blob: 1ab78292897b8254d7af874722e9ee2db4037160 [file] [log] [blame]
<dawn>/src/tint/lang/msl/writer/printer/ internal compiler error: Mat4x4_ = struct @align(16) {
mx:vec4<f32> @offset(0)
my:vec4<f32> @offset(16)
mz:vec4<f32> @offset(32)
mw:vec4<f32> @offset(48)
ub_SceneParams = struct @align(16) {
u_Projection:Mat4x4_ @offset(0)
Mat4x2_ = struct @align(16) {
mx:vec4<f32> @offset(0)
my:vec4<f32> @offset(16)
ub_MaterialParams = struct @align(16) {
u_TexMtx:array<Mat4x2_, 1> @offset(0)
u_Misc0_:vec4<f32> @offset(32)
Mat4x3_ = struct @align(16) {
mx:vec4<f32> @offset(0)
my:vec4<f32> @offset(16)
mz:vec4<f32> @offset(32)
ub_PacketParams = struct @align(16) {
u_PosMtx:array<Mat4x3_, 32> @offset(0)
VertexOutput = struct @align(16) {
v_Color:vec4<f32> @offset(0), @location(0)
v_TexCoord:vec2<f32> @offset(16), @location(1)
member:vec4<f32> @offset(32), @builtin(position)
%b1 = block { # root
%global:ptr<uniform, ub_SceneParams, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%global1:ptr<uniform, ub_MaterialParams, read> = var @binding_point(0, 1)
%global2:ptr<uniform, ub_PacketParams, read> = var @binding_point(0, 2)
%a_Position1:ptr<private, vec3<f32>, read_write> = var
%a_UV1:ptr<private, vec2<f32>, read_write> = var
%a_Color1:ptr<private, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
%a_Normal1:ptr<private, vec3<f32>, read_write> = var
%a_PosMtxIdx1:ptr<private, f32, read_write> = var
%v_Color:ptr<private, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
%v_TexCoord:ptr<private, vec2<f32>, read_write> = var
%gl_Position:ptr<private, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
%Mat4x3GetCol0_ = func(%m:Mat4x3_):vec3<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%m1:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %m1, %m
%x_e2:Mat4x3_ = load %m1
%x_e5:Mat4x3_ = load %m1
%x_e8:Mat4x3_ = load %m1
%18:f32 = access %x_e2, 0u, 0u
%19:f32 = access %x_e5, 1u, 0u
%20:f32 = access %x_e8, 2u, 0u
%21:vec3<f32> = construct %18, %19, %20
ret %21
%Mat4x3GetCol1_ = func(%m2:Mat4x3_):vec3<f32> -> %b3 {
%b3 = block {
%m3:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %m3, %m2
%x_e2_1:Mat4x3_ = load %m3 # %x_e2_1: 'x_e2'
%x_e5_1:Mat4x3_ = load %m3 # %x_e5_1: 'x_e5'
%x_e8_1:Mat4x3_ = load %m3 # %x_e8_1: 'x_e8'
%28:f32 = access %x_e2_1, 0u, 1u
%29:f32 = access %x_e5_1, 1u, 1u
%30:f32 = access %x_e8_1, 2u, 1u
%31:vec3<f32> = construct %28, %29, %30
ret %31
%Mat4x3GetCol2_ = func(%m4:Mat4x3_):vec3<f32> -> %b4 {
%b4 = block {
%m5:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %m5, %m4
%x_e2_2:Mat4x3_ = load %m5 # %x_e2_2: 'x_e2'
%x_e5_2:Mat4x3_ = load %m5 # %x_e5_2: 'x_e5'
%x_e8_2:Mat4x3_ = load %m5 # %x_e8_2: 'x_e8'
%38:f32 = access %x_e2_2, 0u, 2u
%39:f32 = access %x_e5_2, 1u, 2u
%40:f32 = access %x_e8_2, 2u, 2u
%41:vec3<f32> = construct %38, %39, %40
ret %41
%Mat4x3GetCol3_ = func(%m6:Mat4x3_):vec3<f32> -> %b5 {
%b5 = block {
%m7:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %m7, %m6
%x_e2_3:Mat4x3_ = load %m7 # %x_e2_3: 'x_e2'
%x_e5_3:Mat4x3_ = load %m7 # %x_e5_3: 'x_e5'
%x_e8_3:Mat4x3_ = load %m7 # %x_e8_3: 'x_e8'
%48:f32 = access %x_e2_3, 0u, 3u
%49:f32 = access %x_e5_3, 1u, 3u
%50:f32 = access %x_e8_3, 2u, 3u
%51:vec3<f32> = construct %48, %49, %50
ret %51
%Mul = func(%m8:Mat4x4_, %v:vec4<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b6 {
%b6 = block {
%m9:ptr<function, Mat4x4_, read_write> = var
%v1:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
store %m9, %m8
store %v1, %v
%x_e4:Mat4x4_ = load %m9
%x_e6:vec4<f32> = load %v1
%x_e8_4:Mat4x4_ = load %m9 # %x_e8_4: 'x_e8'
%x_e10:vec4<f32> = load %v1
%x_e12:Mat4x4_ = load %m9
%x_e14:vec4<f32> = load %v1
%x_e16:Mat4x4_ = load %m9
%x_e18:vec4<f32> = load %v1
%65:vec4<f32> = access %x_e4, 0u
%66:f32 = dot %65, %x_e6
%67:vec4<f32> = access %x_e8_4, 1u
%68:f32 = dot %67, %x_e10
%69:vec4<f32> = access %x_e12, 2u
%70:f32 = dot %69, %x_e14
%71:vec4<f32> = access %x_e16, 3u
%72:f32 = dot %71, %x_e18
%73:vec4<f32> = construct %66, %68, %70, %72
ret %73
%Mul1 = func(%m10:Mat4x3_, %v2:vec4<f32>):vec3<f32> -> %b7 {
%b7 = block {
%m11:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
%v3:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
store %m11, %m10
store %v3, %v2
%x_e4_1:Mat4x3_ = load %m11 # %x_e4_1: 'x_e4'
%x_e6_1:vec4<f32> = load %v3 # %x_e6_1: 'x_e6'
%x_e8_5:Mat4x3_ = load %m11 # %x_e8_5: 'x_e8'
%x_e10_1:vec4<f32> = load %v3 # %x_e10_1: 'x_e10'
%x_e12_1:Mat4x3_ = load %m11 # %x_e12_1: 'x_e12'
%x_e14_1:vec4<f32> = load %v3 # %x_e14_1: 'x_e14'
%85:vec4<f32> = access %x_e4_1, 0u
%86:f32 = dot %85, %x_e6_1
%87:vec4<f32> = access %x_e8_5, 1u
%88:f32 = dot %87, %x_e10_1
%89:vec4<f32> = access %x_e12_1, 2u
%90:f32 = dot %89, %x_e14_1
%91:vec3<f32> = construct %86, %88, %90
ret %91
%Mul2 = func(%m12:Mat4x2_, %v4:vec4<f32>):vec2<f32> -> %b8 {
%b8 = block {
%m13:ptr<function, Mat4x2_, read_write> = var
%v5:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
store %m13, %m12
store %v5, %v4
%x_e4_2:Mat4x2_ = load %m13 # %x_e4_2: 'x_e4'
%x_e6_2:vec4<f32> = load %v5 # %x_e6_2: 'x_e6'
%x_e8_6:Mat4x2_ = load %m13 # %x_e8_6: 'x_e8'
%x_e10_2:vec4<f32> = load %v5 # %x_e10_2: 'x_e10'
%101:vec4<f32> = access %x_e4_2, 0u
%102:f32 = dot %101, %x_e6_2
%103:vec4<f32> = access %x_e8_6, 1u
%104:f32 = dot %103, %x_e10_2
%105:vec2<f32> = construct %102, %104
ret %105
%Mul3 = func(%v6:vec3<f32>, %m14:Mat4x3_):vec4<f32> -> %b9 {
%b9 = block {
%v7:ptr<function, vec3<f32>, read_write> = var
%m15:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %v7, %v6
store %m15, %m14
%x_e5_4:Mat4x3_ = load %m15 # %x_e5_4: 'x_e5'
%x_e6_3:vec3<f32> = call %Mat4x3GetCol0_, %x_e5_4 # %x_e6_3: 'x_e6'
%x_e7:vec3<f32> = load %v7
%x_e10_3:Mat4x3_ = load %m15 # %x_e10_3: 'x_e10'
%x_e11:vec3<f32> = call %Mat4x3GetCol1_, %x_e10_3
%x_e12_2:vec3<f32> = load %v7 # %x_e12_2: 'x_e12'
%x_e15:Mat4x3_ = load %m15
%x_e16_1:vec3<f32> = call %Mat4x3GetCol2_, %x_e15 # %x_e16_1: 'x_e16'
%x_e17:vec3<f32> = load %v7
%x_e20:Mat4x3_ = load %m15
%x_e21:vec3<f32> = call %Mat4x3GetCol3_, %x_e20
%x_e22:vec3<f32> = load %v7
%123:f32 = dot %x_e6_3, %x_e7
%124:f32 = dot %x_e11, %x_e12_2
%125:f32 = dot %x_e16_1, %x_e17
%126:f32 = dot %x_e21, %x_e22
%127:vec4<f32> = construct %123, %124, %125, %126
ret %127
%x_Mat4x4_ = func(%n:f32):Mat4x4_ -> %b10 {
%b10 = block {
%n1:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var
%o:ptr<function, Mat4x4_, read_write> = var
store %n1, %n
%x_e4_3:f32 = load %n1 # %x_e4_3: 'x_e4'
%133:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o, 0u
%134:vec4<f32> = construct %x_e4_3, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f
store %133, %134
%x_e11_1:f32 = load %n1 # %x_e11_1: 'x_e11'
%136:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o, 1u
%137:vec4<f32> = construct 0.0f, %x_e11_1, 0.0f, 0.0f
store %136, %137
%x_e18_1:f32 = load %n1 # %x_e18_1: 'x_e18'
%139:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o, 2u
%140:vec4<f32> = construct 0.0f, 0.0f, %x_e18_1, 0.0f
store %139, %140
%x_e25:f32 = load %n1
%142:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o, 3u
%143:vec4<f32> = construct 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, %x_e25
store %142, %143
%x_e27:Mat4x4_ = load %o
ret %x_e27
%x_Mat4x4_1 = func(%m16:Mat4x3_):Mat4x4_ -> %b11 {
%b11 = block {
%m17:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
%o1:ptr<function, Mat4x4_, read_write> = var
store %m17, %m16
%x_e4_4:Mat4x4_ = call %x_Mat4x4_, 1.0f # %x_e4_4: 'x_e4'
store %o1, %x_e4_4
%x_e7_1:Mat4x3_ = load %m17 # %x_e7_1: 'x_e7'
%151:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o1, 0u
%152:vec4<f32> = access %x_e7_1, 0u
store %151, %152
%x_e10_4:Mat4x3_ = load %m17 # %x_e10_4: 'x_e10'
%154:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o1, 1u
%155:vec4<f32> = access %x_e10_4, 1u
store %154, %155
%x_e13:Mat4x3_ = load %m17
%157:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o1, 2u
%158:vec4<f32> = access %x_e13, 2u
store %157, %158
%x_e15_1:Mat4x4_ = load %o1 # %x_e15_1: 'x_e15'
ret %x_e15_1
%x_Mat4x4_2 = func(%m18:Mat4x2_):Mat4x4_ -> %b12 {
%b12 = block {
%m19:ptr<function, Mat4x2_, read_write> = var
%o2:ptr<function, Mat4x4_, read_write> = var
store %m19, %m18
%x_e4_5:Mat4x4_ = call %x_Mat4x4_, 1.0f # %x_e4_5: 'x_e4'
store %o2, %x_e4_5
%x_e7_2:Mat4x2_ = load %m19 # %x_e7_2: 'x_e7'
%166:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o2, 0u
%167:vec4<f32> = access %x_e7_2, 0u
store %166, %167
%x_e10_5:Mat4x2_ = load %m19 # %x_e10_5: 'x_e10'
%169:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o2, 1u
%170:vec4<f32> = access %x_e10_5, 1u
store %169, %170
%x_e12_3:Mat4x4_ = load %o2 # %x_e12_3: 'x_e12'
ret %x_e12_3
%x_Mat4x3_ = func(%n2:f32):Mat4x3_ -> %b13 {
%b13 = block {
%n3:ptr<function, f32, read_write> = var
%o3:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %n3, %n2
%x_e4_6:f32 = load %n3 # %x_e4_6: 'x_e4'
%177:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o3, 0u
%178:vec4<f32> = construct %x_e4_6, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f
store %177, %178
%x_e11_2:f32 = load %n3 # %x_e11_2: 'x_e11'
%180:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o3, 1u
%181:vec4<f32> = construct 0.0f, %x_e11_2, 0.0f, 0.0f
store %180, %181
%x_e18_2:f32 = load %n3 # %x_e18_2: 'x_e18'
%183:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o3, 2u
%184:vec4<f32> = construct 0.0f, 0.0f, %x_e18_2, 0.0f
store %183, %184
%x_e21_1:Mat4x3_ = load %o3 # %x_e21_1: 'x_e21'
ret %x_e21_1
%x_Mat4x3_1 = func(%m20:Mat4x4_):Mat4x3_ -> %b14 {
%b14 = block {
%m21:ptr<function, Mat4x4_, read_write> = var
%o4:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
store %m21, %m20
%x_e4_7:Mat4x4_ = load %m21 # %x_e4_7: 'x_e4'
%191:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o4, 0u
%192:vec4<f32> = access %x_e4_7, 0u
store %191, %192
%x_e7_3:Mat4x4_ = load %m21 # %x_e7_3: 'x_e7'
%194:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o4, 1u
%195:vec4<f32> = access %x_e7_3, 1u
store %194, %195
%x_e10_6:Mat4x4_ = load %m21 # %x_e10_6: 'x_e10'
%197:ptr<function, vec4<f32>, read_write> = access %o4, 2u
%198:vec4<f32> = access %x_e10_6, 2u
store %197, %198
%x_e12_4:Mat4x3_ = load %o4 # %x_e12_4: 'x_e12'
ret %x_e12_4
%main1 = func():void -> %b15 {
%b15 = block {
%t_PosMtx:ptr<function, Mat4x3_, read_write> = var
%t_TexSpaceCoord:ptr<function, vec2<f32>, read_write> = var
%x_e15_2:f32 = load %a_PosMtxIdx1 # %x_e15_2: 'x_e15'
%204:i32 = convert %x_e15_2
%205:ptr<uniform, Mat4x3_, read> = access %global2, 0u, %204
%x_e18_3:Mat4x3_ = load %205 # %x_e18_3: 'x_e18'
store %t_PosMtx, %x_e18_3
%x_e23:Mat4x3_ = load %t_PosMtx
%x_e24:Mat4x4_ = call %x_Mat4x4_1, %x_e23
%x_e25_1:vec3<f32> = load %a_Position1 # %x_e25_1: 'x_e25'
%x_e29:Mat4x3_ = load %t_PosMtx
%x_e30:Mat4x4_ = call %x_Mat4x4_1, %x_e29
%x_e31:vec3<f32> = load %a_Position1
%213:vec4<f32> = construct %x_e31, 1.0f
%x_e34:vec4<f32> = call %Mul, %x_e30, %213
%215:ptr<uniform, Mat4x4_, read> = access %global, 0u
%x_e35:Mat4x4_ = load %215
%x_e37:Mat4x3_ = load %t_PosMtx
%x_e38:Mat4x4_ = call %x_Mat4x4_1, %x_e37
%x_e39:vec3<f32> = load %a_Position1
%x_e43:Mat4x3_ = load %t_PosMtx
%x_e44:Mat4x4_ = call %x_Mat4x4_1, %x_e43
%x_e45:vec3<f32> = load %a_Position1
%223:vec4<f32> = construct %x_e45, 1.0f
%x_e48:vec4<f32> = call %Mul, %x_e44, %223
%x_e49:vec4<f32> = call %Mul, %x_e35, %x_e48
store %gl_Position, %x_e49
%x_e50:vec4<f32> = load %a_Color1
store %v_Color, %x_e50
%227:ptr<uniform, vec4<f32>, read> = access %global1, 1u
%x_e52:vec4<f32> = load %227
%229:f32 = access %x_e52, 0u
%230:bool = eq %229, 2.0f
if %230 [t: %b16, f: %b17] { # if_1
%b16 = block { # true
%x_e59:vec3<f32> = load %a_Normal1
%232:ptr<uniform, Mat4x2_, read> = access %global1, 0u, 0i
%x_e64:Mat4x2_ = load %232
%x_e65:vec3<f32> = load %a_Normal1
%235:vec4<f32> = construct %x_e65, 1.0f
%x_e68:vec2<f32> = call %Mul2, %x_e64, %235
%237:vec2<f32> = swizzle %x_e68, xy
store %v_TexCoord, %237
%b17 = block { # false
%x_e73:vec2<f32> = load %a_UV1
%239:ptr<uniform, Mat4x2_, read> = access %global1, 0u, 0i
%x_e79:Mat4x2_ = load %239
%x_e80:vec2<f32> = load %a_UV1
%242:vec4<f32> = construct %x_e80, 1.0f, 1.0f
%x_e84:vec2<f32> = call %Mul2, %x_e79, %242
%244:vec2<f32> = swizzle %x_e84, xy
store %v_TexCoord, %244
%tint_symbol = @vertex func(%a_Position:vec3<f32> [@location(0)], %a_UV:vec2<f32> [@location(1)], %a_Color:vec4<f32> [@location(2)], %a_Normal:vec3<f32> [@location(3)], %a_PosMtxIdx:f32 [@location(4)]):VertexOutput -> %b18 {
%b18 = block {
store %a_Position1, %a_Position
store %a_UV1, %a_UV
store %a_Color1, %a_Color
store %a_Normal1, %a_Normal
store %a_PosMtxIdx1, %a_PosMtxIdx
%251:void = call %main1
%x_e11_3:vec4<f32> = load %v_Color # %x_e11_3: 'x_e11'
%x_e13_1:vec2<f32> = load %v_TexCoord # %x_e13_1: 'x_e13'
%x_e15_3:vec4<f32> = load %gl_Position # %x_e15_3: 'x_e15'
%255:VertexOutput = construct %x_e11_3, %x_e13_1, %x_e15_3
ret %255
unhandled variable address space
* The tint shader compiler has encountered an unexpected error. *
* *
* Please help us fix this issue by submitting a bug report at *
* with the source program that triggered the bug. *