blob: a02a1f73ddfe661357e223393bc47b25eeb9131f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Dawn & Tint Authors
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "src/tint/lang/glsl/writer/raise/texture_polyfill.h"
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/fluent_types.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/helper_test.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/number.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/depth_multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/depth_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/sampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/storage_texture.h"
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::glsl::writer::raise {
namespace {
using GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest = core::ir::transform::TransformTest;
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureDimensions_1d) {
auto* var =
b.Var("v", handle,
ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k1d, ty.f32()),
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.u32());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* result = b.Call<u32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, b.Load(var));
b.Return(func, result);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_1d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = func():u32 {
$B2: {
%3:texture_1d<f32> = load %v
%4:u32 = textureDimensions %3
ret %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = func():u32 {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:vec2<u32> = bitcast %4
%6:u32 = swizzle %5, x
ret %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureDimensions_2d_WithoutLod) {
auto* var =
b.Var("v", handle,
ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32()),
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec2<u32>());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* result = b.Call<vec2<u32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, b.Load(var));
b.Return(func, result);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = func():vec2<u32> {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3
ret %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = func():vec2<u32> {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:vec2<u32> = bitcast %4
ret %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureDimensions_2d_WithU32Lod) {
auto* var =
b.Var("v", handle,
ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32()),
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec2<u32>());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* result = b.Call<vec2<u32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, b.Load(var), 3_u);
b.Return(func, result);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = func():vec2<u32> {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3, 3u
ret %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = func():vec2<u32> {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %v
%4:i32 = bitcast 3u
%5:vec2<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, %4
%6:vec2<u32> = bitcast %5
ret %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureDimensions_2dArray) {
auto* type =
ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32());
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec2<u32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %v
%4:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3
%x:vec2<u32> = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:vec2<i32> = swizzle %4, xy
%6:vec2<u32> = bitcast %5
%x:vec2<u32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureDimensions_Storage2D) {
auto* type = ty.Get<core::type::StorageTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, core::TexelFormat::kRg32Float, core::Access::kRead,
core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kRg32Float, ty));
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec2<u32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read> = load %v
%4:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3
%x:vec2<u32> = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read> = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = glsl.imageSize %3
%5:vec2<u32> = bitcast %4
%x:vec2<u32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureDimensions_DepthMultisampled) {
auto* type = ty.Get<core::type::DepthMultisampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d);
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec2<u32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_depth_multisampled_2d, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_depth_multisampled_2d = load %v
%4:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3
%x:vec2<u32> = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_depth_multisampled_2d, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_depth_multisampled_2d = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3
%5:vec2<u32> = bitcast %4
%x:vec2<u32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureNumLayers_2DArray) {
auto* var =
b.Var("v", handle,
ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32()),
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call(ty.u32(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLayers, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %v
%4:u32 = textureNumLayers %3
%x:u32 = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:i32 = swizzle %4, z
%6:u32 = bitcast %5
%x:u32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureNumLayers_Depth2DArray) {
auto* var =
b.Var("v", handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray),
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call(ty.u32(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLayers, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_depth_2d_array = load %v
%4:u32 = textureNumLayers %3
%x:u32 = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_depth_2d_array = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:i32 = swizzle %4, z
%6:u32 = bitcast %5
%x:u32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureNumLayers_CubeArray) {
auto* var = b.Var(
"v", handle,
ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray, ty.f32()),
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call(ty.u32(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLayers, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %v
%4:u32 = textureNumLayers %3
%x:u32 = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:i32 = swizzle %4, z
%6:u32 = bitcast %5
%x:u32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureNumLayers_DepthCubeArray) {
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle,
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call(ty.u32(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLayers, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_depth_cube_array = load %v
%4:u32 = textureNumLayers %3
%x:u32 = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_depth_cube_array = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:i32 = swizzle %4, z
%6:u32 = bitcast %5
%x:u32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureNumLayers_Storage2DArray) {
auto* storage_ty = ty.Get<core::type::StorageTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, core::TexelFormat::kRg32Float, core::Access::kRead,
core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kRg32Float, ty));
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, storage_ty, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
b.Let("x", b.Call(ty.u32(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLayers, b.Load(var)));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d_array<rg32float, read>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d_array<rg32float, read> = load %v
%4:u32 = textureNumLayers %3
%x:u32 = let %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d_array<rg32float, read>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d_array<rg32float, read> = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = glsl.imageSize %3
%5:i32 = swizzle %4, z
%6:u32 = bitcast %5
%x:u32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureLoad_1DF32) {
auto* type = ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k1d, ty.f32());
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Zero<i32>();
auto* level = b.Zero<u32>();
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, b.Load(var), coords, level));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_1d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_1d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %3, 0i, 0u
%x:vec4<f32> = let %4
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<i32> = construct 0i, 0i
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %v
%5:vec2<i32> = convert %3
%6:i32 = convert 0u
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.texelFetch %4, %5, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureLoad_2DLevelI32) {
auto* type = ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.i32());
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Zero<vec2<i32>>();
auto* level = b.Zero<i32>();
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<i32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, b.Load(var), coords, level));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<i32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<i32> = load %v
%4:vec4<i32> = textureLoad %3, vec2<i32>(0i), 0i
%x:vec4<i32> = let %4
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_2d<i32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<i32> = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = convert vec2<i32>(0i)
%5:i32 = convert 0i
%6:vec4<i32> = glsl.texelFetch %3, %4, %5
%x:vec4<i32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureLoad_3DLevelU32) {
auto* type = ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32());
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Zero<vec3<i32>>();
auto* level = b.Zero<u32>();
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, b.Load(var), coords, level));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_3d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %3, vec3<i32>(0i), 0u
%x:vec4<f32> = let %4
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_3d<f32> = load %v
%4:vec3<i32> = convert vec3<i32>(0i)
%5:i32 = convert 0u
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.texelFetch %3, %4, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureLoad_Multisampled2DI32) {
auto* type =
ty.Get<core::type::MultisampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.i32());
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Zero<vec2<i32>>();
auto* sample_idx = b.Zero<u32>();
b.Call<vec4<i32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, b.Load(var), coords, sample_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_multisampled_2d<i32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_multisampled_2d<i32> = load %v
%4:vec4<i32> = textureLoad %3, vec2<i32>(0i), 0u
%x:vec4<i32> = let %4
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_multisampled_2d<i32>, read_write> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_multisampled_2d<i32> = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = convert vec2<i32>(0i)
%5:i32 = convert 0u
%6:vec4<i32> = glsl.texelFetch %3, %4, %5
%x:vec4<i32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureLoad_Storage2D) {
auto* type = ty.Get<core::type::StorageTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, core::TexelFormat::kRg32Float, core::Access::kRead,
core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kRg32Float, ty));
auto* var = b.Var("v", handle, type, core::Access::kReadWrite);
var->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(var);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Zero<vec2<i32>>();
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, b.Load(var), coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read> = load %v
%4:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %3, vec2<i32>(0i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %4
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%v:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d<rg32float, read> = load %v
%4:vec2<i32> = convert vec2<i32>(0i)
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.imageLoad %3, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureStore1D) {
auto* t = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::StorageTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k1d, core::TexelFormat::kR32Float,
core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kR32Float, ty))));
t->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(t);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Value(1_i);
auto* value = b.Composite(ty.vec4<f32>(), .5_f, 0_f, 0_f, 1_f);
b.Call(ty.void_(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureStore, b.Load(t), coords, value);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_storage_1d<r32float, read_write>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_1d<r32float, read_write> = load %1
%4:void = textureStore %3, 1i, vec4<f32>(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d<r32float, read_write>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d<r32float, read_write> = load %1
%4:vec2<i32> = construct 1i, 0i
%5:void = glsl.imageStore %3, %4, vec4<f32>(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureStore3D) {
auto* t = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::StorageTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, core::TexelFormat::kR32Float,
core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kR32Float, ty))));
t->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(t);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Composite(ty.vec3<i32>(), 1_i, 2_i, 3_i);
auto* value = b.Composite(ty.vec4<f32>(), .5_f, 0_f, 0_f, 1_f);
b.Call(ty.void_(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureStore, b.Load(t), coords, value);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_storage_3d<r32float, read_write>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_3d<r32float, read_write> = load %1
%4:void = textureStore %3, vec3<i32>(1i, 2i, 3i), vec4<f32>(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_storage_3d<r32float, read_write>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_3d<r32float, read_write> = load %1
%4:void = glsl.imageStore %3, vec3<i32>(1i, 2i, 3i), vec4<f32>(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureStoreArray) {
auto* t = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::StorageTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, core::TexelFormat::kRgba32Float,
core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kR32Float, ty))));
t->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(t);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Composite(ty.vec2<i32>(), 1_i, 2_i);
auto* value = b.Composite(ty.vec4<f32>(), .5_f, .4_f, .3_f, 1_f);
b.Call(ty.void_(), core::BuiltinFn::kTextureStore, b.Load(t), coords, 3_u, value);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d_array<rgba32float, read_write>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d_array<rgba32float, read_write> = load %1
%4:void = textureStore %3, vec2<i32>(1i, 2i), 3u, vec4<f32>(0.5f, 0.40000000596046447754f, 0.30000001192092895508f, 1.0f)
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_storage_2d_array<rgba32float, read_write>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:texture_storage_2d_array<rgba32float, read_write> = load %1
%4:i32 = convert 3u
%5:vec3<i32> = construct vec2<i32>(1i, 2i), %4
%6:void = glsl.imageStore %3, %5, vec4<f32>(0.5f, 0.40000000596046447754f, 0.30000001192092895508f, 1.0f)
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, CombineSamplers_GlobalTextureNoSampler) {
auto* t = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32()),
t->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);>Append(t);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec2<u32>());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* tex = b.Load(t);
auto* result = b.Call<vec2<u32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, tex);
b.Return(func, result);
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%foo = func():vec2<u32> {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%4:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3
ret %4
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var
%foo = func():vec2<u32> {
$B2: {
%3:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%4:vec2<i32> = glsl.textureSize %3, 0i
%5:vec2<u32> = bitcast %4
ret %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGatherCompare_Depth2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kComparisonSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* depth_ref = b.Value(3_f);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGatherCompare, t, s, coords, depth_ref));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler_comparison, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler_comparison = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureGatherCompare %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %t_s
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGather %4, %3, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGatherCompare_Depth2dOffset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kComparisonSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* depth_ref = b.Value(3_f);
auto* offset = b.Construct(ty.vec2<i32>(), b.Value(4_i), b.Value(5_i));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGatherCompare, t, s, coords,
depth_ref, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler_comparison, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:vec2<i32> = construct 4i, 5i
%6:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%7:sampler_comparison = load %2
%8:vec4<f32> = textureGatherCompare %6, %7, %4, 3.0f, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %8
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:vec2<i32> = construct 4i, 5i
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %t_s
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGatherOffset %5, %3, 3.0f, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGatherCompare_DepthCubeArray) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kComparisonSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(2.5_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(6_u);
auto* depth_ref = b.Value(3_f);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGatherCompare, t, s, coords,
array_idx, depth_ref));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler_comparison, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.5f
%5:texture_depth_cube_array = load %1
%6:sampler_comparison = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureGatherCompare %5, %6, %4, 6u, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.5f
%4:texture_depth_cube_array = load %t_s
%5:f32 = convert 6u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGather %4, %6, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGatherCompare_Depth2dArrayOffset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kComparisonSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(6_i);
auto* depth_ref = b.Value(3_f);
auto* offset = b.Construct(ty.vec2<i32>(), b.Value(4_i), b.Value(5_i));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGatherCompare, t, s, coords,
array_idx, depth_ref, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler_comparison, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:vec2<i32> = construct 4i, 5i
%6:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%7:sampler_comparison = load %2
%8:vec4<f32> = textureGatherCompare %6, %7, %4, 6i, 3.0f, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %8
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:vec2<i32> = construct 4i, 5i
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %t_s
%6:f32 = convert 6i
%7:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %6
%8:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGatherOffset %5, %7, 3.0f, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_Alpha) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.i32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<i32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, 3_u, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<i32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<i32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<i32> = textureGather 3u, %5, %6, %4
%x:vec4<i32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_2d<i32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<i32> = load %t_s
%5:i32 = convert 3u
%6:vec4<i32> = glsl.textureGather %4, %3, %5
%x:vec4<i32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_RedOffset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.i32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(1_i, 3_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<i32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, 0_u, t, s, coords, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<i32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<i32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<i32> = textureGather 0u, %5, %6, %4, vec2<i32>(1i, 3i)
%x:vec4<i32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_2d<i32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<i32> = load %t_s
%5:i32 = convert 0u
%6:vec4<i32> = glsl.textureGatherOffset %4, %3, vec2<i32>(1i, 3i), %5
%x:vec4<i32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_GreenArray) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.i32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(1_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<i32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, 1_u, t, s, coords, array_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<i32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<i32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<i32> = textureGather 1u, %5, %6, %4, 1u
%x:vec4<i32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<i32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<i32> = load %t_s
%5:f32 = convert 1u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:i32 = convert 1u
%8:vec4<i32> = glsl.textureGather %4, %6, %7
%x:vec4<i32> = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_BlueArrayOffset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.i32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(1_i);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(1_i, 2_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<i32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, 2_u, t, s, coords, array_idx,
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<i32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<i32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<i32> = textureGather 2u, %5, %6, %4, 1i, vec2<i32>(1i, 2i)
%x:vec4<i32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<i32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<i32> = load %t_s
%5:f32 = convert 1i
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:i32 = convert 2u
%8:vec4<i32> = glsl.textureGatherOffset %4, %6, vec2<i32>(1i, 2i), %7
%x:vec4<i32> = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_Depth) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureGather %5, %6, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %t_s
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGather %4, %3, 0.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_DepthOffset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(3_i, 4_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, t, s, coords, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureGather %5, %6, %4, vec2<i32>(3i, 4i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %t_s
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGatherOffset %4, %3, 0.0f, vec2<i32>(3i, 4i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_DepthArray) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, t, s, coords, array_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureGather %5, %6, %4, 4i
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d_array = load %t_s
%5:f32 = convert 4i
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGather %4, %6, 0.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureGather_DepthArrayOffset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureGather, t, s, coords, array_idx, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureGather %5, %6, %4, 4u, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%t_s:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d_array = load %t_s
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGatherOffset %4, %6, 0.0f, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {2, 2};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_1d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k1d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Value(1_f);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_1d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:texture_1d<f32> = load %1
%5:sampler = load %2
%6:vec4<f32> = textureSample %4, %5, 1.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 0.5f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_2d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureOffset %4, %3, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_2d_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, array_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4, 4u
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_2d_Array_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, array_idx, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4, 4u, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureOffset %4, %6, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_3d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_3d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec3<i32>>(4_i, 5_i, 6_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureOffset %4, %3, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_Cube) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCube, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_cube<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_cube<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_Cube_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, array_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSample %5, %6, %4, 4u
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_Depth2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSample %5, %6, %4
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %my_tex
%5:vec3<f32> = construct %3, 0.0f
%6:f32 = glsl.texture %4, %5
%x:f32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_Depth2d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSample %5, %6, %4, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %my_tex
%5:vec3<f32> = construct %3, 0.0f
%6:f32 = glsl.textureOffset %4, %5, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_Depth2d_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, array_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSample %5, %6, %4, 4u
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d_array = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5, 0.0f
%7:f32 = glsl.texture %4, %6
%x:f32 = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_Depth2d_Array_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, array_idx, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSample %5, %6, %4, 4u, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d_array = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5, 0.0f
%7:vec2<f32> = dpdx %3
%8:vec2<f32> = dpdy %3
%9:f32 = glsl.textureGradOffset %4, %6, %7, %8, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %9
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSample_DepthCube_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, t, s, coords, array_idx));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_depth_cube_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSample %5, %6, %4, 4u
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_depth_cube_array = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:f32 = glsl.texture %4, %6, 0.0f
%x:f32 = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_2d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, 3_f, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 3.0f, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureOffset %4, %3, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i), 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_2d_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, array_idx, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %6, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_2d_Array_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, array_idx,
3_f, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3.0f, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureOffset %4, %6, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i), 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_3d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_3d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec3<i32>>(4_i, 5_i, 6_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, 3_f, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 3.0f, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureOffset %4, %3, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i), 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_Cube) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCube, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_cube<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_cube<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %3, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %5
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleBias_Cube_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleBias, t, s, coords, array_idx, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBias %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.texture %4, %6, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 3.0f
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLod %4, %3, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_2d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_f, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3.0f, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 3.0f
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLodOffset %4, %3, %5, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_2d_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, array_idx,
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:f32 = convert 3.0f
%8:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLod %4, %6, %7
%x:vec4<f32> = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_2d_Array_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, array_idx,
3_f, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3.0f, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:f32 = convert 3.0f
%8:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLodOffset %4, %6, %7, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_3d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 3.0f
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLod %4, %3, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_3d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec3<i32>>(4_i, 5_i, 6_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_f, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3.0f, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 3.0f
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLodOffset %4, %3, %5, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_Cube) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCube, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_f));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_cube<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_cube<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 3.0f
%6:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLod %4, %3, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %6
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_Cube_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, array_idx,
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3.0f
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:f32 = convert 3.0f
%8:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureLod %4, %6, %7
%x:vec4<f32> = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_Depth2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_i));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3i
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %my_tex
%5:vec3<f32> = construct %3, 0.0f
%6:f32 = convert 3i
%7:f32 = glsl.textureLod %4, %5, %6
%x:f32 = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_Depth2d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(
ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, 3_u, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 3u, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d = load %my_tex
%5:vec3<f32> = construct %3, 0.0f
%6:f32 = convert 3u
%7:f32 = glsl.textureLodOffset %4, %5, %6, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_Depth2d_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, array_idx, 3_i));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3i
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d_array = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5, 0.0f
%7:f32 = convert 3i
%8:f32 = glsl.extTextureLod %4, %6, %7
%x:f32 = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_Depth2d_Array_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, array_idx, 3_u,
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:texture_depth_2d_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3u, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_2d_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:texture_depth_2d_array = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5, 0.0f
%7:f32 = convert 3u
%8:f32 = glsl.extTextureLodOffset %4, %6, %7, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:f32 = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleLevel_DepthCube_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(
handle, ty.Get<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray)));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_i));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<f32>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleLevel, t, s, coords, array_idx, 3_i));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3i
%5:texture_depth_cube_array = load %1
%6:sampler = load %2
%7:f32 = textureSampleLevel %5, %6, %4, 4u, 3i
%x:f32 = let %7
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_depth_cube_array, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3i
%4:texture_depth_cube_array = load %my_tex
%5:f32 = convert 4u
%6:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %5
%7:f32 = convert 3i
%8:f32 = glsl.extTextureLod %4, %6, 0.0f, %7
%x:f32 = let %8
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_2d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, ddx, ddy));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%6:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%7:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, %5, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%6:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGrad %6, %3, %4, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_2d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, ddx, ddy,
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%6:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%7:texture_2d<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, %5, %6, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%6:texture_2d<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGradOffset %6, %3, %4, %5, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_2d_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, array_idx,
ddx, ddy));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%6:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%7:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, 4u, %5, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%6:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:f32 = convert 4u
%8:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %7
%9:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGrad %6, %8, %4, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_2d_Array_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k2dArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec2<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec2<i32>>(4_i, 5_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, array_idx,
ddx, ddy, offset));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%6:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%7:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, 4u, %5, %6, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_2d_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec2<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f
%4:vec2<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f
%5:vec2<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f
%6:texture_2d_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:f32 = convert 4u
%8:vec3<f32> = construct %3, %7
%9:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGradOffset %6, %8, %4, %5, vec2<i32>(4i, 5i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_3d) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f), b.Value(5_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f), b.Value(8_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, ddx, ddy));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%6:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%7:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, %5, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%6:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGrad %6, %3, %4, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_3d_Offset) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::k3d, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f), b.Value(5_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f), b.Value(8_f));
auto* offset = b.Composite<vec3<i32>>(4_i, 5_i, 6_i);
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, ddx, ddy,
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%6:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%7:texture_3d<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, %5, %6, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_3d<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%6:texture_3d<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGradOffset %6, %3, %4, %5, vec3<i32>(4i, 5i, 6i)
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_Cube) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCube, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f), b.Value(5_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f), b.Value(8_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, ddx, ddy));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%6:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%7:texture_cube<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, %5, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%6:texture_cube<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGrad %6, %3, %4, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %7
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(GlslWriter_TexturePolyfillTest, TextureSampleGrad_Cube_Array) {
core::ir::Var* tex = nullptr;
core::ir::Var* sampler = nullptr;
b.Append(, [&] {
tex = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(
core::type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray, ty.f32())));
tex->SetBindingPoint(0, 0);
sampler =
b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler)));
sampler->SetBindingPoint(0, 1);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_(), core::ir::Function::PipelineStage::kFragment);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* coords = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(1_f), b.Value(2_f), b.Value(3_f));
auto* array_idx = b.Value(4_u);
auto* ddx = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(3_f), b.Value(4_f), b.Value(5_f));
auto* ddy = b.Construct(ty.vec3<f32>(), b.Value(6_f), b.Value(7_f), b.Value(8_f));
auto* t = b.Load(tex);
auto* s = b.Load(sampler);
b.Let("x", b.Call<vec4<f32>>(core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSampleGrad, t, s, coords, array_idx,
ddx, ddy));
auto* src = R"(
$B1: { # root
%1:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%2:ptr<handle, sampler, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%6:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%7:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %1
%8:sampler = load %2
%9:vec4<f32> = textureSampleGrad %7, %8, %4, 4u, %5, %6
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
ASSERT_EQ(src, str());
auto* expect = R"(
$B1: { # root
%my_tex:ptr<handle, texture_cube_array<f32>, read> = var
%foo = @fragment func():void {
$B2: {
%3:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f
%4:vec3<f32> = construct 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f
%5:vec3<f32> = construct 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f
%6:texture_cube_array<f32> = load %my_tex
%7:f32 = convert 4u
%8:vec4<f32> = construct %3, %7
%9:vec4<f32> = glsl.textureGrad %6, %8, %4, %5
%x:vec4<f32> = let %9
capabilities = core::ir::Capabilities{core::ir::Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings};
TexturePolyfillConfig cfg;
cfg.placeholder_sampler_bind_point = {2, 2};
binding::CombinedTextureSamplerPair pair;
pair.texture = {0, 0};
pair.sampler = {0, 1};
cfg.sampler_texture_to_name[pair] = "my_tex";
Run(TexturePolyfill, cfg);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::glsl::writer::raise