blob: a75530626dce2273823820681f14e72b9de97bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
struct Out {
float4 x;
float4 y;
float4 z;
struct f_outputs {
float4 Out_x : SV_Target0;
float4 Out_y : SV_Target2;
float4 Out_z : SV_Target3;
struct f_inputs {
float4 fbf;
Out f_inner(float4 fbf) {
Out v = {(10.0f).xxxx, fbf, (30.0f).xxxx};
return v;
f_outputs f(f_inputs inputs) {
Out v_1 = f_inner(inputs.fbf);
Out v_2 = v_1;
Out v_3 = v_1;
Out v_4 = v_1;
f_outputs v_5 = {v_2.x, v_3.y, v_4.z};
return v_5;
DXC validation failure:
hlsl.hlsl:23:1: error: Semantic must be defined for all parameters of an entry function or patch constant function
f_outputs f(f_inputs inputs) {