blob: a89bb1b3ae93c1071cc3cccc84a861723c2afe57 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package fileutils
import (
// ThisLine returns the filepath and line number of the calling function
func ThisLine() string {
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
if !ok {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", file, line)
// ThisDir returns the directory of the caller function
func ThisDir() string {
_, file, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
if !ok {
return ""
return filepath.Dir(file)
// DawnRoot returns the path to the dawn project's root directory or empty
// string if not found.
func DawnRoot() string {
return pathOfFileInParentDirs(ThisDir(), "DEPS")
// pathOfFileInParentDirs looks for file with `name` in paths starting from
// `path`, and up into parent directories, returning the clean path in which the
// file is found, or empty string if not found.
func pathOfFileInParentDirs(path string, name string) string {
sep := string(filepath.Separator)
path, _ = filepath.Abs(path)
numDirs := strings.Count(path, sep) + 1
for i := 0; i < numDirs; i++ {
test := filepath.Join(path, name)
if _, err := os.Stat(test); err == nil {
return filepath.Clean(path)
path = path + sep + ".."
return ""
// ExpandHome returns the string with all occurrences of '~' replaced with the
// user's home directory. The the user's home directory cannot be found, then
// the input string is returned.
func ExpandHome(path string) string {
if strings.ContainsRune(path, '~') {
if home, err := os.UserHomeDir(); err == nil {
return strings.ReplaceAll(path, "~", home)
return path
// NodePath looks for the node binary, first in dawn's third_party directory,
// falling back to PATH.
func NodePath() string {
if dawnRoot := DawnRoot(); dawnRoot != "" {
node := filepath.Join(dawnRoot, "third_party/node")
if info, err := os.Stat(node); err == nil && info.IsDir() {
path := ""
switch fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) { // See `go tool dist list`
case "darwin/amd64":
path = filepath.Join(node, "node-darwin-x64/bin/node")
case "darwin/arm64":
path = filepath.Join(node, "node-darwin-arm64/bin/node")
case "linux/amd64":
path = filepath.Join(node, "node-linux-x64/bin/node")
case "windows/amd64":
path = filepath.Join(node, "node.exe")
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
return path
if path, err := exec.LookPath("node"); err == nil {
return path
return ""