blob: 23e0945b99245a3d1e9920e73808e8777e5e7f3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/tint/ast/function.h"
#include "src/tint/program_id.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/info.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/type_manager.h"
#include "src/tint/symbol_table.h"
namespace tint {
// Forward declarations
class CloneContext;
namespace ast {
class Module;
} // namespace ast
/// Program holds the AST, Type information and SymbolTable for a tint program.
class Program {
/// ASTNodeAllocator is an alias to BlockAllocator<ast::Node>
using ASTNodeAllocator = utils::BlockAllocator<ast::Node>;
/// SemNodeAllocator is an alias to BlockAllocator<sem::Node>
using SemNodeAllocator = utils::BlockAllocator<sem::Node>;
/// Constructor
/// Move constructor
/// @param rhs the Program to move
Program(Program&& rhs);
/// Move constructor from builder
/// @param builder the builder used to construct the program
explicit Program(ProgramBuilder&& builder);
/// Destructor
/// Move assignment operator
/// @param rhs the Program to move
/// @return this Program
Program& operator=(Program&& rhs);
/// @returns the unique identifier for this program
ProgramID ID() const { return id_; }
/// @returns a reference to the program's types
const sem::Manager& Types() const {
return types_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's AST nodes storage
const ASTNodeAllocator& ASTNodes() const {
return ast_nodes_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's semantic nodes storage
const SemNodeAllocator& SemNodes() const {
return sem_nodes_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's AST root Module
const ast::Module& AST() const {
return *ast_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's semantic info
const sem::Info& Sem() const {
return sem_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's SymbolTable
const SymbolTable& Symbols() const {
return symbols_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's diagnostics
const diag::List& Diagnostics() const {
return diagnostics_;
/// Performs a deep clone of this program.
/// The returned Program will contain no pointers to objects owned by this
/// Program, and so after calling, this Program can be safely destructed.
/// @return a new Program copied from this Program
Program Clone() const;
/// Performs a deep clone of this Program's AST nodes, types and symbols into
/// a new ProgramBuilder. Semantic nodes are not cloned, as these will be
/// rebuilt when the ProgramBuilder builds its Program.
/// The returned ProgramBuilder will contain no pointers to objects owned by
/// this Program, and so after calling, this Program can be safely destructed.
/// @return a new ProgramBuilder copied from this Program
ProgramBuilder CloneAsBuilder() const;
/// @returns true if the program has no error diagnostics and is not missing
/// information
bool IsValid() const;
/// Helper for returning the resolved semantic type of the expression `expr`.
/// @param expr the AST expression
/// @return the resolved semantic type for the expression, or nullptr if the
/// expression has no resolved type.
const sem::Type* TypeOf(const ast::Expression* expr) const;
/// Helper for returning the resolved semantic type of the AST type `type`.
/// @param type the AST type
/// @return the resolved semantic type for the type, or nullptr if the type
/// has no resolved type.
const sem::Type* TypeOf(const ast::Type* type) const;
/// Helper for returning the resolved semantic type of the AST type
/// declaration `type_decl`.
/// @param type_decl the AST type declaration
/// @return the resolved semantic type for the type declaration, or nullptr if
/// the type declaration has no resolved type.
const sem::Type* TypeOf(const ast::TypeDecl* type_decl) const;
/// A function that can be used to print a program
using Printer = std::string (*)(const Program*);
/// The Program printer used for testing and debugging.
static Printer printer;
Program(const Program&) = delete;
/// Asserts that the program has not been moved.
void AssertNotMoved() const;
ProgramID id_;
sem::Manager types_;
ASTNodeAllocator ast_nodes_;
SemNodeAllocator sem_nodes_;
ast::Module* ast_ = nullptr;
sem::Info sem_;
SymbolTable symbols_{id_};
diag::List diagnostics_;
bool is_valid_ = false; // Not valid until it is built
bool moved_ = false;
/// @param program the Program
/// @returns the ProgramID of the Program
inline ProgramID ProgramIDOf(const Program* program) {
return program->ID();
} // namespace tint