blob: c1ecb5bd243dbb86fff4098f8d7b3a3310a0ca1a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "utils/ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor.h"
#include "utils/WGPUHelpers.h"
namespace utils {
// For creating deprecated render pipeline descriptors
ComboVertexStateDescriptor::ComboVertexStateDescriptor() {
wgpu::VertexStateDescriptor* descriptor = this;
descriptor->indexFormat = wgpu::IndexFormat::Undefined;
descriptor->vertexBufferCount = 0;
// Fill the default values for vertexBuffers and vertexAttributes in buffers.
wgpu::VertexAttributeDescriptor vertexAttribute;
vertexAttribute.shaderLocation = 0;
vertexAttribute.offset = 0;
vertexAttribute.format = wgpu::VertexFormat::Float32;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxVertexAttributes; ++i) {
cAttributes[i] = vertexAttribute;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxVertexBuffers; ++i) {
cVertexBuffers[i].arrayStride = 0;
cVertexBuffers[i].stepMode = wgpu::InputStepMode::Vertex;
cVertexBuffers[i].attributeCount = 0;
cVertexBuffers[i].attributes = nullptr;
// cVertexBuffers[i].attributes points to somewhere in cAttributes.
// cVertexBuffers[0].attributes points to &cAttributes[0] by default. Assuming
// cVertexBuffers[0] has two attributes, then cVertexBuffers[1].attributes should point to
// &cAttributes[2]. Likewise, if cVertexBuffers[1] has 3 attributes, then
// cVertexBuffers[2].attributes should point to &cAttributes[5].
cVertexBuffers[0].attributes = &cAttributes[0];
descriptor->vertexBuffers = &cVertexBuffers[0];
ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor(const wgpu::Device& device) {
wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor = this;
descriptor->primitiveTopology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList;
descriptor->sampleCount = 1;
// Set defaults for the vertex stage descriptor.
{ vertexStage.entryPoint = "main"; }
// Set defaults for the fragment stage desriptor.
descriptor->fragmentStage = &cFragmentStage;
cFragmentStage.entryPoint = "main";
// Set defaults for the input state descriptors.
descriptor->vertexState = &cVertexState;
// Set defaults for the rasterization state descriptor.
cRasterizationState.frontFace = wgpu::FrontFace::CCW;
cRasterizationState.cullMode = wgpu::CullMode::None;
cRasterizationState.depthBias = 0;
cRasterizationState.depthBiasSlopeScale = 0.0;
cRasterizationState.depthBiasClamp = 0.0;
descriptor->rasterizationState = &cRasterizationState;
// Set defaults for the color state descriptors.
descriptor->colorStateCount = 1;
descriptor->colorStates =;
wgpu::BlendDescriptor blend;
blend.operation = wgpu::BlendOperation::Add;
blend.srcFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::One;
blend.dstFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::Zero;
wgpu::ColorStateDescriptor colorStateDescriptor;
colorStateDescriptor.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
colorStateDescriptor.alphaBlend = blend;
colorStateDescriptor.colorBlend = blend;
colorStateDescriptor.writeMask = wgpu::ColorWriteMask::All;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxColorAttachments; ++i) {
cColorStates[i] = colorStateDescriptor;
// Set defaults for the depth stencil state descriptors.
wgpu::StencilStateFaceDescriptor stencilFace; = wgpu::CompareFunction::Always;
stencilFace.failOp = wgpu::StencilOperation::Keep;
stencilFace.depthFailOp = wgpu::StencilOperation::Keep;
stencilFace.passOp = wgpu::StencilOperation::Keep;
cDepthStencilState.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8;
cDepthStencilState.depthWriteEnabled = false;
cDepthStencilState.depthCompare = wgpu::CompareFunction::Always;
cDepthStencilState.stencilBack = stencilFace;
cDepthStencilState.stencilFront = stencilFace;
cDepthStencilState.stencilReadMask = 0xff;
cDepthStencilState.stencilWriteMask = 0xff;
descriptor->depthStencilState = nullptr;
ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor2::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor2() {
wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor2* descriptor = this;
// Set defaults for the vertex state.
wgpu::VertexState* vertex = &descriptor->vertex;
vertex->module = nullptr;
vertex->entryPoint = "main";
vertex->bufferCount = 0;
// Fill the default values for vertexBuffers and vertexAttributes in buffers.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxVertexAttributes; ++i) {
cAttributes[i].shaderLocation = 0;
cAttributes[i].offset = 0;
cAttributes[i].format = wgpu::VertexFormat::Float32;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxVertexBuffers; ++i) {
cBuffers[i].arrayStride = 0;
cBuffers[i].stepMode = wgpu::InputStepMode::Vertex;
cBuffers[i].attributeCount = 0;
cBuffers[i].attributes = nullptr;
// cBuffers[i].attributes points to somewhere in cAttributes.
// cBuffers[0].attributes points to &cAttributes[0] by default. Assuming
// cBuffers[0] has two attributes, then cBuffers[1].attributes should point to
// &cAttributes[2]. Likewise, if cBuffers[1] has 3 attributes, then
// cBuffers[2].attributes should point to &cAttributes[5].
cBuffers[0].attributes = &cAttributes[0];
vertex->buffers = &cBuffers[0];
// Set the defaults for the primitive state
wgpu::PrimitiveState* primitive = &descriptor->primitive;
primitive->topology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList;
primitive->stripIndexFormat = wgpu::IndexFormat::Undefined;
primitive->frontFace = wgpu::FrontFace::CCW;
primitive->cullMode = wgpu::CullMode::None;
// Set the defaults for the depth-stencil state
wgpu::StencilFaceState stencilFace; = wgpu::CompareFunction::Always;
stencilFace.failOp = wgpu::StencilOperation::Keep;
stencilFace.depthFailOp = wgpu::StencilOperation::Keep;
stencilFace.passOp = wgpu::StencilOperation::Keep;
cDepthStencil.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8;
cDepthStencil.depthWriteEnabled = false;
cDepthStencil.depthCompare = wgpu::CompareFunction::Always;
cDepthStencil.stencilBack = stencilFace;
cDepthStencil.stencilFront = stencilFace;
cDepthStencil.stencilReadMask = 0xff;
cDepthStencil.stencilWriteMask = 0xff;
cDepthStencil.depthBias = 0;
cDepthStencil.depthBiasSlopeScale = 0.0;
cDepthStencil.depthBiasClamp = 0.0;
// Set the defaults for the multisample state
wgpu::MultisampleState* multisample = &descriptor->multisample;
multisample->count = 1;
multisample->mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
multisample->alphaToCoverageEnabled = false;
// Set the defaults for the fragment state
cFragment.module = nullptr;
cFragment.entryPoint = "main";
cFragment.targetCount = 1;
cFragment.targets = &cTargets[0];
descriptor->fragment = &cFragment;
wgpu::BlendComponent blendComponent;
blendComponent.srcFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::One;
blendComponent.dstFactor = wgpu::BlendFactor::Zero;
blendComponent.operation = wgpu::BlendOperation::Add;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxColorAttachments; ++i) {
cTargets[i].format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
cTargets[i].blend = nullptr;
cTargets[i].writeMask = wgpu::ColorWriteMask::All;
cBlends[i].color = blendComponent;
cBlends[i].alpha = blendComponent;
wgpu::DepthStencilState* ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor2::EnableDepthStencil(
wgpu::TextureFormat format) {
this->depthStencil = &cDepthStencil;
cDepthStencil.format = format;
return &cDepthStencil;
} // namespace utils