
--- a/src/dawn/native/BUILD.gn
+++ b/src/dawn/native/BUILD.gn
@@ -409,6 +409,8 @@
+      "d3d/ShaderUtils.cpp",
+      "d3d/ShaderUtils.h",
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/CMakeLists.txt b/src/dawn/native/CMakeLists.txt
index d1625a1..3ad2292 100644
--- a/src/dawn/native/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/dawn/native/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -267,6 +267,8 @@
+        "d3d/ShaderUtils.cpp"
+        "d3d/ShaderUtils.h"
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.cpp b/src/dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca39e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Dawn Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/BlobD3D.h"
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DCompilationRequest.h"
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DError.h"
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/UtilsD3D.h"
+#include "dawn/platform/DawnPlatform.h"
+#include "dawn/platform/tracing/TraceEvent.h"
+#include "tint/tint.h"
+namespace dawn::native::d3d {
+namespace {
+std::vector<const wchar_t*> GetDXCArguments(uint32_t compileFlags, bool enable16BitTypes) {
+    std::vector<const wchar_t*> arguments;
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Gec");
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_IEEE_STRICTNESS) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Gis");
+    }
+    constexpr uint32_t d3dCompileFlagsBits = D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2;
+    if (compileFlags & d3dCompileFlagsBits) {
+        switch (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2) {
+                arguments.push_back(L"/O0");
+                break;
+                arguments.push_back(L"/O2");
+                break;
+                arguments.push_back(L"/O3");
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Zi");
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_PACK_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Zpr");
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_PACK_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Zpc");
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Gfa");
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/Gfp");
+    }
+    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_RESOURCES_MAY_ALIAS) {
+        arguments.push_back(L"/res_may_alias");
+    }
+    if (enable16BitTypes) {
+        // enable-16bit-types are only allowed in -HV 2018 (default)
+        arguments.push_back(L"/enable-16bit-types");
+    }
+    arguments.push_back(L"-HV");
+    arguments.push_back(L"2018");
+    return arguments;
+ResultOrError<ComPtr<IDxcBlob>> CompileShaderDXC(const d3d::D3DBytecodeCompilationRequest& r,
+                                                 const std::string& entryPointName,
+                                                 const std::string& hlslSource) {
+    ComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> sourceBlob;
+    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(r.dxcLibrary->CreateBlobWithEncodingFromPinned(
+                              hlslSource.c_str(), hlslSource.length(), CP_UTF8, &sourceBlob),
+                          "DXC create blob"));
+    std::wstring entryPointW;
+    DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(entryPointW, d3d::ConvertStringToWstring(entryPointName));
+    std::vector<const wchar_t*> arguments = GetDXCArguments(r.compileFlags, r.hasShaderF16Feature);
+    ComPtr<IDxcOperationResult> result;
+    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(r.dxcCompiler->Compile(sourceBlob.Get(), nullptr, entryPointW.c_str(),
+                                                 r.dxcShaderProfile.data(), arguments.data(),
+                                                 arguments.size(), nullptr, 0, nullptr, &result),
+                          "DXC compile"));
+    HRESULT hr;
+    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(result->GetStatus(&hr), "DXC get status"));
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+        ComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> errors;
+        DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(result->GetErrorBuffer(&errors), "DXC get error buffer"));
+        return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("DXC compile failed with: %s",
+                                     static_cast<char*>(errors->GetBufferPointer()));
+    }
+    ComPtr<IDxcBlob> compiledShader;
+    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(result->GetResult(&compiledShader), "DXC get result"));
+    return std::move(compiledShader);
+ResultOrError<ComPtr<ID3DBlob>> CompileShaderFXC(const d3d::D3DBytecodeCompilationRequest& r,
+                                                 const std::string& entryPointName,
+                                                 const std::string& hlslSource) {
+    ComPtr<ID3DBlob> compiledShader;
+    ComPtr<ID3DBlob> errors;
+    DAWN_INVALID_IF(FAILED(r.d3dCompile(hlslSource.c_str(), hlslSource.length(), nullptr, nullptr,
+                                        nullptr, entryPointName.c_str(), r.fxcShaderProfile.data(),
+                                        r.compileFlags, 0, &compiledShader, &errors)),
+                    "D3D compile failed with: %s", static_cast<char*>(errors->GetBufferPointer()));
+    return std::move(compiledShader);
+ResultOrError<std::string> TranslateToHLSL(
+    d3d::HlslCompilationRequest r,
+    CacheKey::UnsafeUnkeyedValue<dawn::platform::Platform*> tracePlatform,
+    std::string* remappedEntryPointName,
+    bool* usesVertexOrInstanceIndex) {
+    std::ostringstream errorStream;
+    errorStream << "Tint HLSL failure:" << std::endl;
+    tint::transform::Manager transformManager;
+    tint::transform::DataMap transformInputs;
+    // Run before the renamer so that the entry point name matches `entryPointName` still.
+    transformManager.Add<tint::transform::SingleEntryPoint>();
+    transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::SingleEntryPoint::Config>(r.entryPointName.data());
+    // Needs to run before all other transforms so that they can use builtin names safely.
+    transformManager.Add<tint::transform::Renamer>();
+    if (r.disableSymbolRenaming) {
+        // We still need to rename HLSL reserved keywords
+        transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::Renamer::Config>(
+            tint::transform::Renamer::Target::kHlslKeywords);
+    }
+    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
+        transformManager.Add<tint::transform::FirstIndexOffset>();
+        transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::FirstIndexOffset::BindingPoint>(
+            r.firstIndexOffsetShaderRegister, r.firstIndexOffsetRegisterSpace);
+    }
+    if (r.substituteOverrideConfig) {
+        // This needs to run after SingleEntryPoint transform which removes unused overrides for
+        // current entry point.
+        transformManager.Add<tint::transform::SubstituteOverride>();
+        transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::SubstituteOverride::Config>(
+            std::move(r.substituteOverrideConfig).value());
+    }
+    tint::Program transformedProgram;
+    tint::transform::DataMap transformOutputs;
+    {
+        TRACE_EVENT0(tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "RunTransforms");
+        DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(transformedProgram,
+                        RunTransforms(&transformManager, r.inputProgram, transformInputs,
+                                      &transformOutputs, nullptr));
+    }
+    if (auto* data = transformOutputs.Get<tint::transform::Renamer::Data>()) {
+        auto it = data->remappings.find(r.entryPointName.data());
+        if (it != data->remappings.end()) {
+            *remappedEntryPointName = it->second;
+        } else {
+            DAWN_INVALID_IF(!r.disableSymbolRenaming,
+                            "Could not find remapped name for entry point.");
+            *remappedEntryPointName = r.entryPointName;
+        }
+    } else {
+        return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Transform output missing renamer data.");
+    }
+    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Compute) {
+        // Validate workgroup size after program runs transforms.
+        Extent3D _;
+        DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(_, ValidateComputeStageWorkgroupSize(
+                               transformedProgram, remappedEntryPointName->data(), r.limits));
+    }
+    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
+        if (auto* data = transformOutputs.Get<tint::transform::FirstIndexOffset::Data>()) {
+            *usesVertexOrInstanceIndex = data->has_vertex_or_instance_index;
+        } else {
+            return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Transform output missing first index offset data.");
+        }
+    }
+    tint::writer::hlsl::Options options;
+    options.disable_robustness = !r.isRobustnessEnabled;
+    options.disable_workgroup_init = r.disableWorkgroupInit;
+    options.binding_remapper_options = r.bindingRemapper;
+    options.external_texture_options = r.externalTextureOptions;
+    if (r.usesNumWorkgroups) {
+        options.root_constant_binding_point =
+            tint::writer::BindingPoint{r.numWorkgroupsRegisterSpace, r.numWorkgroupsShaderRegister};
+    }
+    // TODO(dawn:549): HLSL generation outputs the indices into the
+    // array_length_from_uniform buffer that were actually used. When the blob cache can
+    // store more than compiled shaders, we should reflect these used indices and store
+    // them as well. This would allow us to only upload root constants that are actually
+    // read by the shader.
+    options.array_length_from_uniform = r.arrayLengthFromUniform;
+    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
+        // Now that only vertex shader can have interstage outputs.
+        // Pass in the actually used interstage locations for tint to potentially truncate unused
+        // outputs.
+        options.interstage_locations = r.interstageLocations;
+    }
+    options.polyfill_reflect_vec2_f32 = r.polyfillReflectVec2F32;
+    TRACE_EVENT0(tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "tint::writer::hlsl::Generate");
+    auto result = tint::writer::hlsl::Generate(&transformedProgram, options);
+    DAWN_INVALID_IF(!result.success, "An error occured while generating HLSL: %s", result.error);
+    return std::move(result.hlsl);
+}  // anonymous namespace
+ResultOrError<CompiledShader> CompileShader(d3d::D3DCompilationRequest r) {
+    CompiledShader compiledShader;
+    // Compile the source shader to HLSL.
+    std::string remappedEntryPoint;
+    DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledShader.hlslSource,
+                    TranslateToHLSL(std::move(r.hlsl), r.tracePlatform, &remappedEntryPoint,
+                                    &compiledShader.usesVertexOrInstanceIndex));
+    switch (r.bytecode.compiler) {
+        case d3d::Compiler::DXC: {
+            TRACE_EVENT0(r.tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "CompileShaderDXC");
+            ComPtr<IDxcBlob> compiledDXCShader;
+            DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledDXCShader, CompileShaderDXC(r.bytecode, remappedEntryPoint,
+                                                                compiledShader.hlslSource));
+            compiledShader.shaderBlob = CreateBlob(std::move(compiledDXCShader));
+            break;
+        }
+        case d3d::Compiler::FXC: {
+            TRACE_EVENT0(r.tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "CompileShaderFXC");
+            ComPtr<ID3DBlob> compiledFXCShader;
+            DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledFXCShader, CompileShaderFXC(r.bytecode, remappedEntryPoint,
+                                                                compiledShader.hlslSource));
+            compiledShader.shaderBlob = CreateBlob(std::move(compiledFXCShader));
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    // If dumpShaders is false, we don't need the HLSL for logging. Clear the contents so it
+    // isn't stored into the cache.
+    if (!r.hlsl.dumpShaders) {
+        compiledShader.hlslSource = "";
+    }
+    return compiledShader;
+}  // namespace dawn::native::d3d
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.h b/src/dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbfc2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Dawn Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <string>
+#include "dawn/native/Blob.h"
+#include "dawn/native/Serializable.h"
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DCompilationRequest.h"
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/d3d_platform.h"
+namespace dawn::native::d3d {
+    X(Blob, shaderBlob)            \
+    X(std::string, hlslSource)     \
+    X(bool, usesVertexOrInstanceIndex)
+// `CompiledShader` holds a ref to one of the various representations of shader blobs and
+// information used to emulate vertex/instance index starts. It also holds the `hlslSource` for the
+// shader compilation, which is only transiently available during Compile, and cleared before it
+// returns. It is not written to or loaded from the cache unless Toggle dump_shaders is true.
+ResultOrError<CompiledShader> CompileShader(d3d::D3DCompilationRequest r);
+}  // namespace dawn::native::d3d
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ComputePipelineD3D12.cpp b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ComputePipelineD3D12.cpp
index e781f0f..8585940 100644
--- a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ComputePipelineD3D12.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ComputePipelineD3D12.cpp
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
     d3dDesc.pRootSignature = ToBackend(GetLayout())->GetRootSignature();
     // TODO(dawn:549): Compile shader everytime before we implement compiled shader cache
-    CompiledShader compiledShader;
+    d3d::CompiledShader compiledShader;
     DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledShader, module->Compile(computeStage, SingleShaderStage::Compute,
                                                     ToBackend(GetLayout()), compileFlags));
-    d3dDesc.CS = compiledShader.GetD3D12ShaderBytecode();
+    d3dDesc.CS = {compiledShader.shaderBlob.Data(), compiledShader.shaderBlob.Size()};
     StreamIn(&mCacheKey, d3dDesc, ToBackend(GetLayout())->GetRootSignatureBlob());
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/RenderPipelineD3D12.cpp b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/RenderPipelineD3D12.cpp
index 6cfa55d..e6988e4 100644
--- a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/RenderPipelineD3D12.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/RenderPipelineD3D12.cpp
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
     shaders[SingleShaderStage::Vertex] = &descriptorD3D12.VS;
     shaders[SingleShaderStage::Fragment] = &descriptorD3D12.PS;
-    PerStage<CompiledShader> compiledShader;
+    PerStage<d3d::CompiledShader> compiledShader;
     std::bitset<kMaxInterStageShaderVariables>* usedInterstageVariables = nullptr;
     dawn::native::EntryPointMetadata fragmentEntryPoint;
@@ -397,7 +397,8 @@
                             ->Compile(programmableStage, stage, ToBackend(GetLayout()),
                                       compileFlags, usedInterstageVariables));
-        *shaders[stage] = compiledShader[stage].GetD3D12ShaderBytecode();
+        *shaders[stage] = {compiledShader[stage].shaderBlob.Data(),
+                           compiledShader[stage].shaderBlob.Size()};
     mUsesVertexOrInstanceIndex =
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.cpp b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.cpp
index 745b27a..0c3d819 100644
--- a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.cpp
@@ -14,22 +14,14 @@
 #include "dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <sstream>
 #include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <unordered_set>
 #include <utility>
-#include <vector>
 #include "dawn/common/Assert.h"
 #include "dawn/common/BitSetIterator.h"
 #include "dawn/common/Log.h"
-#include "dawn/common/WindowsUtils.h"
-#include "dawn/native/CacheKey.h"
 #include "dawn/native/Pipeline.h"
 #include "dawn/native/TintUtils.h"
-#include "dawn/native/d3d/BlobD3D.h"
 #include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DCompilationRequest.h"
 #include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DError.h"
 #include "dawn/native/d3d12/AdapterD3D12.h"
@@ -39,8 +31,6 @@
 #include "dawn/native/d3d12/PipelineLayoutD3D12.h"
 #include "dawn/native/d3d12/PlatformFunctionsD3D12.h"
 #include "dawn/native/d3d12/UtilsD3D12.h"
-#include "dawn/native/stream/BlobSource.h"
-#include "dawn/native/stream/ByteVectorSink.h"
 #include "dawn/platform/DawnPlatform.h"
 #include "dawn/platform/tracing/TraceEvent.h"
@@ -49,94 +39,6 @@
 namespace dawn::native::d3d12 {
 namespace {
-std::vector<const wchar_t*> GetDXCArguments(uint32_t compileFlags, bool enable16BitTypes) {
-    std::vector<const wchar_t*> arguments;
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Gec");
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_IEEE_STRICTNESS) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Gis");
-    }
-    constexpr uint32_t d3dCompileFlagsBits = D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2;
-    if (compileFlags & d3dCompileFlagsBits) {
-        switch (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2) {
-                arguments.push_back(L"/O0");
-                break;
-                arguments.push_back(L"/O2");
-                break;
-                arguments.push_back(L"/O3");
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Zi");
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_PACK_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Zpr");
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_PACK_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Zpc");
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Gfa");
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/Gfp");
-    }
-    if (compileFlags & D3DCOMPILE_RESOURCES_MAY_ALIAS) {
-        arguments.push_back(L"/res_may_alias");
-    }
-    if (enable16BitTypes) {
-        // enable-16bit-types are only allowed in -HV 2018 (default)
-        arguments.push_back(L"/enable-16bit-types");
-    }
-    arguments.push_back(L"-HV");
-    arguments.push_back(L"2018");
-    return arguments;
-ResultOrError<ComPtr<IDxcBlob>> CompileShaderDXC(const d3d::D3DBytecodeCompilationRequest& r,
-                                                 const std::string& entryPointName,
-                                                 const std::string& hlslSource) {
-    ComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> sourceBlob;
-    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(r.dxcLibrary->CreateBlobWithEncodingFromPinned(
-                              hlslSource.c_str(), hlslSource.length(), CP_UTF8, &sourceBlob),
-                          "DXC create blob"));
-    std::wstring entryPointW;
-    DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(entryPointW, d3d::ConvertStringToWstring(entryPointName));
-    std::vector<const wchar_t*> arguments = GetDXCArguments(r.compileFlags, r.hasShaderF16Feature);
-    ComPtr<IDxcOperationResult> result;
-    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(r.dxcCompiler->Compile(sourceBlob.Get(), nullptr, entryPointW.c_str(),
-                                                 r.dxcShaderProfile.data(), arguments.data(),
-                                                 arguments.size(), nullptr, 0, nullptr, &result),
-                          "DXC compile"));
-    HRESULT hr;
-    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(result->GetStatus(&hr), "DXC get status"));
-    if (FAILED(hr)) {
-        ComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> errors;
-        DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(result->GetErrorBuffer(&errors), "DXC get error buffer"));
-        return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("DXC compile failed with: %s",
-                                     static_cast<char*>(errors->GetBufferPointer()));
-    }
-    ComPtr<IDxcBlob> compiledShader;
-    DAWN_TRY(CheckHRESULT(result->GetResult(&compiledShader), "DXC get result"));
-    return std::move(compiledShader);
 std::string CompileFlagsToStringFXC(uint32_t compileFlags) {
     struct Flag {
         uint32_t value;
@@ -199,163 +101,6 @@
     return result;
-ResultOrError<ComPtr<ID3DBlob>> CompileShaderFXC(const d3d::D3DBytecodeCompilationRequest& r,
-                                                 const std::string& entryPointName,
-                                                 const std::string& hlslSource) {
-    ComPtr<ID3DBlob> compiledShader;
-    ComPtr<ID3DBlob> errors;
-    DAWN_INVALID_IF(FAILED(r.d3dCompile(hlslSource.c_str(), hlslSource.length(), nullptr, nullptr,
-                                        nullptr, entryPointName.c_str(), r.fxcShaderProfile.data(),
-                                        r.compileFlags, 0, &compiledShader, &errors)),
-                    "D3D compile failed with: %s", static_cast<char*>(errors->GetBufferPointer()));
-    return std::move(compiledShader);
-ResultOrError<std::string> TranslateToHLSL(
-    d3d::HlslCompilationRequest r,
-    CacheKey::UnsafeUnkeyedValue<dawn::platform::Platform*> tracePlatform,
-    std::string* remappedEntryPointName,
-    bool* usesVertexOrInstanceIndex) {
-    std::ostringstream errorStream;
-    errorStream << "Tint HLSL failure:" << std::endl;
-    tint::transform::Manager transformManager;
-    tint::transform::DataMap transformInputs;
-    // Run before the renamer so that the entry point name matches `entryPointName` still.
-    transformManager.Add<tint::transform::SingleEntryPoint>();
-    transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::SingleEntryPoint::Config>(r.entryPointName.data());
-    // Needs to run before all other transforms so that they can use builtin names safely.
-    transformManager.Add<tint::transform::Renamer>();
-    if (r.disableSymbolRenaming) {
-        // We still need to rename HLSL reserved keywords
-        transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::Renamer::Config>(
-            tint::transform::Renamer::Target::kHlslKeywords);
-    }
-    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
-        transformManager.Add<tint::transform::FirstIndexOffset>();
-        transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::FirstIndexOffset::BindingPoint>(
-            r.firstIndexOffsetShaderRegister, r.firstIndexOffsetRegisterSpace);
-    }
-    if (r.substituteOverrideConfig) {
-        // This needs to run after SingleEntryPoint transform which removes unused overrides for
-        // current entry point.
-        transformManager.Add<tint::transform::SubstituteOverride>();
-        transformInputs.Add<tint::transform::SubstituteOverride::Config>(
-            std::move(r.substituteOverrideConfig).value());
-    }
-    tint::Program transformedProgram;
-    tint::transform::DataMap transformOutputs;
-    {
-        TRACE_EVENT0(tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "RunTransforms");
-        DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(transformedProgram,
-                        RunTransforms(&transformManager, r.inputProgram, transformInputs,
-                                      &transformOutputs, nullptr));
-    }
-    if (auto* data = transformOutputs.Get<tint::transform::Renamer::Data>()) {
-        auto it = data->remappings.find(r.entryPointName.data());
-        if (it != data->remappings.end()) {
-            *remappedEntryPointName = it->second;
-        } else {
-            DAWN_INVALID_IF(!r.disableSymbolRenaming,
-                            "Could not find remapped name for entry point.");
-            *remappedEntryPointName = r.entryPointName;
-        }
-    } else {
-        return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Transform output missing renamer data.");
-    }
-    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Compute) {
-        // Validate workgroup size after program runs transforms.
-        Extent3D _;
-        DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(_, ValidateComputeStageWorkgroupSize(
-                               transformedProgram, remappedEntryPointName->data(), r.limits));
-    }
-    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
-        if (auto* data = transformOutputs.Get<tint::transform::FirstIndexOffset::Data>()) {
-            *usesVertexOrInstanceIndex = data->has_vertex_or_instance_index;
-        } else {
-            return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Transform output missing first index offset data.");
-        }
-    }
-    tint::writer::hlsl::Options options;
-    options.disable_robustness = !r.isRobustnessEnabled;
-    options.disable_workgroup_init = r.disableWorkgroupInit;
-    options.binding_remapper_options = r.bindingRemapper;
-    options.external_texture_options = r.externalTextureOptions;
-    if (r.usesNumWorkgroups) {
-        options.root_constant_binding_point =
-            tint::writer::BindingPoint{r.numWorkgroupsRegisterSpace, r.numWorkgroupsShaderRegister};
-    }
-    // TODO(dawn:549): HLSL generation outputs the indices into the
-    // array_length_from_uniform buffer that were actually used. When the blob cache can
-    // store more than compiled shaders, we should reflect these used indices and store
-    // them as well. This would allow us to only upload root constants that are actually
-    // read by the shader.
-    options.array_length_from_uniform = r.arrayLengthFromUniform;
-    if (r.stage == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
-        // Now that only vertex shader can have interstage outputs.
-        // Pass in the actually used interstage locations for tint to potentially truncate unused
-        // outputs.
-        options.interstage_locations = r.interstageLocations;
-    }
-    options.polyfill_reflect_vec2_f32 = r.polyfillReflectVec2F32;
-    TRACE_EVENT0(tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "tint::writer::hlsl::Generate");
-    auto result = tint::writer::hlsl::Generate(&transformedProgram, options);
-    DAWN_INVALID_IF(!result.success, "An error occured while generating HLSL: %s", result.error);
-    return std::move(result.hlsl);
-ResultOrError<CompiledShader> CompileShader(d3d::D3DCompilationRequest r) {
-    CompiledShader compiledShader;
-    // Compile the source shader to HLSL.
-    std::string remappedEntryPoint;
-    DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledShader.hlslSource,
-                    TranslateToHLSL(std::move(r.hlsl), r.tracePlatform, &remappedEntryPoint,
-                                    &compiledShader.usesVertexOrInstanceIndex));
-    switch (r.bytecode.compiler) {
-        case d3d::Compiler::DXC: {
-            TRACE_EVENT0(r.tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "CompileShaderDXC");
-            ComPtr<IDxcBlob> compiledDXCShader;
-            DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledDXCShader, CompileShaderDXC(r.bytecode, remappedEntryPoint,
-                                                                compiledShader.hlslSource));
-            compiledShader.shaderBlob = CreateBlob(std::move(compiledDXCShader));
-            break;
-        }
-        case d3d::Compiler::FXC: {
-            TRACE_EVENT0(r.tracePlatform.UnsafeGetValue(), General, "CompileShaderFXC");
-            ComPtr<ID3DBlob> compiledFXCShader;
-            DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(compiledFXCShader, CompileShaderFXC(r.bytecode, remappedEntryPoint,
-                                                                compiledShader.hlslSource));
-            compiledShader.shaderBlob = CreateBlob(std::move(compiledFXCShader));
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    // If dumpShaders is false, we don't need the HLSL for logging. Clear the contents so it
-    // isn't stored into the cache.
-    if (!r.hlsl.dumpShaders) {
-        compiledShader.hlslSource = "";
-    }
-    return compiledShader;
 }  // anonymous namespace
 // static
@@ -378,7 +123,7 @@
     return InitializeBase(parseResult, compilationMessages);
-ResultOrError<CompiledShader> ShaderModule::Compile(
+ResultOrError<d3d::CompiledShader> ShaderModule::Compile(
     const ProgrammableStage& programmableStage,
     SingleShaderStage stage,
     const PipelineLayout* layout,
@@ -526,9 +271,9 @@
     const CombinedLimits& limits = device->GetLimits();
     req.hlsl.limits = LimitsForCompilationRequest::Create(limits.v1);
-    CacheResult<CompiledShader> compiledShader;
-    DAWN_TRY_LOAD_OR_RUN(compiledShader, device, std::move(req), CompiledShader::FromBlob,
-                         CompileShader);
+    CacheResult<d3d::CompiledShader> compiledShader;
+    DAWN_TRY_LOAD_OR_RUN(compiledShader, device, std::move(req), d3d::CompiledShader::FromBlob,
+                         d3d::CompileShader);
     if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DumpShaders)) {
         std::ostringstream dumpedMsg;
@@ -537,11 +282,11 @@
         if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseDXC)) {
             dumpedMsg << "/* Dumped disassembled DXIL */" << std::endl;
-            D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE code = compiledShader->GetD3D12ShaderBytecode();
+            const Blob& shaderBlob = compiledShader->shaderBlob;
             ComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> dxcBlob;
             ComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> disassembly;
             if (FAILED(device->GetDxcLibrary()->CreateBlobWithEncodingFromPinned(
-                    code.pShaderBytecode, code.BytecodeLength, 0, &dxcBlob)) ||
+                    shaderBlob.Data(), shaderBlob.Size(), 0, &dxcBlob)) ||
                 FAILED(device->GetDxcCompiler()->Disassemble(dxcBlob.Get(), &disassembly))) {
                 dumpedMsg << "DXC disassemble failed" << std::endl;
             } else {
@@ -554,13 +299,13 @@
                       << CompileFlagsToStringFXC(compileFlags) << std::endl;
             dumpedMsg << "/* Dumped disassembled DXBC */" << std::endl;
             ComPtr<ID3DBlob> disassembly;
-            D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE code = compiledShader->GetD3D12ShaderBytecode();
+            const Blob& shaderBlob = compiledShader->shaderBlob;
             UINT flags =
                 // Some literals are printed as floats with precision(6) which is not enough
                 // precision for values very close to 0, so always print literals as hex values.
-            if (FAILED(device->GetFunctions()->d3dDisassemble(
-                    code.pShaderBytecode, code.BytecodeLength, flags, nullptr, &disassembly))) {
+            if (FAILED(device->GetFunctions()->d3dDisassemble(shaderBlob.Data(), shaderBlob.Size(),
+                                                              flags, nullptr, &disassembly))) {
                 dumpedMsg << "D3D disassemble failed" << std::endl;
             } else {
                 dumpedMsg << std::string_view(
@@ -575,13 +320,9 @@
     // Clear the hlslSource. It is only used for logging and should not be used
     // outside of the compilation.
-    CompiledShader result = compiledShader.Acquire();
+    d3d::CompiledShader result = compiledShader.Acquire();
     result.hlslSource = "";
     return result;
-D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE CompiledShader::GetD3D12ShaderBytecode() const {
-    return {shaderBlob.Data(), shaderBlob.Size()};
 }  // namespace dawn::native::d3d12
diff --git a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.h b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.h
index f646117..9cf1c0d 100644
--- a/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.h
+++ b/src/dawn/native/d3d12/ShaderModuleD3D12.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "dawn/native/Blob.h"
 #include "dawn/native/Serializable.h"
 #include "dawn/native/ShaderModule.h"
+#include "dawn/native/d3d/ShaderUtils.h"
 #include "dawn/native/d3d12/d3d12_platform.h"
 namespace dawn::native {
@@ -31,20 +32,6 @@
 class Device;
 class PipelineLayout;
-    X(Blob, shaderBlob)            \
-    X(std::string, hlslSource)     \
-    X(bool, usesVertexOrInstanceIndex)
-// `CompiledShader` holds a ref to one of the various representations of shader blobs and
-// information used to emulate vertex/instance index starts. It also holds the `hlslSource` for the
-// shader compilation, which is only transiently available during Compile, and cleared before it
-// returns. It is not written to or loaded from the cache unless Toggle dump_shaders is true.
-    D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE GetD3D12ShaderBytecode() const;
 class ShaderModule final : public ShaderModuleBase {
     static ResultOrError<Ref<ShaderModule>> Create(Device* device,
@@ -52,7 +39,7 @@
                                                    ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult,
                                                    OwnedCompilationMessages* compilationMessages);
-    ResultOrError<CompiledShader> Compile(
+    ResultOrError<d3d::CompiledShader> Compile(
         const ProgrammableStage& programmableStage,
         SingleShaderStage stage,
         const PipelineLayout* layout,