blob: 1ad11c463db122e605db0eb9ebb42712ec7913e9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
{{- /* Collect all the conditionals used by all targets in this directory */}}
{{- $AllConditionals := $.DecomposedConditionals}}
load("//src/tint:flags.bzl", "COPTS")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
{{/* newline */}}
{{- Eval "TargetIfNotEmpty" ($.Project.Target $ "lib")}}
{{- Eval "TargetIfNotEmpty" ($.Project.Target $ "test")}}
{{- Eval "TargetIfNotEmpty" ($.Project.Target $ "bench")}}
{{- Eval "TargetIfNotEmpty" ($.Project.Target $ "cmd")}}
{{- Eval "TargetIfNotEmpty" ($.Project.Target $ "test_cmd")}}
{{- Eval "TargetIfNotEmpty" ($.Project.Target $ "bench_cmd")}}
{{- Eval "ConditionalRules" $AllConditionals}}
{{- /*
-- Emits a Bazel target if it contains any files
*/ -}}
{{- define "TargetIfNotEmpty"}}
{{- if $}}
{{- if len $.SourceFiles}}{{Eval "Target" $}}{{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Emits a Bazel target
*/ -}}
{{- define "Target"}}
{{- $Conditionals := $.Conditionals}}
{{- if $.Kind.IsLib -}}
name = "{{$.Directory.Name}}",
{{- else if $.Kind.IsTest -}}
name = "test",
alwayslink = True,
{{- else if $.Kind.IsBench -}}
name = "bench",
alwayslink = True,
{{- else if $.Kind.IsCmd -}}
name = "cmd",
{{- else if $.Kind.IsTestCmd -}}
name = "test_cmd",
{{- else if $.Kind.IsBenchCmd -}}
name = "bench_cmd",
{{- end}}
srcs = [
{{- range $File := $.UnconditionalSourceFiles}}
{{- if or (not $.Kind.IsLib) (HasSuffix $File.Name ".cc")}}
"{{TrimPrefix $File.Name $.Directory.Path}}",
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $Conditionals.HasSourceFiles}}
{{- range $Cond := $Conditionals}} + select({
{{- if $Cond.SourceFiles}}
":{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Cond.Condition}}": [
{{- range $File := $Cond.SourceFiles}}
"{{TrimPrefix $File.Name $.Directory.Path}}",
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
"//conditions:default": [],
{{- end}}
{{- end}},
{{- if $.Kind.IsLib}}
hdrs = [
{{- range $File := $.UnconditionalSourceFiles}}
{{- if not (HasSuffix $File.Name ".cc")}}
"{{TrimPrefix $File.Name $.Directory.Path}}",
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
deps = [
{{- /* Emit unconditional internal dependencies */}}
{{- range $Dep := $.Dependencies.UnconditionalInternal}}
"{{Eval "Dependency" $Dep}}",
{{- end}}
{{- /* Emit unconditional external dependencies */}}
{{- range $Dep := $.Dependencies.UnconditionalExternal}}
{{Eval "ExternalDependencyTarget" $Dep}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $Conditionals.HasDependencies}}
{{- range $Cond := $Conditionals}} + select({
{{- if or $Cond.InternalDependencies $Cond.ExternalDependencies}}
":{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Cond.Condition}}": [
{{- range $Dep := $Cond.InternalDependencies}}
"{{Eval "Dependency" $Dep}}",
{{- end}}
{{- range $Dep := $Cond.ExternalDependencies}}
{{Eval "ExternalDependencyTarget" $Dep}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
"//conditions:default": [],
{{- end}}
{{- end}},
copts = COPTS,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
{{/* newline */}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Emits a dependency target name
*/ -}}
{{- define "Dependency" -}}
{{- if $.Kind.IsLib -}}//src/tint/{{$.Directory.Path}}
{{- else if $.Kind.IsTest -}}//src/tint/{{$.Directory.Path}}:test
{{- else if $.Kind.IsBench -}}//src/tint/{{$.Directory.Path}}:bench
{{- else if $.Kind.IsCmd -}}//src/tint/{{$.Directory.Path}}:cmd
{{- else if $.Kind.IsTestCmd -}}//src/tint/{{$.Directory.Path}}:test_cmd
{{- else if $.Kind.IsBenchCmd -}}//src/tint/{{$.Directory.Path}}:bench_cmd
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Emits comma separated, quoted external dependency target name(s) with a trailing comma
-- External target names are declared in tools/src/cmd/gen/build/externals.json
*/ -}}
{{- define "ExternalDependencyTarget"}}
{{- if eq $.Name "abseil" -}}"@abseil_cpp//absl/strings",
{{- else if eq $.Name "glslang-res-limits" -}}{{/* unsupported */}}
{{- else if eq $.Name "glslang" -}}{{/* unsupported */}}
{{- else if eq $.Name "gmock" -}}"@gtest",
{{- else if eq $.Name "google-benchmark" -}}"@benchmark",
{{- else if eq $.Name "gtest" -}}"@gtest",
{{- else if eq $.Name "metal" -}}{{/* unsupported */}}
{{- else if eq $.Name "spirv-headers" -}}"@spirv_headers//:spirv_cpp11_headers", "@spirv_headers//:spirv_c_headers",
{{- else if eq $.Name "spirv-opt-internal" -}}"@spirv_tools//:spirv_tools_opt",
{{- else if eq $.Name "spirv-tools" -}}"@spirv_tools",
{{- else if eq $.Name "thread" -}}{{/* unsupported */}}
{{- else if eq $.Name "winsock" -}}{{/* unsupported */}}
{{- else -}}{{Error (printf "unhandled external dependency '%v'" $.Name)}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Emits all the conditional rules required by the targets
*/ -}}
{{- define "ConditionalRules"}}
{{- if $.Unarys}}
{{- range $Unary := $.Unarys}}
name = "{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Unary}}",
actual = "//src/tint:{{$Unary.Var}}_{{not $Unary.Negate}}",
{{/* newline */}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $.Ors}}
{{- range $Ors := $.Ors}}
name = "{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Ors}}",
match_any = [
{{- range $Unary := $Ors}}
"{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Unary}}",
{{- end}}
{{/* newline */}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $.Ands}}
{{- range $Ands := $.Ands}}
name = "{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Ands}}",
match_all = [
{{- range $Ors := $Ands}}
":{{Eval "ConditionTarget" $Ors}}",
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{/* newline */}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Emits a target name for a condition expression
*/ -}}
{{- define "ConditionTarget" -}}
{{- $C := $.String}}
{{- $C := Replace $C " && " "_and_"}}
{{- $C := Replace $C " || " "_or_"}}
{{- $C := Replace $C "!" "not_"}}
{{- $C := Replace $C "(" "_"}}
{{- $C := Replace $C ")" "_"}}
{{- $C := Replace $C " " "_"}}
{{- $C}}
{{- end}}