blob: 08352754566bdea70f848b1bc1fbd877d9ad5fca [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver.h"
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver_test_helper.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
// Helpers and typedefs
template <typename T>
using DataType = builder::DataType<T>;
template <typename T>
using vec2 = builder::vec2<T>;
template <typename T>
using vec3 = builder::vec3<T>;
template <typename T>
using vec4 = builder::vec4<T>;
template <typename T>
using mat2x2 = builder::mat2x2<T>;
template <typename T>
using mat3x3 = builder::mat3x3<T>;
template <typename T>
using mat4x4 = builder::mat4x4<T>;
template <typename T>
using alias = builder::alias<T>;
struct ResolverInferredTypeTest : public resolver::TestHelper, public testing::Test {};
struct Params {
// builder::ast_expr_func_ptr_default_arg create_value;
builder::ast_expr_from_double_func_ptr create_value;
builder::sem_type_func_ptr create_expected_type;
template <typename T>
constexpr Params ParamsFor() {
// return Params{builder::CreateExprWithDefaultArg<T>(), DataType<T>::Sem};
return Params{DataType<T>::ExprFromDouble, DataType<T>::Sem};
Params all_cases[] = {
ParamsFor<bool>(), //
ParamsFor<u32>(), //
ParamsFor<i32>(), //
ParamsFor<f32>(), //
ParamsFor<vec3<bool>>(), //
ParamsFor<vec3<i32>>(), //
ParamsFor<vec3<u32>>(), //
ParamsFor<vec3<f32>>(), //
ParamsFor<mat3x3<f32>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<bool>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<u32>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<i32>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<f32>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<vec3<bool>>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<vec3<i32>>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<vec3<u32>>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<vec3<f32>>>(), //
ParamsFor<alias<mat3x3<f32>>>(), //
using ResolverInferredTypeParamTest = ResolverTestWithParam<Params>;
TEST_P(ResolverInferredTypeParamTest, GlobalConst_Pass) {
auto& params = GetParam();
auto* expected_type = params.create_expected_type(*this);
// const a = <type initializer>;
auto* ctor_expr = params.create_value(*this, 0);
auto* a = GlobalConst("a", ctor_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(TypeOf(a), expected_type);
TEST_P(ResolverInferredTypeParamTest, GlobalVar_Pass) {
auto& params = GetParam();
auto* expected_type = params.create_expected_type(*this);
// var a = <type initializer>;
auto* ctor_expr = params.create_value(*this, 0);
auto* var = GlobalVar("a", type::AddressSpace::kPrivate, ctor_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(TypeOf(var)->UnwrapRef(), expected_type);
TEST_P(ResolverInferredTypeParamTest, LocalLet_Pass) {
auto& params = GetParam();
auto* expected_type = params.create_expected_type(*this);
// let a = <type initializer>;
auto* ctor_expr = params.create_value(*this, 0);
auto* var = Let("a", ctor_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(TypeOf(var), expected_type);
TEST_P(ResolverInferredTypeParamTest, LocalVar_Pass) {
auto& params = GetParam();
auto* expected_type = params.create_expected_type(*this);
// var a = <type initializer>;
auto* ctor_expr = params.create_value(*this, 0);
auto* var = Var("a", type::AddressSpace::kFunction, ctor_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(TypeOf(var)->UnwrapRef(), expected_type);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ResolverTest, ResolverInferredTypeParamTest, testing::ValuesIn(all_cases));
TEST_F(ResolverInferredTypeTest, InferArray_Pass) {
auto* type = ty.array(ty.u32(), 10_u);
auto* expected_type = create<type::Array>(
create<type::U32>(), create<type::ConstantArrayCount>(10u), 4u, 4u * 10u, 4u, 4u);
auto* ctor_expr = Construct(type);
auto* var = Var("a", type::AddressSpace::kFunction, ctor_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(TypeOf(var)->UnwrapRef(), expected_type);
TEST_F(ResolverInferredTypeTest, InferStruct_Pass) {
auto* member = Member("x", ty.i32());
auto* str = Structure("S", utils::Vector{member});
auto* expected_type = create<sem::Struct>(
str, str->source, str->name,
utils::Vector{create<sem::StructMember>(member, member->source, member->symbol,
create<type::I32>(), 0u, 0u, 0u, 4u, std::nullopt)},
0u, 4u, 4u);
auto* ctor_expr = Construct(ty.Of(str));
auto* var = Var("a", type::AddressSpace::kFunction, ctor_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(TypeOf(var)->UnwrapRef(), expected_type);
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::resolver