blob: b30df02c70c55c19f4808226c7b71147db6b1a3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/resolver/uniformity.h"
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/builtin/builtin_value.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/block_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/builtin.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/for_loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/function.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/info.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/load.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/switch_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/value_constructor.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/value_conversion.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/variable.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/while_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/resolver/dependency_graph.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/map.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/scope_stack.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/unique_vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/macros/defer.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/memory/block_allocator.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/switch.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/string_stream.h"
// Set to `1` to dump the uniformity graph for each function in graphviz format.
#include <iostream>
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
/// Unwraps `u->expr`'s chain of indirect (*) and address-of (&) expressions, returning the first
/// expression that is neither of these.
/// E.g. If `u` is `*(&(*(&p)))`, returns `p`.
const ast::Expression* UnwrapIndirectAndAddressOfChain(const ast::UnaryOpExpression* u) {
auto* e = u->expr;
while (true) {
auto* unary = e->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
if (unary &&
(unary->op == ast::UnaryOp::kIndirection || unary->op == ast::UnaryOp::kAddressOf)) {
e = unary->expr;
} else {
return e;
/// CallSiteTag describes the uniformity requirements on the call sites of a function.
struct CallSiteTag {
enum {
} tag;
builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity = builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kUndefined;
/// FunctionTag describes a functions effects on uniformity.
enum FunctionTag {
/// ParameterTag describes the uniformity requirements of values passed to a function parameter.
struct ParameterTag {
enum {
} tag;
builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity = builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kUndefined;
/// Node represents a node in the graph of control flow and value nodes within the analysis of a
/// single function.
struct Node {
/// Constructor
/// @param a the corresponding AST node
explicit Node(const ast::Node* a) : ast(a) {}
/// The node tag.
std::string tag;
/// Type describes the type of the node, which is used to determine additional diagnostic
/// information.
enum Type {
/// The type of the node.
Type type = kRegular;
/// `true` if this node represents a potential control flow change.
bool affects_control_flow = false;
/// The corresponding AST node, or nullptr.
const ast::Node* ast = nullptr;
/// The function call argument index, if applicable.
uint32_t arg_index = 0xffffffffu;
/// The set of edges from this node to other nodes in the graph.
utils::UniqueVector<Node*, 4> edges;
/// The node that this node was visited from, or nullptr if not visited.
Node* visited_from = nullptr;
/// Add an edge to the `to` node.
/// @param to the destination node
void AddEdge(Node* to) {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, to != nullptr);
/// ParameterInfo holds information about the uniformity requirements and effects for a particular
/// function parameter.
struct ParameterInfo {
/// The semantic node in corresponds to this parameter.
const sem::Parameter* sem;
/// The parameter's direct uniformity requirements.
ParameterTag tag_direct = {ParameterTag::ParameterNoRestriction};
/// The parameter's uniformity requirements that affect the function return value.
ParameterTag tag_retval = {ParameterTag::ParameterNoRestriction};
/// Will be `true` if this function may cause the contents of this pointer parameter to become
/// non-uniform.
bool pointer_may_become_non_uniform = false;
/// The parameters that are required to be uniform for the contents of this pointer parameter to
/// be uniform at function exit.
utils::Vector<const sem::Parameter*, 8> ptr_output_source_param_values;
/// The pointer parameters whose contents are required to be uniform for the contents of this
/// pointer parameter to be uniform at function exit.
utils::Vector<const sem::Parameter*, 8> ptr_output_source_param_contents;
/// The node in the graph that corresponds to this parameter's (immutable) value.
Node* value;
/// The node in the graph that corresponds to this pointer parameter's initial contents.
Node* ptr_input_contents = nullptr;
/// The node in the graph that corresponds to this pointer parameter's contents on return.
Node* ptr_output_contents = nullptr;
/// FunctionInfo holds information about the uniformity requirements and effects for a particular
/// function, as well as the control flow graph.
struct FunctionInfo {
/// Constructor
/// @param func the AST function
/// @param builder the program builder
FunctionInfo(const ast::Function* func, const ProgramBuilder* builder) {
name = func->name->symbol.Name();
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteNoRestriction};
function_tag = NoRestriction;
// Create special nodes.
required_to_be_uniform_error = CreateNode({"RequiredToBeUniform_Error"});
required_to_be_uniform_warning = CreateNode({"RequiredToBeUniform_Warning"});
required_to_be_uniform_info = CreateNode({"RequiredToBeUniform_Info"});
may_be_non_uniform = CreateNode({"MayBeNonUniform"});
cf_start = CreateNode({"CF_start"});
if (func->return_type) {
value_return = CreateNode({"Value_return"});
// Create nodes for parameters.
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.Length(); i++) {
auto* param = func->params[i];
auto param_name = param->name->symbol.Name();
auto* sem = builder->Sem().Get<sem::Parameter>(param);
parameters[i].sem = sem;
parameters[i].value = CreateNode({"param_", param_name});
if (sem->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
// Create extra nodes for a pointer parameter's initial contents and its contents
// when the function returns.
parameters[i].ptr_input_contents =
CreateNode({"ptrparam_", param_name, "_input_contents"});
parameters[i].ptr_output_contents =
CreateNode({"ptrparam_", param_name, "_output_contents"});
variables.Set(sem, parameters[i].ptr_input_contents);
} else {
variables.Set(sem, parameters[i].value);
/// The name of the function.
std::string name;
/// The call site uniformity requirements.
CallSiteTag callsite_tag;
/// The function's uniformity effects.
FunctionTag function_tag;
/// The uniformity requirements of the function's parameters.
utils::Vector<ParameterInfo, 8> parameters;
/// The control flow graph.
utils::BlockAllocator<Node> nodes;
/// Special `RequiredToBeUniform` nodes.
Node* required_to_be_uniform_error = nullptr;
Node* required_to_be_uniform_warning = nullptr;
Node* required_to_be_uniform_info = nullptr;
/// Special `MayBeNonUniform` node.
Node* may_be_non_uniform = nullptr;
/// Special `CF_start` node.
Node* cf_start = nullptr;
/// Special `Value_return` node.
Node* value_return = nullptr;
/// Map from variables to their value nodes in the graph, scoped with respect to control flow.
ScopeStack<const sem::Variable*, Node*> variables;
/// The set of mutable variables declared in the function that are in scope at any given point
/// in the analysis. This includes the contents of parameters to the function that are pointers.
/// This is used by the analysis for if statements and loops to know which variables need extra
/// nodes to capture their state when entering/exiting those constructs.
utils::Hashset<const sem::Variable*, 8> local_var_decls;
/// The set of partial pointer variables - pointers that point to a subobject (into an array or
/// struct).
utils::Hashset<const sem::Variable*, 4> partial_ptrs;
/// LoopSwitchInfo tracks information about the value of variables for a control flow construct.
struct LoopSwitchInfo {
/// The type of this control flow construct.
std::string type;
/// The input values for local variables at the start of this construct.
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, Node*, 4> var_in_nodes;
/// The exit values for local variables at the end of this construct.
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, Node*, 4> var_exit_nodes;
/// @returns the RequiredToBeUniform node that corresponds to `severity`
Node* RequiredToBeUniform(builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
switch (severity) {
case builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kError:
return required_to_be_uniform_error;
case builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kWarning:
return required_to_be_uniform_warning;
case builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kInfo:
return required_to_be_uniform_info;
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, false && "unhandled severity");
return nullptr;
/// @returns a LoopSwitchInfo for the given statement, allocating the LoopSwitchInfo if this is
/// the first call with the given statement.
LoopSwitchInfo& LoopSwitchInfoFor(const sem::Statement* stmt) {
return *loop_switch_infos.GetOrCreate(stmt,
[&] { return loop_switch_info_allocator.Create(); });
/// Disassociates the LoopSwitchInfo for the given statement.
void RemoveLoopSwitchInfoFor(const sem::Statement* stmt) { loop_switch_infos.Remove(stmt); }
/// Create a new node.
/// @param tag_list a string list that will be used to identify the node for debugging purposes
/// @param ast the optional AST node that this node corresponds to
/// @returns the new node
Node* CreateNode([[maybe_unused]] std::initializer_list<std::string_view> tag_list,
const ast::Node* ast = nullptr) {
auto* node = nodes.Create(ast);
// Make the tag unique and set it.
// This only matters if we're dumping the graph.
std::string tag = "";
for (auto& t : tag_list) {
tag += t;
std::string unique_tag = tag;
int suffix = 0;
while (tags_.Contains(unique_tag)) {
unique_tag = tag + "_$" + std::to_string(++suffix);
node->tag = name + "." + unique_tag;
return node;
/// Reset the visited status of every node in the graph.
void ResetVisited() {
for (auto* node : nodes.Objects()) {
node->visited_from = nullptr;
/// A list of tags that have already been used within the current function.
utils::Hashset<std::string, 8> tags_;
/// Map from control flow statements to the corresponding LoopSwitchInfo structure.
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Statement*, LoopSwitchInfo*, 8> loop_switch_infos;
/// Allocator of LoopSwitchInfos
utils::BlockAllocator<LoopSwitchInfo> loop_switch_info_allocator;
/// UniformityGraph is used to analyze the uniformity requirements and effects of functions in a
/// module.
class UniformityGraph {
/// Constructor.
/// @param builder the program to analyze
explicit UniformityGraph(ProgramBuilder* builder)
: builder_(builder), sem_(builder->Sem()), diagnostics_(builder->Diagnostics()) {}
/// Destructor.
~UniformityGraph() {}
/// Build and analyze the graph to determine whether the program satisfies the uniformity
/// constraints of WGSL.
/// @param dependency_graph the dependency-ordered module-scope declarations
/// @returns true if all uniformity constraints are satisfied, otherise false
bool Build(const DependencyGraph& dependency_graph) {
std::cout << "digraph G {\n";
std::cout << "rankdir=BT\n";
// Process all functions in the module.
bool success = true;
for (auto* decl : dependency_graph.ordered_globals) {
if (auto* func = decl->As<ast::Function>()) {
if (!ProcessFunction(func)) {
success = false;
std::cout << "\n}\n";
return success;
const ProgramBuilder* builder_;
const sem::Info& sem_;
diag::List& diagnostics_;
/// Map of analyzed function results.
utils::Hashmap<const ast::Function*, FunctionInfo, 8> functions_;
/// The function currently being analyzed.
FunctionInfo* current_function_;
/// Create a new node.
/// @param tag_list a string list that will be used to identify the node for debugging purposes
/// @param ast the optional AST node that this node corresponds to
/// @returns the new node
inline Node* CreateNode(std::initializer_list<std::string_view> tag_list,
const ast::Node* ast = nullptr) {
return current_function_->CreateNode(std::move(tag_list), ast);
/// Get the symbol name of an AST expression.
/// @param expr the expression to get the symbol name of
/// @returns the symbol name
inline std::string NameFor(const ast::IdentifierExpression* expr) {
return expr->identifier->symbol.Name();
/// @param var the variable to get the name of
/// @returns the name of the variable @p var
inline std::string NameFor(const ast::Variable* var) { return var->name->symbol.Name(); }
/// @param var the variable to get the name of
/// @returns the name of the variable @p var
inline std::string NameFor(const sem::Variable* var) { return NameFor(var->Declaration()); }
/// @param fn the function to get the name of
/// @returns the name of the function @p fn
inline std::string NameFor(const sem::Function* fn) {
return fn->Declaration()->name->symbol.Name();
/// Process a function.
/// @param func the function to process
/// @returns true if there are no uniformity issues, false otherwise
bool ProcessFunction(const ast::Function* func) {
current_function_ = functions_.Add(func, FunctionInfo(func, builder_)).value;
// Process function body.
if (func->body) {
ProcessStatement(current_function_->cf_start, func->body);
// Dump the graph for this function as a subgraph.
std::cout << "\nsubgraph cluster_" << current_function_->name << " {\n";
std::cout << " label=" << current_function_->name << ";";
for (auto* node : current_function_->nodes.Objects()) {
std::cout << "\n \"" << node->tag << "\";";
for (auto* edge : node->edges) {
std::cout << "\n \"" << node->tag << "\" -> \"" << edge->tag << "\";";
std::cout << "\n}\n";
/// Helper to generate a tag for the uniformity requirements of the parameter at `index`.
auto get_param_tag = [&](utils::UniqueVector<Node*, 4>& reachable, size_t index) {
auto* param = sem_.Get(func->params[index]);
auto& param_info = current_function_->parameters[index];
if (param->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
// For pointers, we distinguish between requiring uniformity of the contents versus
// the pointer itself.
if (reachable.Contains(param_info.ptr_input_contents)) {
return ParameterTag::ParameterContentsRequiredToBeUniform;
} else if (reachable.Contains(param_info.value)) {
return ParameterTag::ParameterValueRequiredToBeUniform;
} else if (reachable.Contains(current_function_->variables.Get(param))) {
// For non-pointers, the requirement is always on the value.
return ParameterTag::ParameterValueRequiredToBeUniform;
return ParameterTag::ParameterNoRestriction;
// Look at which nodes are reachable from "RequiredToBeUniform".
utils::UniqueVector<Node*, 4> reachable;
auto traverse = [&](builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
Traverse(current_function_->RequiredToBeUniform(severity), &reachable);
if (reachable.Contains(current_function_->may_be_non_uniform)) {
MakeError(*current_function_, current_function_->may_be_non_uniform, severity);
return false;
if (reachable.Contains(current_function_->cf_start)) {
if (current_function_->callsite_tag.tag == CallSiteTag::CallSiteNoRestriction) {
current_function_->callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteRequiredToBeUniform,
// Set the tags to capture the direct uniformity requirements of each parameter.
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.Length(); i++) {
if (current_function_->parameters[i].tag_direct.tag ==
ParameterTag::ParameterNoRestriction) {
current_function_->parameters[i].tag_direct = {get_param_tag(reachable, i),
return true;
if (!traverse(builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kError)) {
return false;
} else {
if (traverse(builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kWarning)) {
// If "Value_return" exists, look at which nodes are reachable from it.
if (current_function_->value_return) {
utils::UniqueVector<Node*, 4> reachable;
Traverse(current_function_->value_return, &reachable);
if (reachable.Contains(current_function_->may_be_non_uniform)) {
current_function_->function_tag = ReturnValueMayBeNonUniform;
// Set the tags to capture the uniformity requirements of each parameter with respect to
// the function return value.
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.Length(); i++) {
current_function_->parameters[i].tag_retval = {get_param_tag(reachable, i)};
// Traverse the graph for each pointer parameter.
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.Length(); i++) {
auto& param_info = current_function_->parameters[i];
if (param_info.ptr_output_contents == nullptr) {
// Reset "visited" state for all nodes.
utils::UniqueVector<Node*, 4> reachable;
Traverse(param_info.ptr_output_contents, &reachable);
if (reachable.Contains(current_function_->may_be_non_uniform)) {
param_info.pointer_may_become_non_uniform = true;
// Check every parameter to see if it feeds into this parameter's output value.
// This includes checking this parameter (as it may feed into its own output value), so
// we do not skip the `i==j` case.
for (size_t j = 0; j < func->params.Length(); j++) {
auto tag = get_param_tag(reachable, j);
auto* source_param = sem_.Get<sem::Parameter>(func->params[j]);
if (tag == ParameterTag::ParameterContentsRequiredToBeUniform) {
} else if (tag == ParameterTag::ParameterValueRequiredToBeUniform) {
return true;
/// Process a statement, returning the new control flow node.
/// @param cf the input control flow node
/// @param stmt the statement to process d
/// @returns the new control flow node
Node* ProcessStatement(Node* cf, const ast::Statement* stmt) {
return Switch(
[&](const ast::AssignmentStatement* a) {
if (a->lhs->Is<ast::PhonyExpression>()) {
auto [cf_r, _] = ProcessExpression(cf, a->rhs);
return cf_r;
auto [cf_l, v_l, ident] = ProcessLValueExpression(cf, a->lhs);
auto [cf_r, v_r] = ProcessExpression(cf_l, a->rhs);
// Update the variable node for the LHS variable.
current_function_->variables.Set(ident, v_l);
return cf_r;
[&](const ast::BlockStatement* b) {
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, Node*, 4> scoped_assignments;
// Push a new scope for variable assignments in the block.
for (auto* s : b->statements) {
cf = ProcessStatement(cf, s);
if (!sem_.Get(s)->Behaviors().Contains(sem::Behavior::kNext)) {
auto* parent = sem_.Get(b)->Parent();
auto* loop = parent ? parent->As<sem::LoopStatement>() : nullptr;
if (loop) {
// We've reached the end of a loop body. If there is a continuing block,
// process it before ending the block so that any variables declared in the
// loop body are visible to the continuing block.
if (auto* continuing =
loop->Declaration()->As<ast::LoopStatement>()->continuing) {
auto& loop_body_behavior = sem_.Get(b)->Behaviors();
if (loop_body_behavior.Contains(sem::Behavior::kNext) ||
loop_body_behavior.Contains(sem::Behavior::kContinue)) {
cf = ProcessStatement(cf, continuing);
if (sem_.Get<sem::FunctionBlockStatement>(b)) {
// We've reached the end of the function body.
// Add edges from pointer parameter outputs to their current value.
for (auto& param : current_function_->parameters) {
if (param.ptr_output_contents) {
scoped_assignments = std::move(current_function_->variables.Top());
// Propagate all variables assignments to the containing scope if the behavior is
// 'Next'.
auto& behaviors = sem_.Get(b)->Behaviors();
if (behaviors.Contains(sem::Behavior::kNext)) {
for (auto var : scoped_assignments) {
current_function_->variables.Set(var.key, var.value);
// Remove any variables declared in this scope from the set of in-scope variables.
for (auto decl : sem_.Get<sem::BlockStatement>(b)->Decls()) {
return cf;
[&](const ast::BreakStatement* b) {
// Find the loop or switch statement that we are in.
auto* parent = sem_.Get(b)
->FindFirstParent<sem::SwitchStatement, sem::LoopStatement,
sem::ForLoopStatement, sem::WhileStatement>();
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(parent);
// Propagate variable values to the loop/switch exit nodes.
for (auto* var : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
// Skip variables that were declared inside this loop/switch.
if (auto* lv = var->As<sem::LocalVariable>();
lv &&
lv->Statement()->FindFirstParent([&](auto* s) { return s == parent; })) {
// Add an edge from the variable exit node to its value at this point.
auto* exit_node = info.var_exit_nodes.GetOrCreate(var, [&] {
auto name = NameFor(var);
return CreateNode({name, "_value_", info.type, "_exit"});
return cf;
[&](const ast::BreakIfStatement* b) {
// This works very similar to the IfStatement uniformity below, execpt instead of
// processing the body, we directly inline the BreakStatement uniformity from
// above.
auto [_, v_cond] = ProcessExpression(cf, b->condition);
// Add a diagnostic node to capture the control flow change.
auto* v = CreateNode({"break_if_stmt"}, b);
v->affects_control_flow = true;
auto* parent = sem_.Get(b)->FindFirstParent<sem::LoopStatement>();
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(parent);
// Propagate variable values to the loop exit nodes.
for (auto* var : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
// Skip variables that were declared inside this loop.
if (auto* lv = var->As<sem::LocalVariable>();
lv && lv->Statement()->FindFirstParent(
[&](auto* s) { return s == parent; })) {
// Add an edge from the variable exit node to its value at this point.
auto* exit_node = info.var_exit_nodes.GetOrCreate(var, [&] {
auto name = NameFor(var);
return CreateNode({name, "_value_", info.type, "_exit"});
auto* sem_break_if = sem_.Get(b);
if (sem_break_if->Behaviors() != sem::Behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext}) {
auto* cf_end = CreateNode({"break_if_CFend"});
return cf_end;
return cf;
[&](const ast::CallStatement* c) {
auto [cf1, _] = ProcessCall(cf, c->expr);
return cf1;
[&](const ast::CompoundAssignmentStatement* c) {
// The compound assignment statement `a += b` is equivalent to:
// let p = &a;
// *p = *p + b;
// Evaluate the LHS.
auto [cf1, l1, ident] = ProcessLValueExpression(cf, c->lhs);
// Get the current value loaded from the LHS reference before evaluating the RHS.
auto* lhs_load = current_function_->variables.Get(ident);
// Evaluate the RHS.
auto [cf2, v2] = ProcessExpression(cf1, c->rhs);
// Create a node for the resulting value.
auto* result = CreateNode({"binary_expr_result"});
if (lhs_load) {
// Update the variable node for the LHS variable.
current_function_->variables.Set(ident, l1);
return cf2;
[&](const ast::ContinueStatement* c) {
// Find the loop statement that we are in.
auto* parent = sem_.Get(c)
->FindFirstParent<sem::LoopStatement, sem::ForLoopStatement,
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(parent);
// Propagate assignments to the loop input nodes.
for (auto v : info.var_in_nodes) {
auto* in_node = v.value;
auto* out_node = current_function_->variables.Get(v.key);
if (out_node != in_node) {
return cf;
[&](const ast::DiscardStatement*) { return cf; },
[&](const ast::ForLoopStatement* f) {
auto* sem_loop = sem_.Get(f);
auto* cfx = CreateNode({"loop_start"});
// Insert the initializer before the loop.
auto* cf_init = cf;
if (f->initializer) {
cf_init = ProcessStatement(cf, f->initializer);
auto* cf_start = cf_init;
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(sem_loop);
info.type = "forloop";
// Create input nodes for any variables declared before this loop.
for (auto* v : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
auto* in_node = CreateNode({NameFor(v), "_value_forloop_in"});
info.var_in_nodes.Replace(v, in_node);
current_function_->variables.Set(v, in_node);
// Insert the condition at the start of the loop body.
if (f->condition) {
auto [cf_cond, v] = ProcessExpression(cfx, f->condition);
auto* cf_condition_end = CreateNode({"for_condition_CFend"}, f);
cf_condition_end->affects_control_flow = true;
cf_start = cf_condition_end;
// Propagate assignments to the loop exit nodes.
for (auto* var : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
auto* exit_node = info.var_exit_nodes.GetOrCreate(var, [&] {
auto name = NameFor(var);
return CreateNode({name, "_value_", info.type, "_exit"});
auto* cf1 = ProcessStatement(cf_start, f->body);
// Insert the continuing statement at the end of the loop body.
if (f->continuing) {
auto* cf2 = ProcessStatement(cf1, f->continuing);
} else {
// Add edges from variable loop input nodes to their values at the end of the loop.
for (auto v : info.var_in_nodes) {
auto* in_node = v.value;
auto* out_node = current_function_->variables.Get(v.key);
if (out_node != in_node) {
// Set each variable's exit node as its value in the outer scope.
for (auto v : info.var_exit_nodes) {
current_function_->variables.Set(v.key, v.value);
if (f->initializer) {
// Remove variables declared in the for-loop initializer from the current scope.
if (auto* decl = f->initializer->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()) {
if (sem_loop->Behaviors() == sem::Behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext}) {
return cf;
} else {
return cfx;
[&](const ast::WhileStatement* w) {
auto* sem_loop = sem_.Get(w);
auto* cfx = CreateNode({"loop_start"});
auto* cf_start = cf;
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(sem_loop);
info.type = "whileloop";
// Create input nodes for any variables declared before this loop.
for (auto* v : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
auto* in_node = CreateNode({NameFor(v), "_value_forloop_in"});
info.var_in_nodes.Replace(v, in_node);
current_function_->variables.Set(v, in_node);
// Insert the condition at the start of the loop body.
auto [cf_cond, v] = ProcessExpression(cfx, w->condition);
auto* cf_condition_end = CreateNode({"while_condition_CFend"}, w);
cf_condition_end->affects_control_flow = true;
cf_start = cf_condition_end;
// Propagate assignments to the loop exit nodes.
for (auto* var : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
auto* exit_node = info.var_exit_nodes.GetOrCreate(var, [&] {
auto name = NameFor(var);
return CreateNode({name, "_value_", info.type, "_exit"});
auto* cf1 = ProcessStatement(cf_start, w->body);
// Add edges from variable loop input nodes to their values at the end of the loop.
for (auto v : info.var_in_nodes) {
auto* in_node = v.value;
auto* out_node = current_function_->variables.Get(v.key);
if (out_node != in_node) {
// Set each variable's exit node as its value in the outer scope.
for (auto v : info.var_exit_nodes) {
current_function_->variables.Set(v.key, v.value);
if (sem_loop->Behaviors() == sem::Behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext}) {
return cf;
} else {
return cfx;
[&](const ast::IfStatement* i) {
auto* sem_if = sem_.Get(i);
auto [_, v_cond] = ProcessExpression(cf, i->condition);
// Add a diagnostic node to capture the control flow change.
auto* v = CreateNode({"if_stmt"}, i);
v->affects_control_flow = true;
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, Node*, 4> true_vars;
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, Node*, 4> false_vars;
// Helper to process a statement with a new scope for variable assignments.
// Populates `assigned_vars` with new nodes for any variables that are assigned in
// this statement.
auto process_in_scope =
[&](Node* cf_in, const ast::Statement* s,
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, Node*, 4>& assigned_vars) {
// Push a new scope for variable assignments.
// Process the statement.
auto* cf_out = ProcessStatement(cf_in, s);
assigned_vars = current_function_->variables.Top();
// Pop the scope and return.
return cf_out;
auto* cf1 = process_in_scope(v, i->body, true_vars);
bool true_has_next = sem_.Get(i->body)->Behaviors().Contains(sem::Behavior::kNext);
bool false_has_next = true;
Node* cf2 = nullptr;
if (i->else_statement) {
cf2 = process_in_scope(v, i->else_statement, false_vars);
false_has_next =
// Update values for any variables assigned in the if or else blocks.
for (auto* var : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
// Skip variables not assigned in either block.
if (!true_vars.Contains(var) && !false_vars.Contains(var)) {
// Create an exit node for the variable.
auto* out_node = CreateNode({NameFor(var), "_value_if_exit"});
// Add edges to the assigned value or the initial value.
// Only add edges if the behavior for that block contains 'Next'.
if (true_has_next) {
if (true_vars.Contains(var)) {
} else {
if (false_has_next) {
if (false_vars.Contains(var)) {
} else {
current_function_->variables.Set(var, out_node);
if (sem_if->Behaviors() != sem::Behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext}) {
auto* cf_end = CreateNode({"if_CFend"});
if (cf2) {
return cf_end;
return cf;
[&](const ast::IncrementDecrementStatement* i) {
// The increment/decrement statement `i++` is equivalent to `i = i + 1`.
// Evaluate the LHS.
auto [cf1, l1, ident] = ProcessLValueExpression(cf, i->lhs);
// Get the current value loaded from the LHS reference.
auto* lhs_load = current_function_->variables.Get(ident);
// Create a node for the resulting value.
auto* result = CreateNode({"incdec_result"});
if (lhs_load) {
// Update the variable node for the LHS variable.
current_function_->variables.Set(ident, l1);
return cf1;
[&](const ast::LoopStatement* l) {
auto* sem_loop = sem_.Get(l);
auto* cfx = CreateNode({"loop_start"});
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(sem_loop);
info.type = "loop";
// Create input nodes for any variables declared before this loop.
for (auto* v : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
auto name = NameFor(v);
auto* in_node = CreateNode({name, "_value_loop_in"}, v->Declaration());
info.var_in_nodes.Replace(v, in_node);
current_function_->variables.Set(v, in_node);
// Note: The continuing block is processed as a special case at the end of
// processing the loop body BlockStatement. This is so that variable declarations
// inside the loop body are visible to the continuing statement.
auto* cf1 = ProcessStatement(cfx, l->body);
// Add edges from variable loop input nodes to their values at the end of the loop.
for (auto v : info.var_in_nodes) {
auto* in_node = v.value;
auto* out_node = current_function_->variables.Get(v.key);
if (out_node != in_node) {
// Set each variable's exit node as its value in the outer scope.
for (auto v : info.var_exit_nodes) {
current_function_->variables.Set(v.key, v.value);
if (sem_loop->Behaviors() == sem::Behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext}) {
return cf;
} else {
return cfx;
[&](const ast::ReturnStatement* r) {
Node* cf_ret;
if (r->value) {
auto [cf1, v] = ProcessExpression(cf, r->value);
cf_ret = cf1;
} else {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, cf != nullptr);
cf_ret = cf;
// Add edges from each pointer parameter output to its current value.
for (auto& param : current_function_->parameters) {
if (param.ptr_output_contents) {
return cf_ret;
[&](const ast::SwitchStatement* s) {
auto* sem_switch = sem_.Get(s);
auto [cfx, v_cond] = ProcessExpression(cf, s->condition);
// Add a diagnostic node to capture the control flow change.
auto* v = CreateNode({"switch_stmt"}, s);
v->affects_control_flow = true;
Node* cf_end = nullptr;
if (sem_switch->Behaviors() != sem::Behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext}) {
cf_end = CreateNode({"switch_CFend"});
auto& info = current_function_->LoopSwitchInfoFor(sem_switch);
info.type = "switch";
auto* cf_n = v;
for (auto* c : s->body) {
auto* sem_case = sem_.Get(c);
cf_n = ProcessStatement(v, c->body);
if (cf_end) {
if (sem_case->Behaviors().Contains(sem::Behavior::kNext)) {
// Propagate variable values to the switch exit nodes.
for (auto* var : current_function_->local_var_decls) {
// Skip variables that were declared inside the switch.
if (auto* lv = var->As<sem::LocalVariable>();
lv && lv->Statement()->FindFirstParent(
[&](auto* st) { return st == sem_switch; })) {
// Add an edge from the variable exit node to its new value.
auto* exit_node = info.var_exit_nodes.GetOrCreate(var, [&] {
auto name = NameFor(var);
return CreateNode({name, "_value_", info.type, "_exit"});
// Update nodes for any variables assigned in the switch statement.
for (auto var : info.var_exit_nodes) {
current_function_->variables.Set(var.key, var.value);
return cf_end ? cf_end : cf;
[&](const ast::VariableDeclStatement* decl) {
Node* node;
auto* sem_var = sem_.Get(decl->variable);
if (decl->variable->initializer) {
auto [cf1, v] = ProcessExpression(cf, decl->variable->initializer);
cf = cf1;
node = v;
// Store if lhs is a partial pointer
if (sem_var->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
auto* init = sem_.Get(decl->variable->initializer);
if (auto* unary_init = init->Declaration()->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>()) {
auto* e = UnwrapIndirectAndAddressOfChain(unary_init);
if (e->Is<ast::AccessorExpression>()) {
} else {
node = cf;
current_function_->variables.Set(sem_var, node);
if (decl->variable->Is<ast::Var>()) {
return cf;
[&](const ast::ConstAssert*) {
return cf; // No impact on uniformity
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "unknown statement type: " << std::string(stmt->TypeInfo().name);
return nullptr;
/// Process an identifier expression.
/// @param cf the input control flow node
/// @param ident the identifier expression to process
/// @param load_rule true if the load rule is being invoked on this identifier
/// @returns a pair of (control flow node, value node)
std::pair<Node*, Node*> ProcessIdentExpression(Node* cf,
const ast::IdentifierExpression* ident,
bool load_rule = false) {
// Helper to check if the entry point attribute of `obj` indicates non-uniformity.
auto has_nonuniform_entry_point_attribute = [&](auto* obj) {
// Only the num_workgroups and workgroup_id builtins are uniform.
if (auto* builtin_attr = ast::GetAttribute<ast::BuiltinAttribute>(obj->attributes)) {
auto builtin = builder_->Sem().Get(builtin_attr)->Value();
if (builtin == builtin::BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups ||
builtin == builtin::BuiltinValue::kWorkgroupId) {
return false;
return true;
auto* node = CreateNode({NameFor(ident), "_ident_expr"}, ident);
auto* sem_ident = sem_.GetVal(ident);
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, sem_ident);
auto* var_user = sem_ident->Unwrap()->As<sem::VariableUser>();
auto* sem = var_user->Variable();
return Switch(
[&](const sem::Parameter* param) {
auto* user_func = param->Owner()->As<sem::Function>();
if (user_func && user_func->Declaration()->IsEntryPoint()) {
if (auto* str = param->Type()->As<sem::Struct>()) {
// We consider the whole struct to be non-uniform if any one of its members
// is non-uniform.
bool uniform = true;
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
if (has_nonuniform_entry_point_attribute(member->Declaration())) {
uniform = false;
node->AddEdge(uniform ? cf : current_function_->may_be_non_uniform);
return std::make_pair(cf, node);
} else {
if (has_nonuniform_entry_point_attribute(param->Declaration())) {
} else {
return std::make_pair(cf, node);
} else {
auto* current_value = current_function_->variables.Get(param);
if (param->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
if (load_rule) {
// We are loading from the pointer, so add an edge to its contents.
} else {
// This is a pointer parameter that we are not loading from, so add an
// edge to the pointer value itself.
} else {
// The parameter is a value, so add an edge to it.
return std::make_pair(cf, node);
[&](const sem::GlobalVariable* global) {
// Loads from global read-write variables may be non-uniform.
if (global->Declaration()->Is<ast::Var>() &&
global->Access() != builtin::Access::kRead && load_rule) {
} else {
return std::make_pair(cf, node);
[&](const sem::LocalVariable* local) {
auto* local_value = current_function_->variables.Get(local);
if (local->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
if (load_rule) {
// We are loading from the pointer, so add an edge to its contents.
auto* root = var_user->RootIdentifier();
if (root->Is<sem::GlobalVariable>()) {
if (root->Access() != builtin::Access::kRead) {
// The contents of a mutable global variable is always non-uniform.
} else {
// The uniformity of the contents also depends on the uniformity of the
// pointer itself. For a pointer captured in a let declaration, this will
// come from the value node of that declaration.
} else {
// The variable is a pointer that we are not loading from, so add an edge to
// the pointer value itself.
} else if (local->Type()->Is<type::Reference>()) {
if (load_rule) {
// We are loading from the reference, so add an edge to its contents.
} else {
// References to local variables (i.e. var declarations) are always uniform,
// so no other edges needed.
} else {
// The identifier is a value declaration, so add an edge to it.
return std::make_pair(cf, node);
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "unknown identifier expression type: " << std::string(sem->TypeInfo().name);
return std::pair<Node*, Node*>(nullptr, nullptr);
/// Process an expression.
/// @param cf the input control flow node
/// @param expr the expression to process
/// @param load_rule true if the load rule is being invoked on this expression
/// @returns a pair of (control flow node, value node)
std::pair<Node*, Node*> ProcessExpression(Node* cf,
const ast::Expression* expr,
bool load_rule = false) {
if (sem_.Get<sem::Load>(expr)) {
// Set the load-rule flag to indicate that identifier expressions in this sub-tree
// should add edges to the contents of the variables that they refer to.
load_rule = true;
return Switch(
[&](const ast::BinaryExpression* b) {
if (b->IsLogical()) {
// Short-circuiting binary operators are a special case.
auto [cf1, v1] = ProcessExpression(cf, b->lhs);
// Add a diagnostic node to capture the control flow change.
auto* v1_cf = CreateNode({"short_circuit_op"}, b);
v1_cf->affects_control_flow = true;
auto [cf2, v2] = ProcessExpression(v1_cf, b->rhs);
return std::pair<Node*, Node*>(cf, v2);
} else {
auto [cf1, v1] = ProcessExpression(cf, b->lhs);
auto [cf2, v2] = ProcessExpression(cf1, b->rhs);
auto* result = CreateNode({"binary_expr_result"}, b);
return std::pair<Node*, Node*>(cf2, result);
[&](const ast::BitcastExpression* b) { return ProcessExpression(cf, b->expr); },
[&](const ast::CallExpression* c) { return ProcessCall(cf, c); },
[&](const ast::IdentifierExpression* i) {
return ProcessIdentExpression(cf, i, load_rule);
[&](const ast::IndexAccessorExpression* i) {
auto [cf1, v1] = ProcessExpression(cf, i->object, load_rule);
auto [cf2, v2] = ProcessExpression(cf1, i->index);
auto* result = CreateNode({"index_accessor_result"});
return std::pair<Node*, Node*>(cf2, result);
[&](const ast::LiteralExpression*) { return std::make_pair(cf, cf); },
[&](const ast::MemberAccessorExpression* m) {
return ProcessExpression(cf, m->object, load_rule);
[&](const ast::UnaryOpExpression* u) {
return ProcessExpression(cf, u->expr, load_rule);
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "unknown expression type: " << std::string(expr->TypeInfo().name);
return std::pair<Node*, Node*>(nullptr, nullptr);
/// @param u unary expression with op == kIndirection
/// @returns true if `u` is an indirection unary expression that ultimately dereferences a
/// partial pointer, false otherwise.
bool IsDerefOfPartialPointer(const ast::UnaryOpExpression* u) {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, u->op == ast::UnaryOp::kIndirection);
// To determine if we're dereferencing a partial pointer, unwrap *&
// chains; if the final expression is an identifier, see if it's a
// partial pointer. If it's not an identifier, then it must be an
// index/member accessor expression, and thus a partial pointer.
auto* e = UnwrapIndirectAndAddressOfChain(u);
if (auto* var_user = sem_.Get<sem::VariableUser>(e)) {
if (current_function_->partial_ptrs.Contains(var_user->Variable())) {
return true;
} else {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, e->Is<ast::AccessorExpression>());
return true;
return false;
/// LValue holds the Nodes returned by ProcessLValueExpression()
struct LValue {
/// The control-flow node for an LValue expression
Node* cf = nullptr;
/// The new value node for an LValue expression
Node* new_val = nullptr;
/// The root identifier for an LValue expression.
const sem::Variable* root_identifier = nullptr;
/// Process an LValue expression.
/// @param cf the input control flow node
/// @param expr the expression to process
/// @returns a pair of (control flow node, variable node)
LValue ProcessLValueExpression(Node* cf,
const ast::Expression* expr,
bool is_partial_reference = false) {
return Switch(
[&](const ast::IdentifierExpression* i) {
auto* sem = sem_.GetVal(i)->UnwrapLoad()->As<sem::VariableUser>();
if (sem->Variable()->Is<sem::GlobalVariable>()) {
return LValue{cf, current_function_->may_be_non_uniform, nullptr};
} else if (auto* local = sem->Variable()->As<sem::LocalVariable>()) {
// Create a new value node for this variable.
auto* value = CreateNode({NameFor(i), "_lvalue"});
// If i is part of an expression that is a partial reference to a variable (e.g.
// index or member access), we link back to the variable's previous value. If
// the previous value was non-uniform, a partial assignment will not make it
// uniform.
auto* old_value = current_function_->variables.Get(local);
if (is_partial_reference && old_value) {
return LValue{cf, value, local};
} else {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "unknown lvalue identifier expression type: "
<< std::string(sem->Variable()->TypeInfo().name);
return LValue{};
[&](const ast::IndexAccessorExpression* i) {
auto [cf1, l1, root_ident] =
ProcessLValueExpression(cf, i->object, /*is_partial_reference*/ true);
auto [cf2, v2] = ProcessExpression(cf1, i->index);
return LValue{cf2, l1, root_ident};
[&](const ast::MemberAccessorExpression* m) {
return ProcessLValueExpression(cf, m->object, /*is_partial_reference*/ true);
[&](const ast::UnaryOpExpression* u) {
if (u->op == ast::UnaryOp::kIndirection) {
// Cut the analysis short, since we only need to know the originating variable
// that is being written to.
auto* root_ident = sem_.Get(u)->RootIdentifier();
auto* deref = CreateNode({NameFor(root_ident), "_deref"});
if (auto* old_value = current_function_->variables.Get(root_ident)) {
// If dereferencing a partial reference or partial pointer, we link back to
// the variable's previous value. If the previous value was non-uniform, a
// partial assignment will not make it uniform.
if (is_partial_reference || IsDerefOfPartialPointer(u)) {
return LValue{cf, deref, root_ident};
return ProcessLValueExpression(cf, u->expr, is_partial_reference);
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "unknown lvalue expression type: " << std::string(expr->TypeInfo().name);
return LValue{};
/// Process a function call expression.
/// @param cf the input control flow node
/// @param call the function call to process
/// @returns a pair of (control flow node, value node)
std::pair<Node*, Node*> ProcessCall(Node* cf, const ast::CallExpression* call) {
std::string name = NameFor(call->target);
// Process call arguments
Node* cf_last_arg = cf;
utils::Vector<Node*, 8> args;
utils::Vector<Node*, 8> ptrarg_contents;
for (size_t i = 0; i < call->args.Length(); i++) {
auto [cf_i, arg_i] = ProcessExpression(cf_last_arg, call->args[i]);
// Capture the index of this argument in a new node.
// Note: This is an additional node that isn't described in the specification, for the
// purpose of providing diagnostic information.
Node* arg_node = CreateNode({name, "_arg_", std::to_string(i)}, call);
arg_node->type = Node::kFunctionCallArgumentValue;
arg_node->arg_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(i);
// For pointer arguments, create an additional node to represent the contents of that
// pointer prior to the function call.
auto* sem_arg = sem_.GetVal(call->args[i]);
if (sem_arg->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
auto* arg_contents =
CreateNode({name, "_ptrarg_", std::to_string(i), "_contents"}, call);
arg_contents->type = Node::kFunctionCallArgumentContents;
arg_contents->arg_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(i);
auto* root = sem_arg->RootIdentifier();
if (root->Is<sem::GlobalVariable>()) {
if (root->Access() != builtin::Access::kRead) {
// The contents of a mutable global variable is always non-uniform.
} else {
ptrarg_contents[i] = arg_contents;
cf_last_arg = cf_i;
// Note: This is an additional node that isn't described in the specification, for the
// purpose of providing diagnostic information.
Node* call_node = CreateNode({name, "_call"}, call);
Node* result = CreateNode({name, "_return_value"}, call);
result->type = Node::kFunctionCallReturnValue;
Node* cf_after = CreateNode({"CF_after_", name}, call);
auto default_severity = kUniformityFailuresAsError ? builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kError
: builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kWarning;
// Get tags for the callee.
CallSiteTag callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteNoRestriction};
FunctionTag function_tag = NoRestriction;
auto* sem = SemCall(call);
const FunctionInfo* func_info = nullptr;
[&](const sem::Builtin* builtin) {
// Most builtins have no restrictions. The exceptions are barriers, derivatives,
// some texture sampling builtins, and atomics.
if (builtin->IsBarrier()) {
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteRequiredToBeUniform, default_severity};
} else if (builtin->Type() == builtin::Function::kWorkgroupUniformLoad) {
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteRequiredToBeUniform, default_severity};
} else if (builtin->IsDerivative() ||
builtin->Type() == builtin::Function::kTextureSample ||
builtin->Type() == builtin::Function::kTextureSampleBias ||
builtin->Type() == builtin::Function::kTextureSampleCompare) {
// Get the severity of derivative uniformity violations in this context.
auto severity = sem_.DiagnosticSeverity(
call, builtin::CoreDiagnosticRule::kDerivativeUniformity);
if (severity != builtin::DiagnosticSeverity::kOff) {
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteRequiredToBeUniform, severity};
function_tag = ReturnValueMayBeNonUniform;
} else if (builtin->IsAtomic()) {
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteNoRestriction};
function_tag = ReturnValueMayBeNonUniform;
[&](const sem::Function* func) {
// We must have already analyzed the user-defined function since we process
// functions in dependency order.
auto info = functions_.Find(func->Declaration());
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, info != nullptr);
callsite_tag = info->callsite_tag;
function_tag = info->function_tag;
func_info = info;
[&](const sem::ValueConstructor*) {
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteNoRestriction};
function_tag = NoRestriction;
[&](const sem::ValueConversion*) {
callsite_tag = {CallSiteTag::CallSiteNoRestriction};
function_tag = NoRestriction;
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "unhandled function call target: " << name;
if (function_tag == ReturnValueMayBeNonUniform) {
// For each argument, add edges based on parameter tags.
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) {
if (func_info) {
auto& param_info = func_info->parameters[i];
// Capture the direct uniformity requirements.
switch (param_info.tag_direct.tag) {
case ParameterTag::ParameterValueRequiredToBeUniform:
case ParameterTag::ParameterContentsRequiredToBeUniform: {
case ParameterTag::ParameterNoRestriction:
// Capture the effects of this parameter on the return value.
switch (param_info.tag_retval.tag) {
case ParameterTag::ParameterValueRequiredToBeUniform:
case ParameterTag::ParameterContentsRequiredToBeUniform: {
case ParameterTag::ParameterNoRestriction:
// Capture the effects of other call parameters on the contents of this parameter
// after the call returns.
auto* sem_arg = sem_.GetVal(call->args[i]);
if (sem_arg->Type()->Is<type::Pointer>()) {
auto* ptr_result =
CreateNode({name, "_ptrarg_", std::to_string(i), "_result"}, call);
ptr_result->type = Node::kFunctionCallPointerArgumentResult;
ptr_result->arg_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(i);
if (param_info.pointer_may_become_non_uniform) {
} else {
// Add edge to the call to catch when it's called in non-uniform control
// flow.
// Add edges from the resulting pointer value to any other arguments that
// feed it. We distinguish between requirements on the source arguments
// value versus its contents for pointer arguments.
for (auto* source : param_info.ptr_output_source_param_values) {
for (auto* source : param_info.ptr_output_source_param_contents) {
// Update the current stored value for this pointer argument.
auto* root_ident = sem_arg->RootIdentifier();
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, root_ident);
current_function_->variables.Set(root_ident, ptr_result);
} else {
auto* builtin = sem->Target()->As<sem::Builtin>();
if (builtin && builtin->Type() == builtin::Function::kWorkgroupUniformLoad) {
// The workgroupUniformLoad builtin requires its parameter to be uniform.
} else {
// All other builtin function parameters are RequiredToBeUniformForReturnValue,
// as are parameters for value constructors and value conversions.
// Add the callsite requirement last.
// We traverse edges in reverse order, so this makes the callsite requirement take highest
// priority when reporting violations.
if (callsite_tag.tag == CallSiteTag::CallSiteRequiredToBeUniform) {
return {cf_after, result};
/// Traverse a graph starting at `source`, inserting all visited nodes into `reachable` and
/// recording which node they were reached from.
/// @param source the starting node
/// @param reachable the set of reachable nodes to populate, if required
void Traverse(Node* source, utils::UniqueVector<Node*, 4>* reachable = nullptr) {
utils::Vector<Node*, 8> to_visit{source};
while (!to_visit.IsEmpty()) {
auto* node = to_visit.Back();
if (reachable) {
for (auto* to : node->edges) {
if (to->visited_from == nullptr) {
to->visited_from = node;
/// Trace back along a path from `start` until finding a node that matches a predicate.
/// @param start the starting node
/// @param pred the predicate function
/// @returns the first node found that matches the predicate, or nullptr
template <typename F>
Node* TraceBackAlongPathUntil(Node* start, F&& pred) {
auto* current = start;
while (current) {
if (pred(current)) {
current = current->visited_from;
return current;
/// Recursively descend through the function called by `call` and the functions that it calls in
/// order to find a call to a builtin function that requires uniformity with the given severity.
const ast::CallExpression* FindBuiltinThatRequiresUniformity(
const ast::CallExpression* call,
builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
auto* target = SemCall(call)->Target();
if (target->Is<sem::Builtin>()) {
// This is a call to a builtin, so we must be done.
return call;
} else if (auto* user = target->As<sem::Function>()) {
// This is a call to a user-defined function, so inspect the functions called by that
// function and look for one whose node has an edge from the RequiredToBeUniform node.
auto target_info = functions_.Find(user->Declaration());
for (auto* call_node : target_info->RequiredToBeUniform(severity)->edges) {
if (call_node->type == Node::kRegular) {
auto* child_call = call_node->ast->As<ast::CallExpression>();
return FindBuiltinThatRequiresUniformity(child_call, severity);
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, false && "unable to find child call with uniformity requirement");
} else {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, false && "unexpected call expression type");
return nullptr;
/// Add diagnostic notes to show where control flow became non-uniform on the way to a node.
/// @param function the function being analyzed
/// @param required_to_be_uniform the node to traverse from
/// @param may_be_non_uniform the node to traverse to
void ShowControlFlowDivergence(FunctionInfo& function,
Node* required_to_be_uniform,
Node* may_be_non_uniform) {
// Traverse the graph to generate a path from the node to the source of non-uniformity.
// Get the source of the non-uniform value.
auto* non_uniform_source = may_be_non_uniform->visited_from;
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, non_uniform_source);
// Show where the non-uniform value results in non-uniform control flow.
auto* control_flow = TraceBackAlongPathUntil(
non_uniform_source, [](Node* node) { return node->affects_control_flow; });
if (control_flow) {
"control flow depends on possibly non-uniform value",
// TODO(jrprice): There are cases where the function with uniformity requirements is not
// actually inside this control flow construct, for example:
// - A conditional interrupt (e.g. break), with a barrier elsewhere in the loop
// - A conditional assignment to a variable, which is later used to guard a barrier
// In these cases, the diagnostics are not entirely accurate as they may not highlight
// the actual cause of divergence.
/// Add a diagnostic note to show the origin of a non-uniform value.
/// @param non_uniform_source the node that represents a non-uniform value
void ShowSourceOfNonUniformity(Node* non_uniform_source) {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, non_uniform_source);
auto var_type = [&](const sem::Variable* var) {
switch (var->AddressSpace()) {
case builtin::AddressSpace::kStorage:
return "read_write storage buffer ";
case builtin::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup:
return "workgroup storage variable ";
case builtin::AddressSpace::kPrivate:
return "module-scope private variable ";
return "";
auto param_type = [&](const sem::Parameter* param) {
if (ast::HasAttribute<ast::BuiltinAttribute>(param->Declaration()->attributes)) {
return "builtin ";
} else if (ast::HasAttribute<ast::LocationAttribute>(
param->Declaration()->attributes)) {
return "user-defined input ";
} else {
return "parameter ";
// Show the source of the non-uniform value.
[&](const ast::IdentifierExpression* ident) {
auto* var = sem_.GetVal(ident)->UnwrapLoad()->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
utils::StringStream ss;
if (auto* param = var->As<sem::Parameter>()) {
auto* func = param->Owner()->As<sem::Function>();
ss << param_type(param) << "'" << NameFor(ident) << "' of '" << NameFor(func)
<< "' may be non-uniform";
} else {
ss << "reading from " << var_type(var) << "'" << NameFor(ident)
<< "' may result in a non-uniform value";
diagnostics_.add_note(diag::System::Resolver, ss.str(), ident->source);
[&](const ast::Variable* v) {
auto* var = sem_.Get(v);
utils::StringStream ss;
ss << "reading from " << var_type(var) << "'" << NameFor(v)
<< "' may result in a non-uniform value";
diagnostics_.add_note(diag::System::Resolver, ss.str(), v->source);
[&](const ast::CallExpression* c) {
auto target_name = NameFor(c->target);
switch (non_uniform_source->type) {
case Node::kFunctionCallReturnValue: {
"return value of '" + target_name + "' may be non-uniform", c->source);
case Node::kFunctionCallArgumentContents: {
auto* arg = c->args[non_uniform_source->arg_index];
auto* var = sem_.GetVal(arg)->RootIdentifier();
utils::StringStream ss;
ss << "reading from " << var_type(var) << "'" << NameFor(var)
<< "' may result in a non-uniform value";
diagnostics_.add_note(diag::System::Resolver, ss.str(),
case Node::kFunctionCallArgumentValue: {
auto* arg = c->args[non_uniform_source->arg_index];
// TODO(jrprice): Which output? (return value vs another pointer argument).
"passing non-uniform pointer to '" + target_name +
"' may produce a non-uniform output",
case Node::kFunctionCallPointerArgumentResult: {
"contents of pointer may become non-uniform after calling '" +
target_name + "'",
default: {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "unhandled source of non-uniformity";
[&](const ast::Expression* e) {
"result of expression may be non-uniform", e->source);
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "unhandled source of non-uniformity";
/// Generate a diagnostic message for a uniformity issue.
/// @param function the function that the diagnostic is being produced for
/// @param source_node the node that has caused a uniformity issue in `function`
/// @param severity the severity of the diagnostic
void MakeError(FunctionInfo& function,
Node* source_node,
builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
// Helper to produce a diagnostic message, as a note or with the global failure severity.
auto report = [&](Source source, std::string msg, bool note) {
diag::Diagnostic error{};
error.severity = note ? diag::Severity::Note : builtin::ToSeverity(severity);
error.system = diag::System::Resolver;
error.source = source;
error.message = msg;
// Traverse the graph to generate a path from RequiredToBeUniform to the source node.
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, source_node->visited_from);
// Find a node that is required to be uniform that has a path to the source node.
auto* cause = TraceBackAlongPathUntil(source_node, [&](Node* node) {
return node->visited_from == function.RequiredToBeUniform(severity);
// The node will always have a corresponding call expression.
auto* call = cause->ast->As<ast::CallExpression>();
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, call);
auto* target = SemCall(call)->Target();
auto func_name = NameFor(call->target);
if (cause->type == Node::kFunctionCallArgumentValue ||
cause->type == Node::kFunctionCallArgumentContents) {
bool is_value = (cause->type == Node::kFunctionCallArgumentValue);
auto* user_func = target->As<sem::Function>();
if (user_func) {
// Recurse into the called function to show the reason for the requirement.
auto next_function = functions_.Find(user_func->Declaration());
auto& param_info = next_function->parameters[cause->arg_index];
is_value ? param_info.value : param_info.ptr_input_contents, severity);
// Show the place where the non-uniform argument was passed.
// If this is a builtin, this will be the trigger location for the failure.
utils::StringStream ss;
ss << "possibly non-uniform value passed" << (is_value ? "" : " via pointer")
<< " here";
report(call->args[cause->arg_index]->source, ss.str(), /* note */ user_func != nullptr);
// Show the origin of non-uniformity for the value or data that is being passed.
} else {
auto* builtin_call = FindBuiltinThatRequiresUniformity(call, severity);
// Show a builtin was reachable from this call (which may be the call itself).
// This will be the trigger location for the failure.
utils::StringStream ss;
ss << "'" << NameFor(builtin_call->target)
<< "' must only be called from uniform control flow";
report(builtin_call->source, ss.str(), /* note */ false);
if (builtin_call != call) {
// The call was to a user function, so show that call too.
utils::StringStream ss;
ss << "called ";
if (target->As<sem::Function>() != SemCall(builtin_call)->Stmt()->Function()) {
ss << "indirectly ";
ss << "by '" << func_name << "' from '" << << "'";
report(call->source, ss.str(), /* note */ true);
// Show the point at which control-flow depends on a non-uniform value.
ShowControlFlowDivergence(function, cause, source_node);
// Helper for obtaining the sem::Call node for the ast::CallExpression
const sem::Call* SemCall(const ast::CallExpression* expr) const {
return sem_.Get(expr)->UnwrapMaterialize()->As<sem::Call>();
} // namespace
bool AnalyzeUniformity(ProgramBuilder* builder, const DependencyGraph& dependency_graph) {
UniformityGraph graph(builder);
return graph.Build(dependency_graph);
} // namespace tint::resolver