| |
| ../../src/tint/lang/msl/writer/printer/printer.cc:500 internal compiler error: BST = struct @align(4) { |
| data:i32 @offset(0) |
| leftIndex:i32 @offset(4) |
| rightIndex:i32 @offset(8) |
| } |
| |
| buf0 = struct @align(8) { |
| injectionSwitch:vec2<f32> @offset(0) |
| } |
| |
| Obj = struct @align(4) { |
| odd_numbers:array<f32, 10> @offset(0) |
| even_numbers:array<f32, 10> @offset(40) |
| } |
| |
| main_out = struct @align(16) { |
| x_GLF_color_1:vec4<f32> @offset(0), @location(0) |
| } |
| |
| $B1: { # root |
| %tree_1:ptr<private, array<BST, 10>, read_write> = var |
| %x_27:ptr<uniform, buf0, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0) |
| %gl_FragCoord:ptr<private, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var |
| %x_GLF_color:ptr<private, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var |
| } |
| |
| %makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_ = func(%tree:ptr<function, BST, read_write>, %data:ptr<function, i32, read_write>):void { |
| $B2: { |
| %8:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %tree, 0u |
| %9:i32 = load %data |
| store %8, %9 |
| %10:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %tree, 1u |
| store %10, -1i |
| %11:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %tree, 2u |
| store %11, -1i |
| ret |
| } |
| } |
| %insert_i1_i1_ = func(%treeIndex:ptr<function, i32, read_write>, %data_1:ptr<function, i32, read_write>):void { |
| $B3: { |
| %baseIndex:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param:ptr<function, BST, read_write> = var |
| %param_1:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_2:ptr<function, BST, read_write> = var |
| %param_3:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live8i:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live8A:ptr<function, array<f32, 50>, read_write> = var |
| store %baseIndex, 0i |
| loop [b: $B4, c: $B5] { # loop_1 |
| $B4: { # body |
| %22:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %23:i32 = load %treeIndex |
| %24:bool = lte %22, %23 |
| if %24 [t: $B6, f: $B7] { # if_1 |
| $B6: { # true |
| exit_if # if_1 |
| } |
| $B7: { # false |
| exit_loop # loop_1 |
| } |
| } |
| %25:i32 = load %data_1 |
| %26:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %27:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %26, 0u |
| %28:i32 = load %27 |
| %29:bool = lte %25, %28 |
| if %29 [t: $B8, f: $B9] { # if_2 |
| $B8: { # true |
| %30:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %31:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %30, 1u |
| %32:i32 = load %31 |
| %33:bool = eq %32, -1i |
| if %33 [t: $B10, f: $B11] { # if_3 |
| $B10: { # true |
| %34:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %x_82:i32 = let %34 |
| %36:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %x_82, 1u |
| %37:i32 = load %treeIndex |
| store %36, %37 |
| %38:i32 = load %treeIndex |
| %x_84:i32 = let %38 |
| %40:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, %x_84 |
| %41:BST = load %40 |
| store %param, %41 |
| %42:i32 = load %data_1 |
| store %param_1, %42 |
| %43:void = call %makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_, %param, %param_1 |
| %44:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, %x_84 |
| %45:BST = load %param |
| store %44, %45 |
| ret |
| } |
| $B11: { # false |
| %46:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %47:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %46, 1u |
| %48:i32 = load %47 |
| store %baseIndex, %48 |
| continue # -> $B5 |
| } |
| } |
| exit_if # if_2 |
| } |
| $B9: { # false |
| %49:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %50:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %49, 2u |
| %51:i32 = load %50 |
| %52:bool = eq %51, -1i |
| if %52 [t: $B12, f: $B13] { # if_4 |
| $B12: { # true |
| %53:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %x_90:i32 = let %53 |
| %55:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %x_90, 2u |
| %56:i32 = load %treeIndex |
| store %55, %56 |
| %57:i32 = load %treeIndex |
| %x_92:i32 = let %57 |
| %59:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, %x_92 |
| %60:BST = load %59 |
| store %param_2, %60 |
| %61:i32 = load %data_1 |
| store %param_3, %61 |
| %62:void = call %makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_, %param_2, %param_3 |
| %63:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, %x_92 |
| %64:BST = load %param_2 |
| store %63, %64 |
| ret |
| } |
| $B13: { # false |
| store %GLF_live8i, 1i |
| %65:i32 = load %GLF_live8i |
| %66:i32 = load %GLF_live8i |
| %67:bool = gte %66, 0i |
| %68:i32 = load %GLF_live8i |
| %69:bool = lt %68, 50i |
| %70:bool = and %67, %69 |
| %71:i32 = select 0i, %65, %70 |
| %x_369:i32 = let %71 |
| %73:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = access %GLF_live8A, %x_369 |
| %74:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = access %GLF_live8A, %x_369 |
| %75:f32 = load %74 |
| %76:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = access %GLF_live8A, 0i |
| %77:f32 = load %76 |
| %78:f32 = add %75, %77 |
| store %73, %78 |
| loop [b: $B14, c: $B15] { # loop_2 |
| $B14: { # body |
| %79:i32 = load %baseIndex |
| %80:ptr<private, i32, read_write> = access %tree_1, %79, 2u |
| %81:i32 = load %80 |
| store %baseIndex, %81 |
| continue # -> $B15 |
| } |
| $B15: { # continuing |
| %82:ptr<uniform, vec2<f32>, read> = access %x_27, 0u |
| %83:f32 = load_vector_element %82, 0u |
| %x_382:f32 = let %83 |
| %85:ptr<uniform, vec2<f32>, read> = access %x_27, 0u |
| %86:f32 = load_vector_element %85, 1u |
| %x_384:f32 = let %86 |
| %88:bool = gt %x_382, %x_384 |
| %89:bool = eq %88, false |
| break_if %89 # -> [t: exit_loop loop_2, f: $B14] |
| } |
| } |
| continue # -> $B5 |
| } |
| } |
| exit_if # if_2 |
| } |
| } |
| unreachable |
| } |
| $B5: { # continuing |
| next_iteration # -> $B4 |
| } |
| } |
| ret |
| } |
| } |
| %search_i1_ = func(%t:ptr<function, i32, read_write>):i32 { |
| $B16: { |
| %index:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %currentNode:ptr<function, BST, read_write> = var |
| %x_387:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| store %index, 0i |
| loop [b: $B17, c: $B18] { # loop_3 |
| $B17: { # body |
| %95:i32 = load %index |
| %96:bool = neq %95, -1i |
| if %96 [t: $B19, f: $B20] { # if_5 |
| $B19: { # true |
| exit_if # if_5 |
| } |
| $B20: { # false |
| exit_loop # loop_3 |
| } |
| } |
| %97:i32 = load %index |
| %98:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, %97 |
| %99:BST = load %98 |
| store %currentNode, %99 |
| %100:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %currentNode, 0u |
| %101:i32 = load %100 |
| %102:i32 = load %t |
| %103:bool = eq %101, %102 |
| if %103 [t: $B21] { # if_6 |
| $B21: { # true |
| %104:i32 = load %t |
| %x_103:i32 = let %104 |
| ret %x_103 |
| } |
| } |
| %106:i32 = load %t |
| %107:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %currentNode, 0u |
| %108:i32 = load %107 |
| %109:bool = gt %106, %108 |
| if %109 [t: $B22, f: $B23] { # if_7 |
| $B22: { # true |
| %110:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %currentNode, 2u |
| %111:i32 = load %110 |
| store %x_387, %111 |
| exit_if # if_7 |
| } |
| $B23: { # false |
| %112:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = access %currentNode, 1u |
| %113:i32 = load %112 |
| store %x_387, %113 |
| exit_if # if_7 |
| } |
| } |
| %114:i32 = load %x_387 |
| store %index, %114 |
| continue # -> $B18 |
| } |
| $B18: { # continuing |
| next_iteration # -> $B17 |
| } |
| } |
| ret -1i |
| } |
| } |
| %makeFrame_f1_ = func(%v:ptr<function, f32, read_write>):f32 { |
| $B24: { |
| %param_5:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_6:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_7:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %120:f32 = load %v |
| %121:f32 = mul %120, 6.5f |
| store %v, %121 |
| %122:f32 = load %v |
| %123:bool = lt %122, 1.5f |
| if %123 [t: $B25] { # if_8 |
| $B25: { # true |
| store %param_5, 100i |
| %124:i32 = call %search_i1_, %param_5 |
| %x_110:i32 = let %124 |
| %126:f32 = convert %x_110 |
| ret %126 |
| } |
| } |
| %127:f32 = load %v |
| %128:bool = lt %127, 4.0f |
| if %128 [t: $B26] { # if_9 |
| $B26: { # true |
| ret 0.0f |
| } |
| } |
| %129:f32 = load %v |
| %x_429:f32 = let %129 |
| store %param_6, 6i |
| %131:i32 = call %search_i1_, %param_6 |
| %x_111:i32 = let %131 |
| %133:f32 = convert %x_111 |
| %134:bool = lt %x_429, %133 |
| if %134 [t: $B27] { # if_10 |
| $B27: { # true |
| ret 1.0f |
| } |
| } |
| store %param_7, 30i |
| %135:i32 = call %search_i1_, %param_7 |
| %x_112:i32 = let %135 |
| %137:f32 = convert %x_112 |
| %138:f32 = add 10.0f, %137 |
| ret %138 |
| } |
| } |
| %hueColor_f1_ = func(%angle:ptr<function, f32, read_write>):vec3<f32> { |
| $B28: { |
| %nodeData:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| %param_4:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| store %param_4, 15i |
| %143:i32 = call %search_i1_, %param_4 |
| %x_109:i32 = let %143 |
| %145:f32 = convert %x_109 |
| store %nodeData, %145 |
| %146:f32 = load %angle |
| %x_409:f32 = let %146 |
| %148:f32 = load %nodeData |
| %x_410:f32 = let %148 |
| %150:vec3<f32> = construct 1.0f, 5.0f, %x_410 |
| %151:vec3<f32> = mul %150, %x_409 |
| %152:vec3<f32> = add vec3<f32>(30.0f), %151 |
| %153:vec3<f32> = div %152, vec3<f32>(50.0f) |
| ret %153 |
| } |
| } |
| %main_1 = func():void { |
| $B29: { |
| %treeIndex_1:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_8:ptr<function, BST, read_write> = var |
| %param_9:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_10:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_11:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live1_looplimiter2:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live1i:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_12:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_13:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_14:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_15:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_16:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_17:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_18:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_19:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_20:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_21:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_22:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_23:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live4_looplimiter3:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live4i:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live4index:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %GLF_live4obj:ptr<function, Obj, read_write> = var |
| %param_24:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_25:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_26:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_27:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %z:ptr<function, vec2<f32>, read_write> = var |
| %x:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| %param_28:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| %y:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| %param_29:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| %sum:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %t_1:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %result:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %param_30:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var |
| %a:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| %x_235:ptr<function, vec3<f32>, read_write> = var |
| %param_31:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var |
| store %treeIndex_1, 0i |
| %194:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, 0i |
| %195:BST = load %194 |
| store %param_8, %195 |
| store %param_9, 9i |
| %196:void = call %makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_, %param_8, %param_9 |
| %197:ptr<private, BST, read_write> = access %tree_1, 0i |
| %198:BST = load %param_8 |
| store %197, %198 |
| %199:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %200:i32 = add %199, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %200 |
| %201:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_10, %201 |
| store %param_11, 5i |
| %202:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_10, %param_11 |
| %203:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %204:i32 = add %203, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %204 |
| store %GLF_live1_looplimiter2, 0i |
| store %GLF_live1i, 0i |
| loop [b: $B30, c: $B31] { # loop_4 |
| $B30: { # body |
| if true [t: $B32, f: $B33] { # if_11 |
| $B32: { # true |
| exit_if # if_11 |
| } |
| $B33: { # false |
| exit_loop # loop_4 |
| } |
| } |
| %205:i32 = load %GLF_live1_looplimiter2 |
| %206:bool = gte %205, 7i |
| if %206 [t: $B34] { # if_12 |
| $B34: { # true |
| exit_loop # loop_4 |
| } |
| } |
| %207:i32 = load %GLF_live1_looplimiter2 |
| %208:i32 = add %207, 1i |
| store %GLF_live1_looplimiter2, %208 |
| continue # -> $B31 |
| } |
| $B31: { # continuing |
| %209:i32 = load %GLF_live1i |
| %210:i32 = add %209, 1i |
| store %GLF_live1i, %210 |
| next_iteration # -> $B30 |
| } |
| } |
| %211:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_12, %211 |
| store %param_13, 12i |
| %212:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_12, %param_13 |
| %213:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %214:i32 = add %213, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %214 |
| %215:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_14, %215 |
| store %param_15, 15i |
| %216:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_14, %param_15 |
| %217:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %218:i32 = add %217, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %218 |
| %219:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_16, %219 |
| store %param_17, 7i |
| %220:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_16, %param_17 |
| %221:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %222:i32 = add %221, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %222 |
| %223:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_18, %223 |
| store %param_19, 8i |
| %224:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_18, %param_19 |
| %225:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %226:i32 = add %225, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %226 |
| %227:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_20, %227 |
| store %param_21, 2i |
| %228:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_20, %param_21 |
| %229:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %230:i32 = add %229, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %230 |
| %231:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_22, %231 |
| store %param_23, 6i |
| %232:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_22, %param_23 |
| %233:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %234:i32 = add %233, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %234 |
| store %GLF_live4_looplimiter3, 0i |
| store %GLF_live4i, 0i |
| loop [b: $B35, c: $B36] { # loop_5 |
| $B35: { # body |
| if true [t: $B37, f: $B38] { # if_13 |
| $B37: { # true |
| exit_if # if_13 |
| } |
| $B38: { # false |
| exit_loop # loop_5 |
| } |
| } |
| %235:i32 = load %GLF_live4_looplimiter3 |
| %236:bool = gte %235, 3i |
| if %236 [t: $B39] { # if_14 |
| $B39: { # true |
| exit_loop # loop_5 |
| } |
| } |
| %237:i32 = load %GLF_live4_looplimiter3 |
| %238:i32 = add %237, 1i |
| store %GLF_live4_looplimiter3, %238 |
| store %GLF_live4index, 1i |
| %239:i32 = load %GLF_live4index |
| %x_144:i32 = let %239 |
| %241:i32 = load %GLF_live4index |
| %x_145:i32 = let %241 |
| %243:i32 = load %GLF_live4index |
| %x_146:i32 = let %243 |
| %245:bool = gte %x_144, 0i |
| %246:bool = lt %x_145, 10i |
| %247:bool = and %245, %246 |
| %248:i32 = select 0i, %x_146, %247 |
| %249:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = access %GLF_live4obj, 1u, %248 |
| %250:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = access %GLF_live4obj, 1u, 1i |
| %251:f32 = load %250 |
| store %249, %251 |
| %252:i32 = load %GLF_live4i |
| %x_147:i32 = let %252 |
| %254:i32 = load %GLF_live4i |
| %x_148:i32 = let %254 |
| %256:i32 = load %GLF_live4i |
| %x_149:i32 = let %256 |
| %258:bool = gte %x_147, 0i |
| %259:bool = lt %x_148, 10i |
| %260:bool = and %258, %259 |
| %261:i32 = select 0i, %x_149, %260 |
| %262:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = access %GLF_live4obj, 1u, %261 |
| store %262, 1.0f |
| continue # -> $B36 |
| } |
| $B36: { # continuing |
| %263:i32 = load %GLF_live4i |
| %264:i32 = add %263, 1i |
| store %GLF_live4i, %264 |
| next_iteration # -> $B35 |
| } |
| } |
| %265:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_24, %265 |
| store %param_25, 17i |
| %266:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_24, %param_25 |
| %267:ptr<uniform, vec2<f32>, read> = access %x_27, 0u |
| %268:f32 = load_vector_element %267, 0u |
| %269:ptr<uniform, vec2<f32>, read> = access %x_27, 0u |
| %270:f32 = load_vector_element %269, 1u |
| %271:bool = gt %268, %270 |
| if %271 [t: $B40] { # if_15 |
| $B40: { # true |
| ret |
| } |
| } |
| %272:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| %273:i32 = add %272, 1i |
| store %treeIndex_1, %273 |
| %274:i32 = load %treeIndex_1 |
| store %param_26, %274 |
| store %param_27, 13i |
| %275:void = call %insert_i1_i1_, %param_26, %param_27 |
| %276:vec4<f32> = load %gl_FragCoord |
| %277:vec2<f32> = swizzle %276, yx |
| %278:vec2<f32> = div %277, vec2<f32>(256.0f) |
| store %z, %278 |
| %279:f32 = load_vector_element %z, 0u |
| store %param_28, %279 |
| %280:f32 = call %makeFrame_f1_, %param_28 |
| %x_290:f32 = let %280 |
| store %x, %x_290 |
| %282:f32 = load_vector_element %z, 1u |
| store %param_29, %282 |
| %283:f32 = call %makeFrame_f1_, %param_29 |
| %x_293:f32 = let %283 |
| store %y, %x_293 |
| store %sum, -100i |
| store %t_1, 0i |
| loop [b: $B41, c: $B42] { # loop_6 |
| $B41: { # body |
| %285:i32 = load %t_1 |
| %286:bool = lt %285, 20i |
| if %286 [t: $B43, f: $B44] { # if_16 |
| $B43: { # true |
| exit_if # if_16 |
| } |
| $B44: { # false |
| exit_loop # loop_6 |
| } |
| } |
| %287:i32 = load %t_1 |
| store %param_30, %287 |
| %288:i32 = call %search_i1_, %param_30 |
| %x_158:i32 = let %288 |
| store %result, %x_158 |
| %290:i32 = load %result |
| %291:bool = gt %290, 0i |
| if %291 [t: $B45, f: $B46] { # if_17 |
| $B45: { # true |
| exit_if # if_17 |
| } |
| $B46: { # false |
| %292:i32 = load %result |
| %x_160:i32 = let %292 |
| switch %x_160 [c: (0i, $B47), c: (-1i, $B48), c: (default, $B49)] { # switch_1 |
| $B47: { # case |
| ret |
| } |
| $B48: { # case |
| %294:i32 = load %sum |
| %295:i32 = add %294, 1i |
| store %sum, %295 |
| exit_switch # switch_1 |
| } |
| $B49: { # case |
| exit_switch # switch_1 |
| } |
| } |
| exit_if # if_17 |
| } |
| } |
| continue # -> $B42 |
| } |
| $B42: { # continuing |
| %296:i32 = load %t_1 |
| %297:i32 = add %296, 1i |
| store %t_1, %297 |
| next_iteration # -> $B41 |
| } |
| } |
| %298:f32 = load %x |
| %299:f32 = let %298 |
| %300:f32 = load %y |
| %301:f32 = let %300 |
| %302:i32 = load %sum |
| %303:f32 = convert %302 |
| %304:f32 = mul %301, %303 |
| %305:f32 = add %299, %304 |
| store %a, %305 |
| %306:ptr<uniform, vec2<f32>, read> = access %x_27, 0u |
| %307:f32 = load_vector_element %306, 0u |
| %308:ptr<uniform, vec2<f32>, read> = access %x_27, 0u |
| %309:f32 = load_vector_element %308, 1u |
| %310:bool = lt %307, %309 |
| if %310 [t: $B50, f: $B51] { # if_18 |
| $B50: { # true |
| store %x_235, vec3<f32>(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) |
| exit_if # if_18 |
| } |
| $B51: { # false |
| %311:f32 = load %a |
| store %param_31, %311 |
| %312:vec3<f32> = call %hueColor_f1_, %param_31 |
| %x_321:vec3<f32> = let %312 |
| store %x_235, %x_321 |
| exit_if # if_18 |
| } |
| } |
| %314:f32 = load_vector_element %x_235, 0u |
| %315:f32 = load_vector_element %x_235, 1u |
| %316:f32 = load_vector_element %x_235, 2u |
| %317:vec4<f32> = construct %314, %315, %316, 1.0f |
| store %x_GLF_color, %317 |
| ret |
| } |
| } |
| %tint_symbol = @fragment func(%gl_FragCoord_param:vec4<f32> [@position]):main_out { |
| $B52: { |
| store %gl_FragCoord, %gl_FragCoord_param |
| %320:void = call %main_1 |
| %321:vec4<f32> = load %x_GLF_color |
| %322:main_out = construct %321 |
| ret %322 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| unhandled variable address space |
| ******************************************************************** |
| * The tint shader compiler has encountered an unexpected error. * |
| * * |
| * Please help us fix this issue by submitting a bug report at * |
| * crbug.com/tint with the source program that triggered the bug. * |
| ******************************************************************** |