| <html class="reftest-wait"> |
| <base ref="/gen/third_party/dawn/webgpu-cts/src/webgpu" /> |
| <title>WebGPU canvas_image_rendering</title> |
| <link rel="help" href="https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/" /> |
| <meta name="assert" content="WebGPU canvas with image-rendering set should be rendered correctly" /> |
| <link rel="match" href="./ref/canvas_image_rendering-ref.html" /> |
| <canvas id="elem1" width="64" height="64" style="width: 128px; height: 128px;"></canvas> |
| <canvas id="elem2" width="64" height="64" style="width: 128px; height: 128px; image-rendering: pixelated;"></canvas> |
| <canvas id="elem3" width="64" height="64" style="width: 128px; height: 128px; image-rendering: crisp-edges"></canvas> |
| <canvas id="elem4" width="64" height="64" style="width: 128px; height: 128px;"></canvas> |
| <canvas id="elem5" width="64" height="64" style="width: 128px; height: 128px; image-rendering: pixelated;"></canvas> |
| <canvas id="elem6" width="64" height="64" style="width: 128px; height: 128px; image-rendering: crisp-edges"></canvas> |
| <script type="module" src="canvas_image_rendering.html.js"></script> |