blob: 05c9cf6a9e2f016d492626070dde2c477a8a9835 [file] [log] [blame]
// flags: --transform substitute_override
override O = 0; // Try switching to 'const'
fn f() {
const smaller_than_any_f32 = 1e-50;
// When O is an override, the outer index value is not constant, so the
// value is not calculated at shader-creation time, and does not error.
// When O is a const, and 'smaller_than_any_f32' *is not* materialized, the
// outer index value will evaluate to 10000, resulting in an out-of-bounds
// error.
// When O is a const, and 'smaller_than_any_f32' *is* materialized,
// the materialization of 'smaller_than_any_f32' to f32 will evaluate to zero,
// and so the outer index value will be zero, and we get no error.
var v = vec2(0)[i32(vec2(smaller_than_any_f32)[O]*1e27*1e27)];