blob: c7625ea7805f9cd088eb0eb4fbad3b0bfa05f166 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Dawn & Tint Authors
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// core builtin definition file //
// //
// This file is used to generate parts of the Tint BuiltinTable, various //
// enum definition files, as well as test .wgsl files. //
// //
// After modifying this file, run: //
// tools/run gen //
// from the Dawn source directory. //
import "src/tint/lang/core/address_space.def"
import "src/tint/lang/core/access.def"
import "src/tint/lang/core/texel_format.def"
// Enumerators //
enum builtin_value {
enum interpolation_type {
enum interpolation_sampling {
enum builtin_type {
// Internal types.
__packed_vec3 // note: not core type, but used by legacy MSL writer
// Notes:
// * `diagnostic` is listed, even though it is a keyword, so it appears in suggested alternatives
// * `const` is not listed here as it can not be written in user programs and should not show up
// in error messages
enum attribute {
// framebuffer-fetch input
// WGSL primitive types //
// Types may be decorated with @precedence(N) to prioritize which type //
// will be picked when multiple types of a matcher match. //
// This is used to ensure that abstract numerical types materialize to the //
// concrete type with the lowest conversion rank. //
// Types with higher the precedence values will be matched first. //
type bool
@precedence(3) type i32
@precedence(2) type u32
@precedence(1) type f32
@precedence(0) type f16
type vec2<T>
type vec3<T>
type vec4<T>
type mat2x2<T>
type mat2x3<T>
type mat2x4<T>
type mat3x2<T>
type mat3x3<T>
type mat3x4<T>
type mat4x2<T>
type mat4x3<T>
type mat4x4<T>
@display("vec{N}<{T}>") type vec<N: num, T>
@display("mat{N}x{M}<{T}>") type mat<N: num, M: num, T>
type ptr<S: address_space, T, A: access>
type atomic<T>
type array<T>
type sampler
type sampler_comparison
type texture_1d<T>
type texture_2d<T>
type texture_2d_array<T>
type texture_3d<T>
type texture_cube<T>
type texture_cube_array<T>
type texture_multisampled_2d<T>
type texture_depth_2d
type texture_depth_2d_array
type texture_depth_cube
type texture_depth_cube_array
type texture_depth_multisampled_2d
type texture_storage_1d<F: texel_format, A: access>
type texture_storage_2d<F: texel_format, A: access>
type texture_storage_2d_array<F: texel_format, A: access>
type texture_storage_3d<F: texel_format, A: access>
type texture_external
@display("__modf_result_{T}") type __modf_result<T>
@display("__modf_result_vec{N}_{T}") type __modf_result_vec<N: num, T>
@display("__frexp_result_{T}") type __frexp_result<T>
@display("__frexp_result_vec{N}_{T}") type __frexp_result_vec<N: num, T>
type __atomic_compare_exchange_result<T>
// Type matchers //
// //
// A type matcher that can match one or more types. //
match scalar: f32 | f16 | i32 | u32 | bool
match scalar_no_f32: i32 | f16 | u32 | bool
match scalar_no_f16: f32 | i32 | u32 | bool
match scalar_no_i32: f32 | f16 | u32 | bool
match scalar_no_u32: f32 | f16 | i32 | bool
match scalar_no_bool: f32 | f16 | i32 | u32
match fiu32_f16: f32 | i32 | u32 | f16
match fiu32: f32 | i32 | u32
match fi32_f16: f32 | i32 | f16
match fi32: f32 | i32
match f32_f16: f32 | f16
match iu32: i32 | u32
// Enum matchers //
// //
// A number matcher that can match one or more enumerator values. //
// All enumerator values listed in the match declaration need to be from the //
// same enum. //
match f32_texel_format
: texel_format.bgra8unorm
| texel_format.rgba8unorm
| texel_format.rgba8snorm
| texel_format.rgba16float
| texel_format.r32float
| texel_format.rg32float
| texel_format.rgba32float
match i32_texel_format
: texel_format.rgba8sint
| texel_format.rgba16sint
| texel_format.r32sint
| texel_format.rg32sint
| texel_format.rgba32sint
match u32_texel_format
: texel_format.rgba8uint
| texel_format.rgba16uint
| texel_format.r32uint
| texel_format.rg32uint
| texel_format.rgba32uint
match write: access.write
match read_write: access.read_write
match readable
| access.read_write
match writable
: access.write
| access.read_write
match function_private_workgroup
: address_space.function
| address_space.private
| address_space.workgroup
match workgroup_or_storage
: address_space.workgroup
match storage
match workgroup
: address_space.workgroup
// Builtin Functions //
// //
// The builtin function declarations below declare all the built-in //
// functions supported by the WGSL language. This builtin definition //
// language supports simple static-type function declarations, as well as //
// single overload declarations that can match a number of different //
// argument types via the use of template types and template numbers //
// //
// * Basic example: //
// //
// fn isInf(f32) -> bool //
// //
// Declares an overload of the function 'isInf' that accepts a single //
// parameter of type 'f32' and returns a 'bool'. //
// //
// A template type is a type determined by the arguments to the builtin. //
// //
// * Template type example without constraint: //
// //
// fn arrayLength[T](array<T>) -> u32 //
// //
// Declares an overload of the function 'arrayLength' that accepts a //
// single argument of an array type with no constraints on the array //
// element type. This overload will always return a value of the same type //
// as its single argument. //
// //
// * Template type example with constraint: //
// //
// fn abs[T: fiu32](T) -> T //
// //
// Declares an overload of the function 'abs' that accepts a single //
// argument of type 'f32', 'i32' or 'u32', which returns a value of the //
// same argument type. //
// //
// Similarly a template number is a number or enumerator that is determined //
// by the arguments to the builtin. //
// //
// * Template number example: //
// //
// fn dpdx[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32> //
// //
// Declares an overload of the function 'dpdx' that accepts a single //
// argument of a variable-sized vector of 'f32', which returns a value of //
// the same argument type. //
// //
// //
// Matching algorithm for a single overload: //
// ----------------------------------------- //
// //
// The goal of matching is to compare a function call's arguments and any //
// explicitly provided template types in the program source against an //
// overload declaration in this file, and determine if the call satisfies //
// the form and type constraints of the overload. If the call matches an //
// overload, then the overload is added to the list of 'overload candidates' //
// used for overload resolution (described below). //
// //
// Prior to matching an overload, all template types are undefined. //
// //
// Template types are first defined with the type of the leftmost argument //
// that matches against that template type name. Subsequent arguments that //
// attempt to match against the template type name will either reject the //
// overload or refine the template, in one of 3 ways: //
// (a) Fail to match, causing the overload to be immediately rejected. //
// (b) Match the existing template type, either exactly or via implicit //
// conversion, and overload resolution continues. //
// (c) Match via implicit conversion of the currently defined template type //
// to the argument type. In this situation, the template type is refined //
// with the more constrained argument type, and overload resolution //
// continues. //
// //
// To better understand, let's consider the following hypothetical overload //
// declaration: //
// //
// fn foo[T: scalar](T, T); //
// //
// T - is the template type name //
// scalar - is a matcher for the types 'f32', 'i32', 'u32' or 'bool' //
// (declared above) //
// <T: scalar> - declares the template type T, with the constraint that T //
// must match one of 'f32', 'i32', 'u32' or 'bool'. //
// //
// The process for resolving this overload is as follows: //
// //
// (1) The overload resolver begins by attempting to match the argument //
// types from left to right. //
// The first parameter type is compared against the argument type T. //
// As the template type T has not been defined yet, T is defined as the //
// type of the first argument. //
// There's no verification that the T type is a scalar at this stage. //
// (2) The second parameter is then compared against the second argument. //
// As the template type T is now defined the argument type is compared //
// against the value of the defined type of T. Depending on the //
// comparison of the argument type to the template type, either the //
// actions of (a), (b) or (c) from above will occur. //
// (3) If all the parameters matched, constraints on the template types //
// need to be checked next. If the defined type does not match the //
// 'match' constraint, then the overload is no longer considered. //
// //
// This algorithm for matching a single overload is less general than the //
// algorithm described in the WGSL spec. But it makes the same decisions //
// because the overloads defined by WGSL are monotonic in the sense that once //
// a template parameter has been refined, there is never a need to backtrack //
// and un-refine it to match a later argument. //
// //
// The algorithm for matching template numbers is similar to matching //
// template types, except numbers need to exactly match across all uses - //
// there is no implicit conversion. Template numbers may match integer //
// numbers or enumerators. //
// //
// //
// Overload resolution for candidate overloads //
// ------------------------------------------- //
// //
// If multiple candidate overloads match a given set of arguments, then a //
// final overload resolution pass needs to be performed. The arguments and //
// overload parameter types for each candidate overload are compared, //
// following the algorithm described at: //
// //
// //
// If the candidate list contains a single entry, then that single candidate //
// is picked, and no overload resolution needs to be performed. //
// //
// If the candidate list is empty, then the call fails to resolve and an //
// error diagnostic is raised. //
// //
// //
// More examples //
// ------------- //
// //
// fn F() //
// - Function called F. //
// No template types or numbers, no parameters, no return value //
// //
// fn F() -> RETURN_TYPE //
// - Function with RETURN_TYPE as the return type value //
// //
// fn F(f32, i32) //
// - Two fixed-type, anonymous parameters //
// //
// fn F(USAGE : f32) //
// - Single parameter with name USAGE. //
// Note: Parameter names are used by Tint to infer parameter order for //
// some builtin functions //
// //
// fn F[T](T) //
// - Single parameter of unconstrained template type T (any type) //
// //
// fn F[T: scalar](T) //
// - Single parameter of constrained template type T (must be a scalar) //
// //
// fn F[T: fiu32](T) -> T //
// - Single parameter of constrained template type T (must be a one of //
// fiu32) Return type matches parameter type //
// //
// fn F[T, N: num](vec<N, T>) //
// - Single parameter of vector type with template number size N and //
// element template type T //
// //
// fn F[A: access](texture_storage_1d<f32_texel_format, A>) //
// - Single parameter of texture_storage_1d type with template number //
// access-control C, and of a texel format that is listed in //
// f32_texel_format //
// //
@must_use @const fn abs[T: fiu32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn abs[N: num, T: fiu32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn acos[T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.96891242171) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn acos[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.96891242171) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn acosh[T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5430806348) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn acosh[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5430806348) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn all(bool) -> bool
@must_use @const fn all[N: num](vec<N, bool>) -> bool
@must_use @const fn any(bool) -> bool
@must_use @const fn any[N: num](vec<N, bool>) -> bool
@must_use fn arrayLength[T, A: access](ptr<storage, array<T>, A>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn asin[T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.479425538604) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn asin[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.479425538604) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn asinh[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn asinh[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn atan[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn atan[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn atan2[T: f32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn atan2[T: f32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn atanh[T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.5) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn atanh[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.5) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn ceil[T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn ceil[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn clamp[T: fiu32_f16](T, T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn clamp[T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn cos[T: f32_f16](@test_value(0) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn cos[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(0) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn cosh[T: f32_f16](@test_value(0) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn cosh[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(0) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn countLeadingZeros[T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn countLeadingZeros[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn countOneBits[T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn countOneBits[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn countTrailingZeros[T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn countTrailingZeros[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn cross[T: f32_f16](vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const fn degrees[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn degrees[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn determinant[N: num, T: f32_f16](mat<N, N, T>) -> T
@must_use @const fn distance[T: f32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn distance[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> T
@must_use @const fn dot[N: num, T: fiu32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> T
@must_use fn dot4I8Packed(u32, u32) -> i32
@must_use fn dot4U8Packed(u32, u32) -> u32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdx(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdx[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdxCoarse(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdxCoarse[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdxFine(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdxFine[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdy(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdy[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdyCoarse(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdyCoarse[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdyFine(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn dpdyFine[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @const fn exp[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn exp[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn exp2[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn exp2[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn extractBits[T: iu32](T, u32, u32) -> T
@must_use @const fn extractBits[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>, u32, u32) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn faceForward[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn firstLeadingBit[T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn firstLeadingBit[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn firstTrailingBit[T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn firstTrailingBit[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn floor[T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn floor[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn fma[T: f32_f16](T, T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn fma[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn fract[T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.25) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn fract[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.25) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn frexp[T: f32_f16](T) -> __frexp_result<T>
@must_use @const fn frexp[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> __frexp_result_vec<N, T>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn fwidth(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn fwidth[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn fwidthCoarse(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn fwidthCoarse[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn fwidthFine(f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn fwidthFine[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @const fn insertBits[T: iu32](T, T, u32, u32) -> T
@must_use @const fn insertBits[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, u32, u32) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn inverseSqrt[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn inverseSqrt[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn ldexp[T: f32_f16, U: i32](T, U) -> T
@must_use @const fn ldexp[N: num, T: f32_f16, U: i32](vec<N, T>, vec<N, U>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn length[T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.0) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn length[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(0.0) vec<N, T>) -> T
@must_use @const fn log[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn log[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn log2[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn log2[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn max[T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn max[N: num, T: fiu32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn min[T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn min[N: num, T: fiu32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn mix[T: f32_f16](T, T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn mix[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn mix[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn modf[T: f32_f16](@test_value(-1.5) T) -> __modf_result<T>
@must_use @const fn modf[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(-1.5) vec<N, T>) -> __modf_result_vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn normalize[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn pack2x16float(vec2<f32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack2x16snorm(vec2<f32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack2x16unorm(vec2<f32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack4x8snorm(vec4<f32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack4x8unorm(vec4<f32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack4xI8(vec4<i32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack4xU8(vec4<u32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack4xI8Clamp(vec4<i32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pack4xU8Clamp(vec4<u32>) -> u32
@must_use @const fn pow[T: f32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn pow[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn quantizeToF16(f32) -> f32
@must_use @const fn quantizeToF16[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>
@must_use @const fn radians[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn radians[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn reflect[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn refract[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn reverseBits[T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn reverseBits[N: num, T: iu32](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn round[T: f32_f16](@test_value(3.5) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn round[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(3.5) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn saturate[T: f32_f16](@test_value(2) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn saturate[T: f32_f16, N: num](@test_value(2) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const("select_bool") fn select[T: scalar](T, T, bool) -> T
@must_use @const("select_bool") fn select[T: scalar, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, bool) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const("select_boolvec") fn select[N: num, T: scalar](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>, vec<N, bool>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn sign[T: fi32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn sign[N: num, T: fi32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn sin[T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.57079632679) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn sin[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.57079632679) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn sinh[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn sinh[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn smoothstep[T: f32_f16](@test_value(2) T, @test_value(4) T, @test_value(3) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn smoothstep[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(2) vec<N, T>, @test_value(4) vec<N, T>, @test_value(3) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn sqrt[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn sqrt[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn step[T: f32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const fn step[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@stage("compute") fn storageBarrier()
@must_use @const fn tan[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn tan[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn tanh[T: f32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const fn tanh[N: num, T: f32_f16](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn transpose[M: num, N: num, T: f32_f16](mat<M, N, T>) -> mat<N, M, T>
@must_use @const fn trunc[T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5) T) -> T
@must_use @const fn trunc[N: num, T: f32_f16](@test_value(1.5) vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const fn unpack2x16float(u32) -> vec2<f32>
@must_use @const fn unpack2x16snorm(u32) -> vec2<f32>
@must_use @const fn unpack2x16unorm(u32) -> vec2<f32>
@must_use @const fn unpack4x8snorm(u32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @const fn unpack4x8unorm(u32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @const fn unpack4xI8(u32) -> vec4<i32>
@must_use @const fn unpack4xU8(u32) -> vec4<u32>
@stage("compute") fn workgroupBarrier()
@stage("compute") fn textureBarrier()
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_1d<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_1d<T>, level: L) -> u32
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_2d<T>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_2d<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_2d_array<T>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_3d<T>) -> vec3<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_3d<T>, level: L) -> vec3<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_cube<T>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_cube<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_cube_array<T>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_cube_array<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[T: fiu32](texture: texture_multisampled_2d<T>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d_array) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube_array) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array, level: L) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_multisampled_2d) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[F: texel_format, A: access](texture: texture_storage_1d<F, A>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureDimensions[F: texel_format, A: access](texture: texture_storage_2d<F, A>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[F: texel_format, A: access](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<F, A>) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions[F: texel_format, A: access](texture: texture_storage_3d<F, A>) -> vec3<u32>
@must_use fn textureDimensions(texture: texture_external) -> vec2<u32>
@must_use fn textureGather[T: fiu32, C: iu32](@const component: C, texture: texture_2d<T>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureGather[T: fiu32, C: iu32](@const component: C, texture: texture_2d<T>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureGather[T: fiu32, C: iu32, A: iu32](@const component: C, texture: texture_2d_array<T>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureGather[T: fiu32, C: iu32, A: iu32](@const component: C, texture: texture_2d_array<T>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureGather[T: fiu32, C: iu32](@const component: C, texture: texture_cube<T>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureGather[T: fiu32, C: iu32, A: iu32](@const component: C, texture: texture_cube_array<T>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureGather(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGather(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGather[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGather[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGather(texture: texture_depth_cube, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGather[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGatherCompare(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, depth_ref: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGatherCompare(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, depth_ref: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGatherCompare[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGatherCompare[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGatherCompare(texture: texture_depth_cube, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec3<f32>, depth_ref: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureGatherCompare[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureNumLayers[T: fiu32](texture: texture_2d_array<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLayers[T: fiu32](texture: texture_cube_array<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLayers(texture: texture_depth_2d_array) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLayers(texture: texture_depth_cube_array) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLayers[F: texel_format, A: access](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<F, A>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels[T: fiu32](texture: texture_1d<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels[T: fiu32](texture: texture_2d<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels[T: fiu32](texture: texture_2d_array<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels[T: fiu32](texture: texture_3d<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels[T: fiu32](texture: texture_cube<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels[T: fiu32](texture: texture_cube_array<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels(texture: texture_depth_2d) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels(texture: texture_depth_2d_array) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels(texture: texture_depth_cube) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumLevels(texture: texture_depth_cube_array) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumSamples[T: fiu32](texture: texture_multisampled_2d<T>) -> u32
@must_use fn textureNumSamples(texture: texture_depth_multisampled_2d) -> u32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_1d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, @const offset: vec3<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_cube<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample[A: iu32](texture: texture_cube_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample(texture: texture_depth_cube, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSample[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, bias: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, bias: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, bias: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, bias: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, bias: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, bias: f32, @const offset: vec3<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias(texture: texture_cube<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, bias: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleBias[A: iu32](texture: texture_cube_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, bias: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleCompare(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleCompare(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, depth_ref: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleCompare[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleCompare[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleCompare(texture: texture_depth_cube, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec3<f32>, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use @stage("fragment") fn textureSampleCompare[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleCompareLevel(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleCompareLevel(texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, depth_ref: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleCompareLevel[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleCompareLevel[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleCompareLevel(texture: texture_depth_cube, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec3<f32>, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleCompareLevel[A: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array, sampler: sampler_comparison, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, depth_ref: f32) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, ddx: vec2<f32>, ddy: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, ddx: vec2<f32>, ddy: vec2<f32>, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, ddx: vec2<f32>, ddy: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, ddx: vec2<f32>, ddy: vec2<f32>, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, ddx: vec3<f32>, ddy: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, ddx: vec3<f32>, ddy: vec3<f32>, @const offset: vec3<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad(texture: texture_cube<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, ddx: vec3<f32>, ddy: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleGrad[A: iu32](texture: texture_cube_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, ddx: vec3<f32>, ddy: vec3<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, level: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, level: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, level: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[A: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, level: f32, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, level: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel(texture: texture_3d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, level: f32, @const offset: vec3<i32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel(texture: texture_cube<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, level: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[A: iu32](texture: texture_cube_array<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, level: f32) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, level: L) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, level: L, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[A: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, level: L) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[A: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>, array_index: A, level: L, @const offset: vec2<i32>) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube, sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, level: L) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleLevel[A: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_cube_array,sampler: sampler, coords: vec3<f32>, array_index: A, level: L) -> f32
@must_use fn textureSampleBaseClampToEdge(texture: texture_2d<f32>, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureSampleBaseClampToEdge(texture: texture_external, sampler: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_1d<f32_texel_format, writable>, coords: C, value: vec4<f32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d<f32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec2<C>, value: vec4<f32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32, A: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<f32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A, value: vec4<f32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_3d<f32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec3<C>, value: vec4<f32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_1d<i32_texel_format, writable>, coords: C, value: vec4<i32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d<i32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec2<C>, value: vec4<i32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32, A: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<i32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A, value: vec4<i32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_3d<i32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec3<C>, value: vec4<i32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_1d<u32_texel_format, writable>, coords: C, value: vec4<u32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d<u32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec2<C>, value: vec4<u32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32, A: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<u32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A, value: vec4<u32>)
fn textureStore[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_3d<u32_texel_format, writable>, coords: vec3<C>, value: vec4<u32>)
@must_use fn textureLoad[T: fiu32, C: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_1d<T>, coords: C, level: L) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureLoad[T: fiu32, C: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_2d<T>, coords: vec2<C>, level: L) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureLoad[T: fiu32, C: iu32, A: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_2d_array<T>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A, level: L) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureLoad[T: fiu32, C: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_3d<T>, coords: vec3<C>, level: L) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureLoad[T: fiu32, C: iu32, S: iu32](texture: texture_multisampled_2d<T>, coords: vec2<C>, sample_index: S) -> vec4<T>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d, coords: vec2<C>, level: L) -> f32
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32, A: iu32, L: iu32](texture: texture_depth_2d_array, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A, level: L) -> f32
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32, S: iu32](texture: texture_depth_multisampled_2d, coords: vec2<C>, sample_index: S) -> f32
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_external, coords: vec2<C>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_1d<f32_texel_format, readable>, coords: C) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_1d<i32_texel_format, readable>, coords: C) -> vec4<i32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_1d<u32_texel_format, readable>, coords: C) -> vec4<u32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d<f32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec2<C>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d<i32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec2<C>) -> vec4<i32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d<u32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec2<C>) -> vec4<u32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32, A: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<f32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32, A: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<i32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A) -> vec4<i32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32, A: iu32](texture: texture_storage_2d_array<u32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec2<C>, array_index: A) -> vec4<u32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_3d<f32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec3<C>) -> vec4<f32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_3d<i32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec3<C>) -> vec4<i32>
@must_use fn textureLoad[C: iu32](texture: texture_storage_3d<u32_texel_format, readable>, coords: vec3<C>) -> vec4<u32>
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicLoad[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicStore[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T)
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicAdd[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicSub[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicMax[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicMin[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicAnd[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicOr[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicXor[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicExchange[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T) -> T
@stage("fragment", "compute") fn atomicCompareExchangeWeak[T: iu32, S: workgroup_or_storage](ptr<S, atomic<T>, read_write>, T, T) -> __atomic_compare_exchange_result<T>
@must_use @stage("compute") fn subgroupBallot() -> vec4<u32>
@must_use @stage("compute") fn subgroupBroadcast[T: fiu32_f16](value: T, @const sourceLaneIndex: u32) -> T
@must_use @stage("compute") fn subgroupBroadcast[N: num, T: fiu32_f16](value: vec<N, T>, @const sourceLaneIndex: u32) -> vec<N, T>
// Value constructors //
// Zero value constructors
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor i32() -> i32
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor u32() -> u32
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor f32() -> f32
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor f16() -> f16
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor bool() -> bool
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor vec2<T: scalar>() -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor vec3<T: scalar>() -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor vec4<T: scalar>() -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat2x2<T: f32_f16>() -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat2x3<T: f32_f16>() -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat2x4<T: f32_f16>() -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat3x2<T: f32_f16>() -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat3x3<T: f32_f16>() -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat3x4<T: f32_f16>() -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat4x2<T: f32_f16>() -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat4x3<T: f32_f16>() -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("Zero") ctor mat4x4<T: f32_f16>() -> mat4x4<T>
// Identity constructors
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor i32(i32) -> i32
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor u32(u32) -> u32
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor f32(f32) -> f32
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor f16(f16) -> f16
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor bool(bool) -> bool
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor vec2<T: scalar>(vec2<T>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor vec2[T: scalar](vec2<T>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor vec3<T: scalar>(vec3<T>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor vec3[T: scalar](vec3<T>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(vec4<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor vec4[T: scalar](vec4<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat2x2<T: f32_f16>(mat2x2<T>) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat2x2[T: f32_f16](mat2x2<T>) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat2x3<T: f32_f16>(mat2x3<T>) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat2x3[T: f32_f16](mat2x3<T>) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat2x4<T: f32_f16>(mat2x4<T>) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat2x4[T: f32_f16](mat2x4<T>) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat3x2<T: f32_f16>(mat3x2<T>) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat3x2[T: f32_f16](mat3x2<T>) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat3x3<T: f32_f16>(mat3x3<T>) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat3x3[T: f32_f16](mat3x3<T>) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat3x4<T: f32_f16>(mat3x4<T>) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat3x4[T: f32_f16](mat3x4<T>) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat4x2<T: f32_f16>(mat4x2<T>) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat4x2[T: f32_f16](mat4x2<T>) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat4x3<T: f32_f16>(mat4x3<T>) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat4x3[T: f32_f16](mat4x3<T>) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat4x4<T: f32_f16>(mat4x4<T>) -> mat4x4<T>
@must_use @const("Identity") ctor mat4x4[T: f32_f16](mat4x4<T>) -> mat4x4<T>
// Vector constructors (splat)
@must_use @const("VecSplat") ctor vec2<T: scalar>(T) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("VecSplat") ctor vec2[T: scalar](T) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("VecSplat") ctor vec3<T: scalar>(T) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecSplat") ctor vec3[T: scalar](T) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecSplat") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecSplat") ctor vec4[T: scalar](T) -> vec4<T>
// Vector constructors (scalar)
@must_use @const("VecInitS") ctor vec2<T: scalar>(x: T, y: T) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitS") ctor vec2[T: scalar](x: T, y: T) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitS") ctor vec3<T: scalar>(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitS") ctor vec3[T: scalar](x: T, y: T, z: T) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitS") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitS") ctor vec4[T: scalar](x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T) -> vec4<T>
// Vector constructors (mixed)
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec3<T: scalar>(xy: vec2<T>, z: T) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec3[T: scalar](xy: vec2<T>, z: T) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec3<T: scalar>(x: T, yz: vec2<T>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec3[T: scalar](x: T, yz: vec2<T>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(xy: vec2<T>, z: T, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4[T: scalar](xy: vec2<T>, z: T, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(x: T, yz: vec2<T>, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4[T: scalar](x: T, yz: vec2<T>, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(x: T, y: T, zw: vec2<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4[T: scalar](x: T, y: T, zw: vec2<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(xy: vec2<T>, zw: vec2<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4[T: scalar](xy: vec2<T>, zw: vec2<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(xyz: vec3<T>, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4[T: scalar](xyz: vec3<T>, w: T) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4<T: scalar>(x: T, zyw: vec3<T>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const("VecInitM") ctor vec4[T: scalar](x: T, zyw: vec3<T>) -> vec4<T>
// Matrix constructors (scalar)
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat2x2<T: f32_f16>(T, T,
T, T) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat2x2[T: f32_f16](T, T,
T, T) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat2x3<T: f32_f16>(T, T, T,
T, T, T) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat2x3[T: f32_f16](T, T, T,
T, T, T) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat2x4<T: f32_f16>(T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat2x4[T: f32_f16](T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat3x2<T: f32_f16>(T, T,
T, T,
T, T) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat3x2[T: f32_f16](T, T,
T, T,
T, T) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat3x3<T: f32_f16>(T, T, T,
T, T, T,
T, T, T) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat3x3[T: f32_f16](T, T, T,
T, T, T,
T, T, T) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat3x4<T: f32_f16>(T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat3x4[T: f32_f16](T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat4x2<T: f32_f16>(T, T,
T, T,
T, T,
T, T) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat4x2[T: f32_f16](T, T,
T, T,
T, T,
T, T) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat4x3<T: f32_f16>(T, T, T,
T, T, T,
T, T, T,
T, T, T) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat4x3[T: f32_f16](T, T, T,
T, T, T,
T, T, T,
T, T, T) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat4x4<T: f32_f16>(T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T) -> mat4x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitS")
ctor mat4x4[T: f32_f16](T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T,
T, T, T, T) -> mat4x4<T>
// Matrix constructors (column vectors)
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat2x2<T: f32_f16>(vec2<T>, vec2<T>) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat2x2[T: f32_f16](vec2<T>, vec2<T>) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat2x3<T: f32_f16>(vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat2x3[T: f32_f16](vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat2x4<T: f32_f16>(vec4<T>, vec4<T>) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat2x4[T: f32_f16](vec4<T>, vec4<T>) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat3x2<T: f32_f16>(vec2<T>, vec2<T>, vec2<T>) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat3x2[T: f32_f16](vec2<T>, vec2<T>, vec2<T>) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat3x3<T: f32_f16>(vec3<T>, vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat3x3[T: f32_f16](vec3<T>, vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat3x4<T: f32_f16>(vec4<T>, vec4<T>, vec4<T>) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat3x4[T: f32_f16](vec4<T>, vec4<T>, vec4<T>) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat4x2<T: f32_f16>(vec2<T>, vec2<T>, vec2<T>, vec2<T>) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat4x2[T: f32_f16](vec2<T>, vec2<T>, vec2<T>, vec2<T>) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat4x3<T: f32_f16>(vec3<T>, vec3<T>, vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat4x3[T: f32_f16](vec3<T>, vec3<T>, vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat4x4<T: f32_f16>(vec4<T>, vec4<T>, vec4<T>, vec4<T>) -> mat4x4<T>
@must_use @const("MatInitV") ctor mat4x4[T: f32_f16](vec4<T>, vec4<T>, vec4<T>, vec4<T>) -> mat4x4<T>
// Value conversions //
@must_use @const conv f32[T: scalar_no_f32](T) -> f32
@must_use @const conv f16[T: scalar_no_f16](T) -> f16
@must_use @const conv i32[T: scalar_no_i32](T) -> i32
@must_use @const conv u32[T: scalar_no_u32](T) -> u32
@must_use @const conv bool[T: scalar_no_bool](T) -> bool
@must_use @const conv vec2<T: f32>[U: scalar_no_f32](vec2<U>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const conv vec2<T: f16>[U: scalar_no_f16](vec2<U>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const conv vec2<T: i32>[U: scalar_no_i32](vec2<U>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const conv vec2<T: u32>[U: scalar_no_u32](vec2<U>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const conv vec2<T: bool>[U: scalar_no_bool](vec2<U>) -> vec2<T>
@must_use @const conv vec3<T: f32>[U: scalar_no_f32](vec3<U>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const conv vec3<T: f16>[U: scalar_no_f16](vec3<U>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const conv vec3<T: i32>[U: scalar_no_i32](vec3<U>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const conv vec3<T: u32>[U: scalar_no_u32](vec3<U>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const conv vec3<T: bool>[U: scalar_no_bool](vec3<U>) -> vec3<T>
@must_use @const conv vec4<T: f32>[U: scalar_no_f32](vec4<U>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const conv vec4<T: f16>[U: scalar_no_f16](vec4<U>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const conv vec4<T: i32>[U: scalar_no_i32](vec4<U>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const conv vec4<T: u32>[U: scalar_no_u32](vec4<U>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const conv vec4<T: bool>[U: scalar_no_bool](vec4<U>) -> vec4<T>
@must_use @const conv mat2x2<T: f16>(mat2x2<f32>) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const conv mat2x2<T: f32>(mat2x2<f16>) -> mat2x2<T>
@must_use @const conv mat2x3<T: f16>(mat2x3<f32>) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const conv mat2x3<T: f32>(mat2x3<f16>) -> mat2x3<T>
@must_use @const conv mat2x4<T: f16>(mat2x4<f32>) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const conv mat2x4<T: f32>(mat2x4<f16>) -> mat2x4<T>
@must_use @const conv mat3x2<T: f16>(mat3x2<f32>) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const conv mat3x2<T: f32>(mat3x2<f16>) -> mat3x2<T>
@must_use @const conv mat3x3<T: f16>(mat3x3<f32>) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const conv mat3x3<T: f32>(mat3x3<f16>) -> mat3x3<T>
@must_use @const conv mat3x4<T: f16>(mat3x4<f32>) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const conv mat3x4<T: f32>(mat3x4<f16>) -> mat3x4<T>
@must_use @const conv mat4x2<T: f16>(mat4x2<f32>) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const conv mat4x2<T: f32>(mat4x2<f16>) -> mat4x2<T>
@must_use @const conv mat4x3<T: f16>(mat4x3<f32>) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const conv mat4x3<T: f32>(mat4x3<f16>) -> mat4x3<T>
@must_use @const conv mat4x4<T: f16>(mat4x4<f32>) -> mat4x4<T>
@must_use @const conv mat4x4<T: f32>(mat4x4<f16>) -> mat4x4<T>
// Operators //
// //
// The operator declarations below declare all the unary and binary operators //
// supported by the WGSL language (with exception for address-of and //
// dereference unary operators). //
// //
// The syntax is almost identical to builtin functions, except we use 'op' //
// instead of 'fn'. The resolving rules are identical to builtins, which is //
// described in detail above. //
// //
// Unary Operators //
@must_use @const op ! (bool) -> bool
@must_use @const op ! [N: num](vec<N, bool>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op ~ [T: iu32](T) -> T
@must_use @const op ~ [T: iu32, N: num](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const("UnaryMinus") op - [T: fi32_f16](T) -> T
@must_use @const("UnaryMinus") op - [T: fi32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
// Binary Operators //
@must_use @const op + [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op + [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op + [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op + [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](T, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op + [T: f32_f16, N: num, M: num](mat<N, M, T>, mat<N, M, T>) -> mat<N, M, T>
@must_use @const op - [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op - [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op - [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op - [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](T, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op - [T: f32_f16, N: num, M: num](mat<N, M, T>, mat<N, M, T>) -> mat<N, M, T>
@must_use @const("Multiply") op * [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const("Multiply") op * [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const("Multiply") op * [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const("Multiply") op * [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](T, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const("Multiply") op * [T: f32_f16, N: num, M: num](T, mat<N, M, T>) -> mat<N, M, T>
@must_use @const("Multiply") op * [T: f32_f16, N: num, M: num](mat<N, M, T>, T) -> mat<N, M, T>
@must_use @const("MultiplyMatVec") op * [T: f32_f16, C: num, R: num](mat<C, R, T>, vec<C, T>) -> vec<R, T>
@must_use @const("MultiplyVecMat") op * [T: f32_f16, C: num, R: num](vec<R, T>, mat<C, R, T>) -> vec<C, T>
@must_use @const("MultiplyMatMat") op * [T: f32_f16, K: num, C: num, R: num](mat<K, R, T>, mat<C, K, T>) -> mat<C, R, T>
@must_use @const op / [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op / [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op / [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op / [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](T, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op % [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op % [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op % [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, T) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op % [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](T, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op ^ [T: iu32](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op ^ [T: iu32, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op & (bool, bool) -> bool
@must_use @const op & [N: num](vec<N, bool>, vec<N, bool>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op & [T: iu32](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op & [T: iu32, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op | (bool, bool) -> bool
@must_use @const op | [N: num](vec<N, bool>, vec<N, bool>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op | [T: iu32](T, T) -> T
@must_use @const op | [T: iu32, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op && (bool, bool) -> bool
@must_use @const op || (bool, bool) -> bool
@must_use @const op == [T: scalar](T, T) -> bool
@must_use @const op == [T: scalar, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op != [T: scalar](T, T) -> bool
@must_use @const op != [T: scalar, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op < [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> bool
@must_use @const op < [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op > [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> bool
@must_use @const op > [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op <= [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> bool
@must_use @const op <= [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op >= [T: fiu32_f16](T, T) -> bool
@must_use @const op >= [T: fiu32_f16, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, bool>
@must_use @const op << [T: iu32](T, u32) -> T
@must_use @const op << [T: iu32, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, u32>) -> vec<N, T>
@must_use @const op >> [T: iu32](T, u32) -> T
@must_use @const op >> [T: iu32, N: num](vec<N, T>, vec<N, u32>) -> vec<N, T>